
Monday, November 13, 2017

The Weekend - An Extra Day & a Heartbreaking Game

*This post may contain affiliate links.

Before I get started recapping our long weekend, I just want to say from the bottom of my heart – thank you.  So many of you reached out to me this weekend after my big news and I’m thankful for each and every one of you and your kind words.  I’m still going through all of my emails, and I will respond as soon as I can.

Speaking of my news, I kicked off a long weekend with a handful of my favorite coworkers (though Adrienne isn’t technically a coworker anymore).  ;o)  We all met up at a local sports bar Thursday after work for dinner and drinks (and shots – eek!), and we ended up nearly shutting the place down.  We even capped off the night with some karaoke.  It was a great evening with even better people and I’m really going to miss seeing their faces every day.

Friday I was off for Veterans Day and Jacob was out of school, so the two of us had the day together.  I was a terrible blogger and managed to take zero pictures of our day together, but it went a little something like this: 

We spent the morning snuggling on the couch watching cartoons and we also practiced doing some of his magic tricks from the magic kit he received for his birthday back in July.  We met my dad at Chick-Fil-A for lunch and Jacob played on the playground for a long time while Daddy and I chatted. 

After lunch, Jacob and I went to visit my Nana (my Daddy’s mom) because she hasn’t been doing so well lately.  She has had a lot of health problems in recent years and she is also now completely blind as well as partially deaf.  Last week she fell and shattered her arm and she had to have surgery on Wednesday to repair it.  She was in good spirits but it was sad seeing her so frail.  In addition to shattering her arm she also hit her head, so she had a terrible black eye, and I think it upset Jacob a bit to see her in that condition.  If you are the praying type, prayers for her recovery – and also her strength – would be much appreciated.

After we spent some time with Nana, we headed over to my Momma’s office for a quick visit, and then we headed to Target to return a couple of things.  While we were there I had to check out their selection of newly stocked ugly Christmas sweaters… have you guys seen them?!  They have some great ones so if you’re in need of one for an ugly Christmas sweater party, make Target your first stop!  I mean, y'all, this Deck Yo'Self Before You Wreck Yo'Self sweater is everything!  It even comes with velcro ornaments that you can use to "decorate" your sweater.  #GoodStuff  And who doesn't love a good Your Mom joke?

After we left Target we headed to Olivia’s school to pick her up early.  I had toyed with the idea of just keeping her home Friday as well, but she has show and tell on Fridays and she was FINALLY going to get to bring her lipstick for letter “L” so I didn’t have the heart to make her miss it.  She has literally been talking about bringing her lipstick for show and tell for two weeks solid, so she was pretty much ecstatic.

We picked her up around 3:30 and we still had some time before B got off of work so we headed straight to the playground downtown by the river… probably our favorite playground in our whole city.  The weather Friday was sunny and crisp and lots of other people had the same idea that we did because the place was packed!  The kids played for a good 45 minutes before it was time to load up and meet Brian for dinner.

Since we were already downtown and Brian works downtown, we just decided to have dinner down there as well.  We tried a new-ish local burger joint that I have been wanting to try and we all loved it.  I’m sure we’ll be heading back again soon!  After our early bird dinner we took the kids to get ice cream since they had both been so well behaved all day.  I had that delicious s’mores ice cream and man oh man I still think it’s the best I’ve ever had locally.

The rest of the evening was spent catching up on shows and Stranger Things after the kiddos went to bed.  And when I say bed, I don't mean sleep for one of them who shall remain nameless:

Girlfriend just does what she wants!  B and I called it a night a little early-ish since Jacob is still waking up earlier from the time change.

Saturday we did nothing all day, y’all.  And when I say nothing, I mean nothing.  I honestly have no clue what all we did to pass the time, but I do know this… we never even left the house and I never left my leggings and Georgia fleece pullover.  And it was glorious.  It was one of those deliciously dreary days where the clouds hang low and dark all day but it never actually rains, and it was coooold out which was a nice change from all of this mild weather we’ve been having so far. 

My friends at Larabar sent me some new treats to try earlier this week and I tried one of their Nut & Seed bars Saturday afternoon for a snack.  SO GOOD, Y'ALL.  You already know about my love for the regular Larabars, so I was really excited to try the crunchy ones!  If you haven't tried them, you should.  They make the perfect snack and they have loads of protein.

The Georgia vs. Auburn game was Saturday afternoon and it is one of the biggest rival games in the south.  We always go to that game when it’s in Athens, but this year it was at Auburn so I happily (and thankfully) watched it from the couch.  We had been undefeated up until that point and we were also ranked #1 in college football, but we ended up losing which was, of course, heartbreaking.  Auburn is our least favorite team (to put it nicely – haha) so of all teams to lose to, that one is always the hardest to swallow.  We had beaten them the last three games, so they were due for a win, so I definitely wasn’t surprised… especially since they had home field advantage.  Fortunately Georgia has already clinched the east and we will be going to the SEC Championship game no matter what.  Auburn still has to get through Bama before they have the opportunity, so I’ll be rolling with the tide in two weeks when the teams play each other.  ;o)

Sunday was another blustery, overcast day.  The kids worked on homework and played with stickers all morning and then we had lunch with my MIL and step-FIL... we finally celebrated my step-FIL’s birthday that was back in October.  We spent a lot of time out in the back yard after lunch.  The kiddos were excited because they were able to dig in the dirt in the garden again since some of the beds aren’t currently growing anything.

The rest of the afternoon was spent being lazy at home again, and then we spent the evening at my parents’ house.  They didn’t cook last weekend since they were getting back from a trip to the mountains, so it was good to be back to our usual Sunday routine.  It was grey and cold out all evening and the time change made it dark by the time we arrived, but that just made the inside of their home even cozier.  I just love this time of year!

Well, as you’re reading this, I’m starting my last week as a working mom.  I’m still excited, I’m still sad, and I’m still scared, and I’m sure this week will be a roller coaster of emotions.  I intend to post four days this week, but with all of the craziness of this transition, don’t be surprised if there’s any silence on the blog and social media this week.  I’m sure I’ll be back in full force next week when I’m officially a stay-at-home-mom!  

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for WeekendingMy Glittery Heart for Hello Monday,  More Pieces of Me for Hello Monday Linkup, and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. What a great weekend except the GA game. I'm still shaking my head over that game! Ok...those Target sweaters are GREAT! my kids love "Your mom" jokes! HA I need that one!

    1. Haha. Aren't those sweaters the best? I love the Your Mom one!

  2. such a fun weekend! Tough Georgia loss, I too hate Auburn. I can't wait to watch the Tide roll over Georgia in the SEC championship..hahah! Have a great Monday!

  3. We were so surprised at the game Saturday!!! I thought Georgia's first drive down the field was going to be how the entire game went, but sadly that was the best thing y'all did. Literally still cannot believe Auburn won which means AL better get it in gear before the Iron Bowl because we played horribly against State!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  4. That game was heartbreaking as was ours..the Dawgs and the Irish were just off dang it! Your weekend looks so sweet, love those smiling faces. Happy Monday angel!

  5. I may have my first ugly sweater holiday party and I was so tempted to get one from target this weekend! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  6. I love that deck yoself before you wreck yoself christmas sweater! Cracks me up! Sounds like you had a great weekend - so nice that it was long and you got that extra one on one time with Jacob! And I spy a twinkly light tree in the background at your parents - I see where you get it from. :)

    1. Oh and just to add. I saw the end of the game at the gym on Saturday - I was so bummed for you guys!

  7. What a fun weekend! Ella always does the same as Olivia, reads a book in the dark when she is suppose to be sleeping! I'm just chalking it up to they will be very smart when they're older :) Those ugly Christmas sweaters are awesome!

  8. Glad you had a nice long weekend after all that stuff with work going on and it looked like the perfect way to unwind. Bummer on the game, we lost in the final minute too - heartbreaking! xoxo ERIN

  9. I don't know how I missed your announcement about your job. I'm so sorry that happened :( What a crummy situation. Whatever you do, you are going to rock it friend. And I feel you on the disappointing game. MSU got steamrolled by Ohio State this weekend, and it took all my power not to drop a few choice words.

    1. Thank you, Danielle. And yes, I saw that you guys got beaten badly, too. And don't feel bad... I DID drop a few choice words. Haha.

  10. Those sweaters are so fun! I will have to check them out. I was invited to one last year and there were some good ones people were wearing.

  11. Sorry about the game. Otherwise, it sounds like it was a great weekend. Those sweaters are hilarious. I think I need to break down and get one this year.

  12. That deck yo' self sweater is HILARIOUS. I love it. I think you need to consult with legal counsel regarding the HR issue. Just to make sure... their response doesn't seem appropriate. Have a great last week all the same.

  13. Super jealous that you had Veterans Day off, but yay for a fun night out with your co-workers which I'm sure was bittersweet. Love do nothing Saturdays, I need more of them in my life <3
    Green Fashionista

  14. I was thinking of you this weekend as Auburn was winning. Mr. kept me up to date as he is going to Auburn for his MBA. I was like on Lindsay must be dying right now! Like we're besties, ya know, the blogging thing to do. Good luck the rest of this week, and finding a new normal! You got this!

  15. Aren't relaxing weekends (where you don't leave the house and comfy clothes) just the best!?! We have those every once in awhile, especially when it's dreary out. I've been terribly sick, so this past weekend was one of those for us too.

    I was so sad when I saw Georgia had lost. I'm not anywhere near a fan as you are, but I was definitely cheering for them to win.

    I hope you have a great last week at work! Lucky you! ;)

    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  16. Bama fan here which means we always pull against Auburn, even with a son in college there. LOL. Sorry about that loss. Thanks for linking!


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