
Monday, April 16, 2018

The Weekend - Another Birthday and the Spring School Fundraiser

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Another April weekend, another birthday celebration for yours truly along with a side of crazy weather! 

I spent Friday morning at Jacob’s school helping set up for the school’s annual spring fundraiser.  It was Casino Night themed again and as always there was a silent auction, a live auction, as well as lots of prizes to give away.  Each grade was responsible for coming up with a themed prize for the auction, and first grade chose to donate an alcohol themed prize.  We had lots of goodies including this adorable wine stand/tin cooler, a selection of wines, craft beers, a gift card to one of our local breweries, and some goodies to make Moscow Mules.  The basket turned out to be so cute!  And shout out to my girl Janna who brought me Starbucks to get our early morning started!  Anyone who knows me knows that is one of the keys to my heart!  <3

The rest of Friday was spent decluttering our master bathroom and then it was off to pick up the kids from school to get the weekend started!  I still hadn’t celebrated my birthday with my father-in-law, so he took us out to dinner at Carrabba’s – YUM! – and then back to his house for cookie cake and gifts. 

Friday was also super exciting because my beloved pink Hunter boots arrived in the mail!!!!  And they are even prettier in person!  If you read my post on Friday you will know just how excited I was about these because… Amazon sells Hunter Boots at a discount and I was able to get these for $35 off!!!!  This weekend also happened to be the launch of Hunter Boots for Target so there was a lot of Instagram traffic for Hunter Boots, and this post that I posted on Instagram Friday evening ended up fourth in the Top Posts for the #HunterBoots hashtag.  I don’t think that’s ever happened to me before, but it was crazy because my Instagram traffic spiked significantly. 

Saturday was GORGEOUS and we spent the morning cheering on our Boo at his soccer game.  They were losing pretty bad in the beginning, but they ended up making a comeback and the final score ended up being 5-4.  We lost, but it could have been so much worse considering how ugly the beginning of the game was!

Since the weather was perfect Saturday, the four of us spent the entire afternoon in the back yard pulling all of the furniture off the porch, hosing everything down to get rid of the pollen, decluttering, and putting everything back.  The porch is now sparkling clean, pollen free, bug free, and ready to be used!  This week’s weather is supposed to be perfect, so I foresee some dinners out there!  Also, look at this tee that I wore on Saturday that my BFF gave me for my birthday.  If you understand what it means then we would get along just fine!  ;o)  And if you want one of your own, I found this one that is similar.  :o)

Saturday evening our baby-sitter, Mrs. Kristin (Jacob’s old 2-year old teacher) came over so B and I could head out to the school fundraiser for date night!  As previously mentioned the theme was Casino Night, so we gambled the night away with fake money that was redeemed for tickets for door prizes at the end of the night.  They had Blackjack tables as well as a Craps table, so after browsing the silent auction items and eating some dinner we grabbed our second drinks and settled in for an evening of Blackjack.  My aunt and uncle were there as well as my other uncle and his girlfriend, so we all grabbed the same table and B and I taught them the rules for Blackjack as we all played.  B and I used to go to Vegas every single year before we had kids (for eight years in a row) so we are very comfortable with table games in casinos.  We played a LOT of Blackjack and Poker back in the day, so it was a blast to use our gambling skills again, even though we weren’t using real money.  The whole evening made us both yearn for Vegas even more… I’m hoping we’ll be able to get out there soon!

Sunday was stormy and cold again – waaaahhhh! – so we spent the morning being lazy.  B and I didn’t even pull ourselves out of the bed until after 9 and then the kids watched some cartoons, Jacob did some homework, and I gave Olivia a manicure to match mine.  <3

My MIL didn’t cook so we ventured out to Five Guys for lunch (and look at my BOOTS!) and then we ran a few errands.  I finally picked up some ferns for the summer and I also grabbed some seeds to start my herb garden – basil, oregano, mint, rosemary, and chives.  Hopefully I can get them to grow and hopefully I can keep them alive.  Fingers crossed!  I’m not known to have a green thumb.  ;o)

We took the kids to DQ for Blizzards and I have no earthly idea why because it was so flipping cold!  Then the rest of the afternoon was spent inside at home just trying to keep warm.

We had dinner at my parents’ house Sunday evening, as always, and it was a good ending to another wonderful weekend!

Happy Monday, y’all!  We’re back to sunshine and warmth!  Well, kind of… it’s only supposed to get up to 63 today, but we’ll be back up to 76 tomorrow!  Woo hoo!  I hope you’re keeping warm wherever you are, too!  It is April after all!

And a quick reminder before I go, if you're a blogger, don't forget to link up with us this Thursday for Girl Chat... we're talking about guilty pleasures this week!

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannah, and myself... just grab our new graphic and link up below!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. Another fun filled weekend! I'm sure you're hoping for rain so you can wear your boots!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. what a fun weekend! Those pink boots are darling!

  3. LOVE your boots! You are making me think I really should buy another pair, haha! The fundraising night always seems so fun. Nice you guys get a little taste of Vegas since you haven't been in so long!

  4. What a fun event Jacob's school!! And those Hunters, LOVE!

  5. The event at the school sounds like it was fun! I love your Friends shirt!

  6. What a fun weekend! I think I got the same boots as you for my birthday two weeks ago...haha! I shared them in my post today!

    1. I just saw them and they are soooo cute!! Don't you just love them?!

  7. That Casino night sounds fun! You don't have to worry about losing money since it wasn't real.....haha

  8. Yes, it is possible to be in love with boots! So happy you got em. LOVE your casino night dress and dang it Mother Nature, make up your mind. It’s snowing here today, boo.

  9. OMG I'm loving your pink Hunter's!! & it looks like you guys had so much fun at the fundraiser!

  10. What a fun weekend!! Casino night is so fun! That is always Ben's works Winterfest Theme!!
    Love your boots~ I have a hot pink pair!

  11. This weather is drunk I tell you. I love your dress for Casino Night and that looks like such a fun event! The pink hunters are too cute, congrats on that post! have a great week.

  12. I'm sooooooo over cold weather! I feel like it has dragged on extra long this year. Love those Hunter boots!!

    1. It really does! I feel the same way and we live in the south!

  13. Your new Hunter boots are A.DOR.ABLE!!!!! I need some in my life! Looks like the fundraiser was a fun time. Happy Monday!

  14. I love your Friends T! I quote that show constantly.

  15. Sounds like a busy and fun week ....I love my Hunter Boots and lately I've been getting a lot of use from them!

  16. You busy bees! I have so much I want to comment on! Love getting a glimpse into your weekend like this. :) Sounds so well rounded and FUN!

  17. Your t-shirt made me laugh - I may have to get one of those!

    Bethany | | Simply Share Friday Linkup

    1. Isn't that show just the best?! I quote it constantly. Probably almost every day. Haha.

  18. How pretty are those pink boots! And I'm drooling over that cookie cake - YUM <3
    Green Fashionista

  19. Love your boots! Talk to me more about the Girl Chat on Thursdays, how do I join?


    1. Thanks, girl! All you have to do is write a post about our topic (which is guilty pleasures this month) and then just put your blog link in the link-up with us on Thursday! Easy peasy!

  20. It seems like no one is getting consistent weather lately. So crazy! Those boots are so cute! I did snag a pair of the low ones from Target and was disappointed their tall ones didn't launch. I'll have to check these out! Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  21. Those Hunter Boots really are cute!! I wonder if the tall ones will ever launch at Target, cause maybe I'd pick some up then. ;) Looks like the auction was lots of fun too! :)

  22. Fundraisers are always such fun and I love what you girls put together for it!


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