
Friday, March 9, 2018

Five on Friday - My Announcement, A Blogger Award, and Other Faves

Oh hey, Friday!  I’m so glad to see you!  This week has been partly good, but also a little tough, so I’m ready to put this one behind us and move on to the weekend!

Here are some favorites…

O N E – Announcement

Remember how last month I said that we had something fun to announce but I wasn’t quite ready to do it?  Well, I’m finally ready to announce, and NO, I’m not pregnant.  After I posted that vague statement in last month’s post I realized that a lot of people probably assumed it was a pregnancy or some other life changing event, but that’s not the case, friends.  I didn’t mean to disappoint anyone, so sorry if that’s what you were expecting.

Anyhoo, our announcement is that WE ARE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!!!!  I didn’t want to announce it too early on the blog because we still haven’t told the kids and we didn’t want any family or friends to read my blog and accidentally spoil the surprise for the kids.  We still haven’t told them, but we’re hoping to possibly do it this weekend or this coming week sometime?  So anyway, family and friends who know and see us in person… DON’T DISCUSS THIS WITH OUR KIDS!  Haha. 

But anyway, the kids have been begging to go, so we decided that this would be our year!  We are going for Spring Break so the trip is approaching quickly and I think I’m more excited than the kids will be!  Haha.  I have only been once and it was when I was in seventh grade, but it was a whirlwind trip as we were mostly there for a cross country/track meet.  We only got to spend a few hours in Magic Kingdom and Epcot so I really didn’t get to see and do much, so I can’t wait to really explore this time!  And the best part will be seeing it through Jacob’s and Olivia’s eyes.

Since this is our first trip for our family, we’re going all out, and naturally I just had to have some fun family shirts made to mark the occasion!  I collaborated with Kayla at Mornin’ Sunshine Crafts on Etsy (I was gifted these shirts in exchange for my honest opinon) and, y’all, she was amazing!  She was so easy to work with, she responded to my questions super fast, and our order was made and shipped in record time.  When the shirts arrived I thought I was going to burst with excitement!  Everything turned out PERFECTLY and I am just dying to wear them!  The quality is excellent and she was able to customize them exactly to my request.  If you are ever in need of family shirts for Disney, Kayla is your gal!  She also has a huge selection of non-Disney stuff as well, so go check out her Etsy shop!  Thanks again, Kayla!  Our family is going to make wonderful memories in these shirts!

T W O – Hanging with Old Coworkers

I had two wonderful outings with old coworkers this week and they were by far a bright spot in my week.  On Wednesday I had lunch with one of my very favorite old coworkers and it was extra special because he has been really, really sick (like scary hospital sick) since January, and I haven’t been able to see him in months.  He is healing (very slowly), but it was so good to hug his neck and spend some time with him.

Wednesday evening four of my other old coworkers and I went to margarita night to catch up.  My old supervisor was there as well as his old boss (who was also my boss at one point) along with two of my other coworkers with whom I am very close.  It was just me and the boys and it was such a fun evening!  Of the five of us that were there, three of us no longer work for our old company… we all left within three months of each other and that was almost 60 years combined experience that the company lost when we left.  YIKES!

T H R E E – Hunter Boots for Target

Did you guys see this?!?!?!?!  OMG, Hunter Boots for less than $50!!!!  NEED I SAY MORE?!?!?!?!

F O U R – A Funny Message From Instagram

As you all know, I’ve been working on purging, simplifying, and organizing our home since January.  Well, I’ve been documenting a lot of it on Instagram so I’ve been researching some hashtags that are relevant for that topic.  A few nights ago, I searched for hashtags about “purging” and this little note popped up from Instagram:

Y’all, I died laughing.  I didn’t even think about the other meaning of purging when I searched for that.  Instagram probably now thinks that I have some kind of eating disorder now.  And there is absolutely nothing funny about eating disorders, but this made me laugh since it never occurred to me that Instagram might take it out of context.  But hats off to the IG team for putting stuff like this in place for people who do need help!

F I V E – Blog Award

Finally, Joanne at Europafox nominated me for a Sunshine Blogger Award!  Here are the questions that she asked to have answered.

1. If you had 15 minutes in a super-market sweep to grab what you could, what would it be?  I would definitely grab all of the expensive items that I love to indulge in, but don’t love to pay for… Larabars, Halo Top ice cream, and Starbucks K-cups for my Keurig to name a few!

2. If you could invite five people to a dinner party (can be from history), who would they be and why?  I actually did a post on this here, but to summarize – Dave Matthews (because I’ve been obsessed with him and their music since I was twelve!), Justin Timberlake (because – Justin Timberlake… need I say more?), Jimmy Fallon (because he’s hilarious, and he and Justin are even more hilarious together), Courtney Cox and Matthew Perry as a package deal (because they’re my favorite TV couple of all-time and two of my favorite TV actors of all time and, yes, I’m still obsessed with Friends), and Pope Francis (because he is so inspiring to me). 

3. Describe your ideal party.  I love a good excuse to get dressed up and I also love Christmas, so I’m thinking my ideal party would take place at Christmas time, it would be a black tire affair (much to Brian’s dismay – ha!), and we would be surrounded by all of our favorite people.  The evening would start with cocktails and a live jazz quartet and it would end with beer and a good DJ or band so we could dance our booties off.  Oh hey, this night sounds exactly like our wedding!  ;o)

4. What is your favourite Christmas film?  Love Actually, hands down!  I didn’t even have to think about this one.  It’s not only my favorite Christmas movie, it’s my favorite movie of all time!

5. If you could institute one global law what would it be?  Oh sheesh, this one is getting deep.  There are several things I can think of – no more war AKA world peace (wouldn’t that be nice?), outlawing nuclear weapons, and that all men and women should be treated as equal.  There are so many women in other countries who are oppressed and it just shouldn’t be that way.  Every woman should have the opportunity to be who she wants to be and do what she wants to do!

6. If you could belt a tune out on karaoke better than the original artist what would it be and where would you sing it?  If I could sing as well or better than someone, I would probably choose Carrie Underwood.  Her voice is so powerful and her songs are always some of my favorites to sing along to.  My very favorite is probably Jesus, Take the Wheel.  She has such incredible range in that song!  And if I could sing like or better than Carrie Underwood I would sing anywhere and everywhere!

7. If you had to choose between living without make-up for a year or a smart phone for a year what would it be?  This is tough because I look rough without makeup, y’all, but I would die without my smart phone.  Haha.  Can I keep my makeup and carry an iPad around??  Haha.

8. Who inspires you most in your day to day life?  There are many people who inspire me on a day-to-day basis.  My Momma is one of them, and there are also many bloggers who inspire me as well!

9. If you could pick any epitaph for your life – what would you choose?  Gah, this is really hard.  Since an epitaph is for somebody who’s dead can’t somebody else just write one for me?  Haha.  But seriously, I’d have to go with something traditional like, “Loving Wife and Mother, and a Great Friend” because those are the most important things in life.

10. Who was your first famous crush?  This one is easy – Joe (now Joey) McIntyre from New Kids on the Block.  I was in second grade when they became popular, and I had posters of them plastered all over my wall.  Joe was right by my pillow.  #NoShame

11. Do you have a hair or fashion faux pas from the past you would like to obliterate with a magic wand?  If so what would it be?  Photos appreciated haha!  I actually don’t really think so.  I have always really loved fashion and I have always been one to participate in trends, but I don’t recall anything super embarrassing that I would take back or anything.  When I look back at all of my childhood pictures, I think I look pretty darn cute with my crimped hair, oversized sweatshirts, and stirrup pants!  Ha!  I did have an awkward phase in junior high… does that count?  I always cringe when I see pictures of myself in glasses.

Thank you again for the award, Joanne!  I’m honored!

Happy Friday to one and all!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday.


  1. YAY for DISNEY! WE have taken the kids several times and loved every minute of it! I feel like I could plan a Disney trip in my sleep! If you have any questions, just email me!
    Hunter boots at Target??? How did I miss that??
    Congrats on the Sunshine Blog Award!
    Hope y'all have a great weekend. It's suppose to rain here ALL WEEKEND... BOO

  2. What a sweet surprise for the kids!! I hope you're going to record their reactions!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. I love your princess shirts!!!! So cute! They kids are going to LOVE it, can't wait to hear how it goes. And I heard Hunter boots are going to Target - definitely requires getting another pair! Happy Friday!

  4. I remember when my parents surprised us with Disney World! We keep trying to debate if we want to go now or wait until we have kids, so you'll have to let me know how many adults only you see down there!

  5. have so much fun at Disney! You're going to have the best time. We are going in November and I still remember Jack going last March and how much fun we had. Where are ya'll staying?

  6. Disney World is the best! I would love to go back someday. You guys are going to have so much fun.

  7. OH MY GOSH THOSE SHIRTS!!! All the heart eyes!! I am SO stinkin excited for your trip and cannot wait to hear all about it!!!

  8. Mickey here you come, LOVE your shirts, this is so exciting and week, getting close!! YAY! I am so excited for you!

  9. I love the shirts! how exciting. But I'm also cracking the heck up over the Instagram message!! I put something in the one day and something similar came up and I was like wait what? is this real? haha!

  10. So exciting about Disney! I love Disney everything. I agree Carrie Underwood has a great voice!

  11. LOL well at least you know that Instagram cares! Disney will be such a fun surprise for your kids. Those shirts are too cute, especially the squad goals.

  12. I am sooo excited for you guys. I love the shirts that you got made. So cute. I can't wait to hear how the kids take it!!! That is too funny about the IG notification. I didn't know they did that. Have a great weekend!

  13. I loved reading your answers! Esp the crush thing - after you posted on Danielle's comments page about NKOTB I had 'the right stuff' stuck in my head for 24 hours? Also love that you embraced the 80s childhood clothes - it was looking at some of mine that inspired me to ask the question (except my pics were of jumpsuits, ski-pants and side ponytails plus plasterings of makeup). Confession though - I've never heard any Dave Matthews but I know you Americans love him. I need to educate myself. LOVE the Disney T-Shirts - a BRILL idea. That #purge thing utterly cracked me up! Joanne x P.S. right there with you on the makeup thing - might not wear a lot (like you) but what I do wear I NEED! XOXO

  14. How exciting about Disney!! I love your shirts:) Visiting from High Five for Friday!

    1. Thank you! We are really excited! And thanks for stopping by!

  15. So exciting! We're going to Disney World too! I don't think we overlap though - would have been fun to meet up! We are there the first week of April. Can't wait to read your recaps!

  16. Disney is going to be amazing for you guys!! The kids are going to be so happy when they hear! Haha that message from Instagram! Well at least they care about someone on their platform, although their wacky algorithm makes everyone else feel differently. I hope you have a great weekend! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  17. I bet you will have an amazing time in Disney! We took our boys every other year from the time they were quite little (in fact I think I only had 2 boys for our first few trips!) and we all just LOVED every trip.

  18. Yay for Disney! Y'all will have a blast in your cute shirts! That Instagram message made me laugh, but I am also proud of them for stepping up to help! I would grab so much halo top in a supermarket sweep! Have a great weekend!

  19. Disney!!! Yay yay yay! It's seriously the best - I can't WAIT to see pictures!

  20. So excited for your Disney trip and how cute are those shirts. Can't wait to follow along on your trip :)! EEEK! xoxo ERIN

  21. OH my goodness, Disney World! HOw freakin' fun! :) Work has been kicking my butt, leaving little room for blog reading, boo! :) Did you tell the kids yet?! Those fun! I love matching family shirts, it's my favorite.


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