
Thursday, January 4, 2018

New Year's Weekend

*This post may contain affiliate links.

I’m finally recapping our New Year’s weekend… we’ve been living our best lives over here these last couple of weeks caught in that time between Christmas and New Year’s where you don’t know what day it is, where you’re supposed to be, or who you even are and my blogging schedule got all kinds of botched because of it.  No worries, though, because I’m getting our weekend recapped today… a few days late!  ;o) 

I left off in my last weekend recap with Christmas and the day after Christmas when we went to the aquarium with my bro and SIL, and then the day after that, December 27, we literally never left the house nor did I even get dressed.  Winning!  Brian did have to work that day, but the kiddos and I stayed home all day and they played with toys while I started cleaning and taking down some of the upstairs Christmas decorations.  I also started purging the Christmas decorations we never use and it feels SO GOOD to be getting rid of stuff that I’ve been hanging onto for years!

Jacob sat in the same spot all day long doing Legos and he almost completed his Lego Ninjago ship that was 2,295 pieces.  Never mind that the suggested ages to put it together are 9-14… he’s only six, but he’s a BOSS.  The boy loves his Legos!  Here he is the next day when he finished it!

The next day… Thursday, the 28th I guess it was?  (See, all out of sorts.)  That day B had to work again so the kids and I hung around the house some more, and then when he got home we decided to get the kids out of the house and we took them to Target so they could spend some of their Christmas money.  We told each of them they could spend $20 so Jacob picked out a Spiderman web shooter and gloves set and Olivia picked out a Shimmer and Shine magic carpet set, which was funny, because we have never watched that show ever nor did any of us know who they were.  Lol. 

Side note, did you know that Target puts almost their entire selection of toys on clearance after Christmas?!  I had NO clue, but I will definitely be going to scope that out again next year.  We were able to get this Beauty and the Beast Tea Set for Olivia’s birthday for 30% off!!  SCORE!  And her Shimmer and Shine thingy was marked down to just $8.68.

After Target we headed to my parents’ house for my brother’s birthday dinner.  We spent the evening snuggling with the baby and celebrating Zach and it was bittersweet because we had to say goodbye for possibly another year as they had to head back to Texas two days later.  Before we all left, we snapped a few pictures of my parents with all of their grandchildren.  <3

Friday morning we were all off again and it was spent cleaning, taking down more Christmas decorations, and working on a few projects around the house.  B got Jacob’s other car seat changed over to the regular seatbelt, and he also installed Olivia’s two new car seats because she’s now big enough to use a regular seat belt as well.  Where oh where did my babies go?! 

In addition to cleaning, I also worked on getting our New Year’s bar cart all decorated and I worked on a few blogging things. 

Late Friday afternoon the kids were just bouncing off the walls so we left the house a little early and took the kids to the playground to run off some steam before heading to my MIL’s to celebrate Christmas.  It has been insanely cold here the last few weeks and the kids have barely seen the light of day.  We’ve been cooped up forever so it was nice to let them run around a bit… even if we all almost lost fingers and toes to frostbite in the process.  ;o)

Dinner at my MIL’s was pizza so we could all have something easy and different since we had been eating Christmas food for so long.  After dinner the kids opened Christmas presents, Jacob’s favorite gift being a remote control car and Olivia’s favorite being a cat that acts like a real live cat.  Once gifts were open, we all headed back into the dining room for cake and ice cream to celebrate our nephew’s sixteenth birthday.  How he’s sixteen already is blowing my mind… he was only two when B and I started dating. 

Saturday started with me almost burning our house down.  No, really.  I literally caused a fire and I’m so thankful for smoke alarms that alerted us quickly so nothing was damaged, and most importantly, everyone was safe.  Let me back up…

Saturday morning I was still cleaning all the things and I decided to finally sanitize the mountain of medicine droppers that had been piling up.  Both kids were sick in the month of December and both took medicine at night, so we had used all of our medicine droppers.  I always like to boil them to sterilize them, so I put a pot of water on the back burner, plopped the medicine droppers in, turned the heat to high, and then I went back upstairs to finish my makeup while they boiled. 

Before I go any further, the kids and Maui were all upstairs with us getting ready.  I would have never left boiling water if they were anywhere nearby. 

Well, my dumb self got distracted and instead of going down and turning it off in five minutes, I was alerted fifteen minutes later by the smoke alarms.  I tore down the stairs, and yep, the pot was still on the back burner just a blazing away.  Literally.  The fire was so high it was literally touching the bottom of the microwave which hangs above the stove.  I started frantically looking for the fire extinguisher and meanwhile, B took a cup of water and tossed it on the fire putting it out instantly. 

After all was said and done there was no damage.  The microwave is fine, the stove is fine, my new Keurig which was sitting right next to the burner was fine, and even the pot that the fire was in was fine after some scrubbing.  The medicine droppers, however, well, there was no trace of any of them.  They completely burned up.  Lol.

The house was super smoky so we sent the kids outside, opened all of the windows, and then left to go have Christmas with my FIL.  The moral of the story here is this:  never, EVER leave anything on the stove unattended.  I’m the type of person who is always with the program, so if this could happen to me it could happen to anyone.  I don’t think I’ve ever felt so dumb in my whole life.  I still can’t believe that I forgot about it.

Anyyyywaaaayyyy, haha.  We spent the rest of the afternoon celebrating Christmas at my father-in-law’s, going to church, and then going out for Mex with my parents afterward.  I needed Jesus and a giant marg after the morning I had.  Haha.

That evening when we got home, the fuse blew in our tree AGAIN and B had to replace it, but I was just thankful that we still had a tree for the fuse to blow out!  It could have been burned down with the rest of the house if it wasn’t for good smoke alarms.  ;o)

Sunday (NYE) the whole tree and the rest of the Christmas décor came down, the house was scrubbed and tidied until it was completely spotless, so we could roll into the new year clean, tidy, and with the program! 

We went to my parents’ house for Sunday dinner.  Momma always makes a pot of White Chicken Chili on NYE, and then we headed back to our house to do some fireworks that B had picked up earlier in the day.  Olivia had talked a big game saying that she was excited for the fireworks, but the second that the first one made a noise, she hightailed it in the house where she and I watched Elsa sing Let it Go and Moana sing How Far I’ll Go to distract her from the fireworks mania that continued just outside our door.

We put the kids to bed a little before ten and then B and I snuggled in by the fire to ring in the new year at midnight. I cannot tell you how happy I was to say goodbye to 2017.  We can now add “Lindsay almost burned the house down” to our list of crap that happened in 2017.  Haha.

New Year’s Day we literally sat around watching college football all. day. long.  Since we had scrubbed and tidied the day before, I had the luxury of just doing nothing all day New Year’s Day and that’s what I’m going to start doing from now on.  Normally I wait to take our tree down and clean that day, but I decided not to do that this year, and I probably won’t ever do it again.  It was SO NICE to have all the things put away and cleaned before New Year’s Day.

I drank coffee all morning in my PJs and watched College Game Day (and the kids play Twister) and then I changed into my lucky shirt halfway through the day and switched to beer at 5 o’clock when our Dawgs started to play in the Rose Bowl.  I did get a little bit of meal planning done, so that was productive at least!


We are so thrilled!! 

And if New Year’s Day was any indicator of how the rest of this year is going to go, well then, it’s going to be a mighty fine year!

Cheers to 2018!

*Linking up with Home of Malones for Thoughts for Thursday.


  1. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday and a prosperous new year!
    On Japanese New Year 's customs;
    Adults put money in a special envelope and give it to children.
    This is called "otoshidama" and many children look forward to it very much!

    1. Happy New Year!!
      May this New Year be special in every way ... bringing you the gift of love and excitement.
      I will introduce Japanese New Year's customs.
      In Japan, there is a New Year holiday where family and relatives get together.
      On New Year, Japanese children receive gifts of money known as "Otoshidama".
      Otoshidama is given to children by adult relatives such as uncles, aunts and grandparents.
      The amount of Otoshidama grows as the child older, for example, 1000 yen for children under 10, and 3000 yen for children over 10.
      Otoshidama is one of the exciting traditions of New Year, which children look forward to very much.

  2. So much FUN!!!
    That game...oh my heart! But we can't wait for Monday night!!

  3. What a perfect few days!! Glad the fire happened in 2017, last year’s drama ha. Scary though! Thanks for the just never know. Good reminder to everyone. I loved your NYE pics. The kids looked so involved. So sweet!! Happy New Year Linds!!

  4. How scary was that fire?! So glad that your alarms worked and nothing was damaged!

    On the plus side, I bet winning that game feels amazing. Hope 2018 has continued to be just as awesome as that!

  5. When you started about sanitizing the medicine droppers I was thinking wow, you're really telling us everything you did! lol. So scary! Glad everything else over the past week went well!

  6. Ohhh no!! Your poor kitchen!! I've done that once, and it's certainly scary! Glad it wasn't any worse though.
    You guys had a few great days! I was sad to get all my Christmas stuff done, but really once it was done I was glad to have my house back to normal.

    The GA game was really quite incredible! College football isn't a big thing around here at all, but we did watch it. I texted Heather at one point and said she must be going crazy!!
    We'll hope for a win for them on Monday!!

    Happy Thursday!

  7. Oh my goodness I'm sure that fire was so scary! I'm go glad it didn't cause any damage and thank goodness for smoke detectors! What an exciting football game! Cheering for you guys next week!

  8. I agree about the purging of Christmas decorations you never use! I did that as well and really organized my things as I put them away. I am going to be so happy next year when I pull all of the buckets out of the attic and remember I did that. Haha! Mason loves Legos as well, but his ADHD keeps him from putting together the bigger sets. He can’t stay focused. So Mom usually gets recruited to help! That’s impressive that he put that huge ship together. Whoa! So glad you are all okay and there was no damage done by the fire. That’s totally something I would do. Every time we leave the house for church I stress the whole way there “did I leave anything on?” I’m still sad about the Rose Bowl! It was a good game and my team (OU) had a great season! But dang, that loss was hard. It was hard to be mad when 2 or 3 of the Georgia players gave Glory to God!! Gotta love that. Happy New Year!

  9. oh man that fire, crazy scary! Why I always set a timer when I walk away from the stove. The timer on our oven keeps going off really loud until someone turns it off, so I usually set that. Now want to come to my house to take down all the Christmas stuff? So not looking forward to that! But I guess the sooner I get it done, the sooner the house will be clean and tidy again. Happy New Year!

  10. GIRL!!! That is super scary! Super glad your smoke alarms worked too. I'm totally impressed with Jacob's lego building skills. And that game...goodness it was a great one and we were thrilled Georgia came away with it!

  11. oh my gosh, that fire!! that's terrifying!! I totally cooked a thing of mac n cheese last year with no water and it caught fire in our scary! Glad nothing major happened. other than that sounds like a great weekend. and I know you're pumped ab the Dawgs! We watched with our georgia fan friends. I can't wait to watch Bama beat them on Monday...haha

  12. Ahhh my heart stopped when I read "fire"! So glad you all and your home are okay! How scary! Side note - isn't purging the best.feeling.ever??

    1. Thank you! Yes, my heart stopped when I saw it blazing. It was the scariest thing. And YES, purging is fantastic! It makes me feel so much lighter!

  13. What a great time celebrating! I'm glad nothing major happened with the fire. That is so scary though! I love all of the NYE pics!!

  14. Well...I"m so glad you didn't actually burn down the house. Haha! I've almost done that, too! Love the family pics from New Year's Eve. It sounds like you had a good break!

    1. Thank you! We did have a great break! It has been so nice spending so much time with the kids!

  15. I hate when I do dumb stuff like that, it's like really, I'm not that dumb LOL!! So glad everything was OK!! Wow, Jacob is seriously amazing at legos!!! Future engineer!! Love the NYE pics with the kids!

  16. How did I miss this post!? You have been so busy, but looks like so much fun!! I also love that you have the Twilight Series... I do too. ;)

  17. Wow, I'm impressed your little boy completed the Lego ship that quick! Looks like it was a good Christmas (even with the fire mishap!) Here's wishing you a great 2018.

    1. Thank you!! Yes, he is a wiz at putting Legos together!


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