
Monday, February 5, 2018

Super Bowl Weekend AKA the Weekend Where We Pretty Much Did Nothing

You guys are in for the world’s most boring post today, but since my blog is primarily our family’s scrapbook, I wasn’t about to let a weekend go undocumented!

We really just didn’t do too much this weekend at all.  We did get out and about for a bit, but we also laid low for some of the weekend as well because the flu germs are running rampant around these parts and we’re trying our darndest to stay well.

Friday I spent the day cleaning out a bit more, but mostly catching up on paperwork and finishing up Valentine’s Day decorating.  I’m trying to pace myself on the purging so I don’t get burned out… every now and then I just have to take a break! 

Friday afternoon I picked up both kids from school and we ended the afternoon with some play time on the downtown playground.  Naturally, I was completely freaked out of the thought of the sheer volume of germs on a public playground, but I also know it’s not healthy to keep the kids in a bubble either.  We were in much need of some outdoor time so we threw caution to the wind and played anyway.  And you better believe I didn’t let them get in the car without wiping them down with antibacterial wipes first! 

We headed home after that and then B brought pizza home when he got off of work.  He and I enjoyed some adult bevies with dinner and then we popped some popcorn and settled in on the couch in our jammies for a family movie viewing of Big Hero Six.  B built a fire, and my belly was so full of yummy pizza and wine and my body was so cozy in my PJs by that fire, that I may or may not have dozed off around 7:30 and missed a good chunk of the movie.  Whoops!  #NoRegrets

B and I put the kiddos to bed after the movie and he and I continued our bingeing of Master of None on Netflix.  If you haven’t watched it, you should!  I’m sure it’s not for everybody but we love it! 

Saturday we had plans to go to Jacob’s school and help with the campus beautification, but that dang flu virus has been taking down students left and right these last couple of weeks so we skipped it.  I honestly just didn’t even want to be in the building.  Lol.  I felt terrible for missing it and we really thought it would be a great opportunity for Jacob and Olivia to help out and learn to give back, but y’all, GERMS. 

We didn’t even leave the house (or our PJs for that matter) until it was time to go to church at 5:30.  I really didn’t want to go to church for fear of germs either, but since we missed last weekend and will likely miss next weekend due to a little weekend trip we have planned, I really wanted to go this weekend. 

We are Catholic and we take communion every week at mass.  Typically bread and wine are offered and everyone drinks from a community cup, but y’all, this flu is SO BAD that they made an announcement saying that they are not going to offer the wine anymore until the germs settle.  I honestly can’t remember them discontinuing this EVER before in my whole life.  Not even when the Swine Flu was running rampant back in 2009.  This lets me know just how serious this virus is.  It’s plain scary!

After mass we did what all good Catholics do and we headed to our favorite Mexican restaurant for margaritas!  Haha.  The kids were so well-behaved during mass – maybe the best ever – so we also stopped by Dairy Queen on the way home to grab some Blizzards to go.  Both of my parents are currently down with what they think might possibly be the flu (fever, aches, chills, cough, etc.) so they didn’t join us like they usually do.

Sunday we laid low all morning and then we headed to my MIL and Step-FIL’s house for lunch.  B’s sister is down with what is possibly the flu as well, so she wasn’t there, but my brother-in-law and nephews were and I’m just praying that they weren’t carrying any of those nasty germs!  EEK! 

It rained all day so we were cooped up inside after lunch… womp womp.  We decided to head to Dick’s after lunch to grab some soccer cleats for Olivia because she is starting next month!  She’s so excited, too!

Our original plans for the Super Bowl were to have my entire family over to grill hamburgers and such, but Momma and Daddy still weren’t feeling well Sunday evening, my grandmother is down with possibly the same thing, and my brother has been sick all week, too, so yeah, we told everybody just to stay home!  My father-in-law did come over to join us and we made the typical football spread – burgers, baked beans, chips, and beer – and we all watched the game together. 

I couldn’t care less who won or lost… my heart was just in it for the halftime show.  And wasn't it soooo flipping good?!  Makes me even more pumped to go see him in concert this summer!


Happy Monday, everybody!  I hope you’re avoiding those germs!

Don't forget to link up with us... just grab the graphic and link up below!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. I can totally see why you guys were taking it easy - cant get sick before you go away for the weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. This flu is scary, and even more so with the way germs fly with kids! So glad you guys haven't been hit by it yet! The second part of the half time show was my favorite, although I was cracking up with that poor boy at the end - he didn't seem like he knew what to do with JT standing and performing right next to him!

  3. Yes, the Super Bowl was a total time waster for me too, but I managed not to over eat (miracle!) during the game, visited with some favorite friends, and enjoyed some snuggle time with each of my grand babies, so no matter who won the game, I feel as if I won.
    Happy Monday to you!

    1. Amen! You can't go wrong with lots of time with family!

  4. Honestly if the grocery store hadn't been so crowded I wouldn't have even known it was Super Bowl weekend! We don't watch but we did spend most of our weekend at home watching movies and the snow flurries outside.

    1. Haha. Yeah, we don't watch pro football too much. My hubs always watches the Falcons, and I cheer for them, too, but we aren't hard core with it like we are with college football!

  5. a low key weekend is always fun! I am so paranoid about the germs, my hands are raw from washing them so much. I enjoyed the halftime show so much. JT for life! hahah

  6. Ugh so many people are sick, it's just terrible!!! I'm worried about germs too but also have to go places or I'll go crazy, ha ha. Heck, I'm letting them all go to school which is the germiest place ever! But they have never washed or disinfected their hands more than they are lately!!!

  7. Sounds like a nice weekend! I have never been a germaphobe but my hands are cracked because of all the hand washing. I have anxiety one of us is going to go down with at any moment :(. xoxo ERIN

  8. I never take the wine at church. Growing up they didn't even offer it, so when they started I just didn't take it. This flu is nuts this year!

  9. The flu is crazy! We were visiting my brother this weekend and they were doing a big clean of my niece's school as well.

  10. Ack- all those germs! I am like a broken record, myself, telling my kids to "wash with soap" every time they pass me! It really is crazy this year, so I totally get the fear! Fun to find your blog- I will have to visit the link up next week!

    1. OMG, us too! It's just crazy! And I'm glad you found me, too! We'd love to have you for the link-up!

  11. Justin Timberlake was the best part of the game! That's why I watched this year. The flu crazy, we have schools shutting down for a week or more because more than 40% of their students have the flu. It is crazy!

  12. Not boring at all! I forgot you’re going to see JT! Oh my stars awesome! Love your heart sweater and I hope you have a super sweet day!

  13. Love that heart sweater! And girllll you sound like me at the playground, haha! I do the same exact thing. I try not to freak out about allll the germs, and let her play and be a kid. But once we head back, it's time for the antibacterial wipes <3
    Green Fashionista

  14. Excited to see someone else who really liked the Half time show! Everyone is sick around here, I have 7 students out sick today which is a lot for just one class!

  15. What a good easy weekend. I loved JT's performance. My girls asked to watch it again. So fun. We stayed home all weekend other than the park because of the germs as well. Ugh.

  16. Hi Lindsay! I love reading your blog, your family is the cutest.
    I would love to hear about your workout routine-you mention working out regularly and you always look for fit, I am curious to your tips and tricks :)

    1. Oh my goodness, you are the sweetest and you just made my day! I use a gym 2-3 times a week just to get my cardio in... I typically fast walk at about 3.6 mph with an incline of 10 for 30-40 minutes. That alone burns about 350-450 calories. I also have a stair stepper at home that I use several nights per week for my legs, and then I do some ab work and light weights 3-4 times per week in the evening while I'm watching TV. I have back problems so I can't really do anything hard core, but I do eat pretty healthy. I eat super healthy for breakfast and lunch every day and then we eat mostly healthy for dinner during the week, but on the weekends all bets are off and we splurge a good bit. I mostly attribute my weight to good genes. My Momma is almost 60 and she's still pretty slim, too. And same with my Daddy! One day I'll have to do a more in-depth post about my routine! I've never done one before!

  17. I'm so glad that your church is taking steps to protect people from the flu--we still have so many out with it and I need the flu to be gone so everyone can come back to school!! I thought about you last night when the halftime show came on and I knew you were loving it!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  18. Ugh this flu is so rampant! I grew up Catholic and got a big chuckle about Mexican after. You know it is serious if they are leaving out the wine for communion! I love Master of None. And that halftime show, so good! Stay well and germ free!

  19. I don't blame you one stinking bit for skipping out. The flu is absolutely out of control this year and for anyone who is even slightly germaphobic, it is torture. I don't like this one bit!

  20. Girl YES to that dang flu bug!! Our church did the exact same thing with communion. We've had a couple of people pass away in our town because of it. It's terrifying!

    1. Oh my gosh, that's awful! I wish it would hurry up and go away!

  21. We can't wait for the park again! Jacob's catboy outfit is adorable! I don't blame you, I would have passed on that cup. I was so unimpressed with the commercials this year but it was exciting for us because it was our local team, and they won!! Sierra~Beautifully Candid


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