
Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Christmas Gift Guide - The Men

*This post may contain affiliate links.

Another week, another gift guide!  This week, the men!

Beer Cap Map – I know I’ve talked about this so many times on the blog, but we love ours and it makes for a really unique gift for all of the beer drinkers out there!

Portable Charger – I cannot even tell you how many times this charger has gotten us out of a pickle.  It’s a charging bank so you can charge all of your devices on the go or even when the power goes out.  It’s so lightweight that I sometimes carry it in my purse when we’re traveling in case we need a charge on the go!

Socks – Because, #duh. 

FitBit – For the healthy guys! 

LifeProof Case – B and I have both Lifeproof cases for our iPhones and they are AMAZING.  They are waterproof and shock proof… you can even take them under water.

The Mixer's Manual – For the at home bar tender… lots of fun drink recipes inside!

Bottle Opener – How cute are these?  There is one for each state so they are customizable for every guy!

Gloves – Okay, some of you southerners may not need these, but I know up north you do!

Bluetooth Headphones – Perfect for the guy who loves to work out and loves to listen to music.

Copper Mugs – I know, I know… another item that I’ve mentioned repeatedly on the blog, but we love ours and use ours so much I just can’t let it go!

House Slippers – Remember my slipper choice for the ladies?  Well, they have some for the men, too.  Now, my hubs would probably never wear these, but most normal guys probably would.  ;o)  Just kiddin', B.  I love you!

Portable Speaker – We have two portable speakers in our house and I’m constantly singing their praises.  Both get so much use!  And they are so tiny that you can just carry them around with you wherever you go!  These are perfect for the music lover.

So how did I do?  Anything that your husband is dying to have?

*Linking up with The Pleated Poppy for What I What I Wore, Pumps & Push Ups for Oh, Hey Girl! Link-Up, The Mummy ChroniclesTucker UpShopping My Closet for Style Me Wednesday, Classy Yet Trendy for Trendy Wednesday Link-Up, The Blended Blog and Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday and Three Boys and a Girl for Christmas Gift Link-Up.


  1. these are all great ideas! Patrick loves his moscow mule mugs!! We took this week off for our link up so be sure to link this post up next wednesday, I know so many will want to see all the ideas!! Happy Thanksgiving friend!

  2. You gave me a great idea to add to G's list - the mixers book would be perfect!! Happy Thanksgiving!! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  3. So cool, cannot go wrong with these for the guys in the fam. Moscow Mule mugs are always a good idea! Happiest of Thanksgivings to you sweet friend!! xo

  4. We have a portable charger and it is the best thing ever!

  5. These are great ideas and I think I would take a few of these gifts myself, lololol!

  6. My husband would love that beer cap map, and those slippers look so cozy! Happy Thanksgiving girlie <3
    Green Fashionista

  7. I totally included some of these in my guide too -- great minds think alike!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  8. So many great finds! Haha, yes we definitely need those gloves around here and a good pair of slippers is always a beautiful thing. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!! Sierra ~ Beautifully Candid

  9. Need all the help I can get in this department! Hope y'all had a fabulous Thanksgiving!

  10. my hubby got a portable speaker last year from my parents and it seriously gets used almost everyday around the house! Great gift ideas! xoxo ERIN

  11. I seriously just looked at that beer map today in the shape of Texas! I have a ton of bottle caps saved up and have been looking for something to use them in.

  12. These are great gift ideas! I need to remember the slippers for Brandon. Thanks for linking up with us today!

  13. That beer bottle map is great--my husband would love it!

  14. Why are guys so hard to shop for??

  15. Those socks are fantastic!! Great gift ideas.

  16. Nope, but don't feel bad; he's impossible to buy for and that's why I'm always checking out men's gift guides!


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