
Monday, January 22, 2018

Snow Day & The Weekend

This past Tuesday all of the schools announced they were closing Wednesday in anticipation of the winter weather that was headed our way.  Down here in the south when it comes to snow it’s hit or miss, though, so we all went to bed wondering if there would even be any snow on the ground the next day.

The kids were up bright and early the next morning to check, and lo and behold, we had gotten a TON!  So at 7 AM we all bundled up and headed straight outside before the sun was even up.  No breakfast first, no nothing… all they wanted to do was play in the snow! 

We ended up getting about 3-4 inches at our house and we had the good powdery real snow like you Northerners get… we never have that here!  Normally when it snows here in Georgia (and we only get it once every 4-5 years) it’s all wet and icy and you can’t really do anything with it nor do you really want to touch it because you’ll end up all wet.  This snow, my friends, was ah-mazing!  It was soft and powdery and glittery, and we could blow it out of our hands like confetti.  So.  Much.  Fun.

We let the kids play for about 20 minutes and then it was time to go in because it was dangerously cold… I think when we went out there the first time it was around 18 degrees and the wind chill was a mere 5.  That, friends, is something that we never see here. 

After breakfast and a little bit of cartoons, we bundled up once more and headed back out.  Olivia would have stayed out there all day if we had let her, but Jacob was ready to go in after about 10 minutes.  Lol.  Again, we weren’t able to stay out long because the temp continued to drop all morning and it was ridiculously cold.  Not to mention we’re just not equipped for weather like that down here.  Neither of our kids has a real jacket and only Olivia had actual waterproof mittens.  And I’m not really even sure why she had those to be honest with you!  Haha.

Another thing for all of you northerners to note is that we so rarely get snow here in Georgia that we don’t have salt trucks and shovels and scrapers, so when we get so much as a half of an inch it completely shuts down the whole city.  We wouldn’t have even been able to get out of our driveway if we wanted to.  They said on the news the next day that there were more than 100 car accidents just in our city alone because the roads were so dangerous.  I honestly don’t know why anybody would have even tried!

The rest of the day was spent snuggling on the couch trying to keep warm.  B was able to work from home and he kept a fire in the fireplace most of the day and the kids watched cartoons while I read and relaxed.

Late that afternoon the kids decided they wanted to get out for one last round, so B bundled them up and took them out while I cooked.  They made snow angels and ran around and I went out to join them for the last few minutes before dinner was ready.  As you can see I’m already sporting my pajamas and I never even put on makeup since we never had to leave the house!

The kids ended up being out of school the next day again for another snow day because the temps never got above freezing so the roads were still too dangerous to navigate that morning.  That meant we had another morning of snow playing and hanging out at home.  By lunchtime, the temps were in the 40s and some of the snow and ice finally started to melt so B went in to work and I loaded the kids up to get them out of the house for a few errands – an allergy shot for me and a Walmart trip! 

It was a wonderful couple of days unexpectedly spent at home, but I was SO ready for them to go back to school on Friday!!  When they’re home, my productivity levels plummet!  This summer should be interesting.  Haha.

Friday after school we decided to stay home.  B picked up pizza on the way home and then we had a family movie night.  We watched Inside Out and, y’all, it was SO GOOD!  Have y’all seen it??  I know we’re behind because it’s a few years old, but I LOVED it.  Probably one of my favorite kid movies I’ve seen in a long time!

Saturday morning we were up and out of the house early because Olivia had to be at her new school for next year for her Pre-K 4 assessment.  The teacher said that she made it through the assessment in record time and she did great!  She will be joining Jacob in the fall at my alma mater (and the school that is affiliated with our church) and I could not be more excited to finally have her there!  It’s going to be wonderful only having one pick-up and drop-off, and it’s going to be exciting to know that she and Jacob have each other and they’re both a one minute walk to my mom’s office (she works in the church office).  We love our church and school family so much and it really means a lot that both of our babies will be there together next year! 

After that we headed to the city library to load up on AR books for Jacob since he’s rolling right through them faster than he can go to the library at school.  After the library we went to the playground behind the library because it was 50 degrees and sunny!  Woo hoo!  A heat wave compared to what we had all week!

The rest of the day was spent working on Jacob’s 100 Day project for school, working in my office cleaning off my bookshelves, going to church, going to Mexican for dinner (I swear our kids would eat Mex for every meal if we would let them!), and then going to Dairy Queen for dessert!  Because naturally, the best dessert to eat when it’s freezing outside is ice cream.  Hehe.

Sunday morning we finished up Jacob’s project and then we headed to my MIL and step-FIL’s for lunch.  It was 70 degrees Sunday afternoon so we played out in the yard for a long time and soaked up the sunshine.  I think it was the first day I didn’t wear boots or tennis shoes in almost a month!  The kids made mud in Nana’s garden and it was hard to believe that it had snowed earlier in the week. 

Sunday evening we celebrated my uncle’s birthday at my parents’ house.  My momma made his favorite dish of hers – vegetable lasagna – and we had cake for dessert.

It was a great week followed by a great weekend with tons of family time, but now this Momma is ready for a normal week this week… we need to get back on a schedule!  It feels like we’ve just been running wild since mid-December!!

Here’s to a productive Monday!  

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*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. Y'all had more snow that we got! But I loved that once it fell it was powdery! And I said the same thing about the weather yesterday! I wanted to put on my flip flops and couldn't believe that earlier this week we were under a freeze warning haha! Weather in the South....
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  2. SNOW much fun! It was just crazy that we got snow on Tuesday and 70 on Sunday! Y'all had a great weekend! I'm with you...I need routine!! :)

  3. LOVE these snow pictures to pieces and your Hunters...CUTE and perfect! Hope it's a super start to your week beautiful!

  4. we got snow too! It was fun for a day and then I was over it. I now have had my snow fix for the year and am ready for nicer weather!

  5. This is certainly a winter you will not forget!! I'm loving that elsa sign you made for the snow LOL! xo,Biana-BlovedBoston

  6. The weather is so wild. I'm in PA and we are up to 50 this week (which is warm for us haha!) so I know all us crazy PA folks will be running around half naked outside to celebrate. ROFL!

  7. Love all of your snow pictures!! I Love that in the south we can go from frozen tundra to a summer day in less than 4 days. It makes snow days a little more bearable. Have a great Monday.

  8. That is the best kind of snow.. I'm so glad the kids get to play and enjoy it! Now it's time to move on from snow to some nice spring sunshine! (:

  9. Okay... we need to see more pictures of your dog! Haha!! SO SO cute! So funny how your post starts with the kids playing in the snow and ends with Jacob in a sleeveless top. LOL. So typical southern weather. :) Have a good week, Lindsay!

  10. Yay for snow!! It is so much fun to play with the kids in it! The cold, not so much fun. :)

  11. I am sure I sound like everyone else but it's funny to see your kids all bundled up in the first pictures and then Jacob in a sleeveless tee in the last. We got to open our windows Saturday with the 50 degree weather and it made me want to wash all the sheets and just freshen up! Loved it! It's supposed to be mild all week which in the North is just a novelty :) xoxo ERIN

  12. I am so glad you guys got some snow that you could actually play in!! My best friend lives in LaGrange, GA and she posted a video of cars off the road all over the place. It was insane!
    Glad you guys had a good weekend as well!

  13. Snow days were so much more fun when my kids were excited about snow and put their snow suits on over their jammies because they couldn't wait to get outside.
    Teens mainly want to sleep late on a snow day . . . but a quiet house and an extra cup of coffee with a beautiful scene out the window is nothing to complain about, I suppose.

    1. Haha. Yes, I suppose they do! But you are so right... there's not much more magical than seeing the snow fall out your window.

  14. How crazy that you had so much snow and then it was up to 70! Climate change??! Glad you enjoyed the snow though!

  15. Hasn't the weather been crazy?! We had a 60 degree swing this past week! But it was 40 yesterday, and it felt like spring here haha I always giggle when I see southern reactions to snow (I'm from the North, what can I say?!) but dang - that's a ton of snow for Georgia!

  16. I can't get over all of the crazy weather you guys have had! At least the kiddos enjoyed the snow. We've gone from freezing temps to 70's here too, but no snow, thankfully.
    I adore Maui's little sweater, she looks so darn cute!

  17. Well that is a quite a bit of snow!! Who doesn't love a good snow day?? haha I love the snow but I'm not a fan of the bitter cold.

  18. I can't believe how cold it's been this winter even here in the south, and all the snow you guys have been getting! Love that the kiddos got to have fun playing in it, and that it's warmed back up a bit. I was so thankful to wear something other than boots today <3
    Green Fashionista

  19. Olivia looks like she is having the time of her life in those snow pictures! So neat that you guys actually got what they were calling for! And yes, the weather went insane - from one extreme to basically summer, haha. You need to share your mom's vegetable lasagna. I have never made / had one before and I would love to try it!

  20. Such a fun weekend!! We were loving all the snow too!!

  21. I'm loving all of those snow pictures!! How funny, we are up north and it rained all weekend and was unseasonably warm all weekend! The weather has been so weird lately! Have a great week!!

    1. I know, that is really crazy! We must have stolen your cold weather!

  22. I'm sooooo happy you guys got good snow!! Olivia is a little snow bunny! Inside Out is one of our faves! If you go to Epcot, you can meet the characters :) (are you guys still doing Disney?)

  23. That's so exciting that you got so much snow! It looks like the kids loved it!

    1. They really did! It's always so special to get it since it's so rare!

  24. Oh nothing beats a precious pup in a sweater! I'm glad that you had so much fun in the snow!

    1. Isn't she adorable? She's our very first baby and she is so loved!

  25. I love the faces on your kids in all the snow pictures; you can just see the excitement shining through. Living in New England we are well equipped to deal with it and have all the appropriate gear so we definitely don't shut down for a "little" snow. LOL. In fact, the last storm we had that brought 4 inches we didn't even bother plowing our driveway or road and we were thrilled that it was the perfect snow for snowmen and snowballs. It was the first time this winter that we had snow and temps that actually let us enjoy it. It has been so cold with wind chill temps in the negative numbers that it was not worth bundling up to even go out and play.

    1. That is so funny that y'all didn't even bother to plow with four inches!! We would have had a wreck just getting out of our driveway! Haha. And yes, snow is just so special around here since we get it so seldom. This was Olivia's first real snow! We got a dusting back in December but it didn't accumulate much, so we couldn't play in it. And it's unheard of that it snowed twice here in the same winter!

  26. This weather has been crazy! We had snow days last week too down here in New Orleans, and no salt trucks equals no driving. I love all the snow pics! They are going to cherish these memories forever.

  27. How much fun! Loving that you got some more snow. I don't mind it when it comes in small doses and then melts away quickly lol. Sierra~Beautifully Candid


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