
Friday, December 8, 2017

Five on Friday – Faves

*This post may contain affiliate links.

Hello and happy Friday!  B and I are on another day date today so it’s going to be a great one!  More Christmas shopping, lunch out, and maybe even another movie are on deck for today and I am really looking forward to it!  Plus, the weather has finally cooled off and the high today is only 39 with a chance of snow flurries!!!!  If that doesn’t put us in a Christmas mood then I don’t know what will! 

But first, some faves!

O N E – Cold Weather Clothes

Now that the weather is finally cooling down, I am loving wearing all things cold weather.  My ruffled buffalo plaid vest from Amazon arrived and I have worn it a couple of times.  You guys, I LOVE IT SO MUCH.  Get yours here!

Another cold weather clothing favorite?  This toddler girlsdress from Target.  Y’all, it is so flipping cute!  Look at those sweet little sleeves!  I cannot wait to see Olivia in this and I SO wish that they had it in my size.  It is perfect for Christmas programs at school, Christmas Eve mass, and even Christmas Day!  Girlfriend loves dresses and pretty much lives in them so it’s a must to buy cold weather dresses when we see them.  If you have a little girl who doesn't like dresses there is also a top that is very similar and it's on clearance for just $8.48!

T W O – #BigBoyStatus

Jacob has reached a huge milestone… no more harness seatbelt in the car!!!!  For the first time in his life, he is rocking the adult seatbelt (with his car seat, of course) and he is loving this new freedom because he is able to get himself in and out of the car all by himself now!  He is a tiny peanut so we waited a little longer to make the switch, but now that it’s done we’re all very happy!  It also makes car line pick-up waaaay easier!

T H R E E – Being a SAHM

Can I just say that I am L-O-V-I-N-G being a stay-at-home mom?!  Yes, I miss interaction with adults during the day, but goodness gracious everything else about staying home is incredible… 

Early morning grocery shopping and having the store to myself.

Actually having time to browse at the grocery store.  Browse?  What’s that?!

Making coffee in my new Keurig and actually being able to enjoy it while it’s still hot because I’m not being called into some random meeting or being buried under a pile of work and forgetting about it.

Early morning workouts and being able to work out as long as I want.

Having time to get Christmas cards done.

Checking things off the to-do list that have been on the to-do list forever.

Not feeling like I’m constantly rushing all. the. time.

No more road rage because I now have the luxury of taking my time.  Well, mostly.  ;o)

Having extra hours with the kids in the afternoon and sitting down to enjoy a snack with them and discuss their day instead of doing all of this while trying to cook at the same time.

It’s just really, really great and I’m so blessed to have this opportunity.  I’m definitely not taking it for granted.

Now to figure out how to make money from home so I can continue staying at home!

F O U R – Gift Lists

Did you see my series of gift lists during these last couple of weeks?  Head on over if you still have some shopping to do!  There’s something for everyone!

F I V E – An Oldie But a Goodie

Anybody remember this post from last year?  It’s very popular on Pinterest right now!  Head on over to see how to make one for yourself!

Enjoy the weekend, y’all!  

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. Enjoy your day date!! Love the vest! I ordered it in red and black!! :)
    Look at Jacob looking all big!
    So glad you are LOVING SAHM life!! I knew you if we just lived closer together we could meet for coffee! Or maybe we will just have to meet half way one day! :)

  2. I would LOVE to just be a stay at home wife haha!!! I'm glad you're enjoying your time at home and hopefully, you can keep it that way!! Love your sunglasses!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  3. Early morning grocery shipping is the BEST!! Ahhh, that grape ornament, still love it so much, I sent a friend of mine your post and she made it for her wine tree!!! LOVE your vest!!

  4. I love grocery shopping after I drop the boys at school..there is no one ever there. Except Thursdays...thats senior day and I made the mistake of going last week hahahah. Have a great weekend!

  5. Yayyy for enjoying being home! Love that buffalo plaid vest, Amazon is amazing for clothes!!!

  6. I knew you would love being home :) It's been such a blessing for me, sure there are hard days and sacrifices but I am so thankful for this season in life :). PS Yay for your pin!!! How exciting! xoxo ERIN

  7. I always shop in the morning (of course I'm usually with kids in toe), and I love that it isn't crowded! I'm go glad you are loving being a SAHM! When you figure out how to make money let me know! ;)

  8. Yayyyyyy! I'm soooooo glad you love being home!

  9. So glad you are happy staying home. Where did you get that cute stand for your mugs and kcups?

  10. LOVE your new vest! All the reasons you listed for being a SAHM are exactly why I'm hoping to get there someday soon. I'm sooooo sick of rushing around for everything, and never truly being int he moment. Being able to browse at the grocery store, and not dealing with traffic every single day would be glorious. Enjoy your date day <3
    Green Fashionista

  11. I am so glad that the SAHM life is working for you!!! It sounds glorious! That vest is super cute - I saw one in red and green and feel like I need it for the holidays, haha!

  12. Hmm now you have me thinking about that vest...
    That little Target dress is just the cutest! Look at Jacob in his big boy seat. I love that you get to experience all of that. I'm not trying to downplay any stay at home because I know all of our work is tough and there are advantages and disadvantages, but I've always wondered if it's as amazing as it seems coming from a "working mom's" perspective. Sometimes I really just want to say, oh mama you don't know the half of what it's like to be on the other side. I hope you enjoy your day date and have a great weekend!! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  13. I really enjoy being a SAHM. Being able to grocery shop when the stores aren't crowded is the best. Also, the same applies for shopping at the mall.

    1. Yes, that will be nice, too! I love avoiding the crowds! Such a time saver!

  14. The best part of the boosters are the ease of them being able to buckle themselves. Marissa is out of a car seat as of this summer AND she can sit in the front seat now too!!! But, she is nearly 5' tall and not even 9.5 yet, lolololol!

    Where the heck do you shop. My stores never look like that during the day.

  15. LOVE that vest and I'm so happy to hear you are enjoying being a SAHM! 😍


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