
Tuesday, June 26, 2018

What's Up Wednesday - June 2018

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It’s time for another edition of What’s Up Wednesday… this time on a Tuesday!  Let’s see what we did during the month of June!

What We’re Eating This Week

Mon – Fettuccine alfredo with chicken and broccoli
Tue – Chicken tacos
Wed – Bonefish with my girlfriends!!  Ladies night!  Woop woop!
Thu – Pulled pork sandwiches
Fri – Out
Sat – Out
Sun – Sunday dinner at Momma’s

What I’m Reminiscing About

Our beach trip!!!!  We had the very best time this year and I think it was my favorite beach trip ever!  I’ve recapped it by the numbers and I’ve also recapped Day 1, so stay tuned for more recaps!  I hope to have Day 2 up this Thursday.

What I’m Loving

Being off with my babies!  We have had a pretty busy last couple of weeks with swimming lessons and Vacation Bible School so I’m looking forward to not having as much planned from here on out!  It’s been so nice to be available to get them where they need to go without having to juggle work schedules with B.  I’m really, really thankful for this opportunity.  I truly am.

What We’ve Been Up To

As I mentioned before, we spent a lovely few days at the beach, and then the kids have had swimming lessons for the last two weeks plus vacation bible school last week.  We’ve been to the library, we’ve done lots of reading at home, we’ve played in our blow-up pool, we’ve gotten milkshakes, we’ve watched movies, we’ve played on numerous playgrounds, we’ve made homemade popsicles, and now I’m ready to tackle some more items on our summer bucket list… which will be posted tomorrow finally!

What I’m Dreading

I’m not necessarily dreading anything, but there is a bit of a dark spot in our lives right now.  My Nana (my Daddy’s mom) has been pretty sick for a long time, but just this past week her congestive heart failure has landed her in the hospital yet again.  She has lots of fluid on her lungs and she’s having a really hard time breathing, and I just hate to know that she’s suffering.  She’s been in the hospital for several days now and she could definitely use some prayers.  My Daddy is her primary caregiver and this has all been really hard on him as well, so I know he could use some prayers, too.  If you’re the praying type, please keep them both in yours.  It would really mean a lot to our whole family.

What I’m Working On

This past weekend I finally painted my master closet after almost nine years of having it the same grey/brown as the rest of the house.  I’ve been wanting to paint it since we moved in, and I’m loving the new light, bright, and airy feel!  I’m now working on getting that back wall with the window decorated so stay tuned… I’m not making any drastic changes, but I’m definitely doing a few new things to spruce it up… starting with spray painting the frames that used to be on that wall gold!  I think it will add a bit of a fancier touch than the black frames did.  I also have a couple of other things up my sleeves as well so stay tuned!

What I’m Excited About

Fourth of July week!  My brother, sister-in-law, and nephew are coming to stay for ten days and I’m hoping to be able to spend some good quality time with them.  My nephew is going to be taking swimming lessons from the same lady who taught our kids, and I’m hoping to make it to his first lesson to cheer him on.  I think the kids will get a kick out of watching someone else learn to swim, too! 

Also, Fourth of July has always been one of my favorite holidays.  We typically grill out and spend time with family and a lot of the time we either do our own fireworks or we go downtown to watch the fireworks over the river.  We don’t have any set plans yet but I think it should be a fun day and night no matter what.  And this year I don’t have to wake up early to go to work the next morning!  #Winning

Here we are on The 4th two years ago... my, how those babies have grown!

What I’m Watching/Reading

Watching – The Bachelorette, America’s Got Talent, and Friends… again.  Haha.  I have literally seen all of the seasons of Friends at least twenty times, but it’s been a few years since I’ve watched it, so I’m long overdue.  We just started a couple of weeks ago and we’re already nearly halfway through season two.  I just can’t get enough!

ReadingStill Me by Jojo Moyes.  It’s the third book in the Me Before You trilogy.  I loved the first one, I thought the second one was okay, and so far I’m loving the third one.  I love that this third book takes place in New York City.  It’s one of my favorite cities in the world and I can never get enough of books that take place there!

I’m also super excited because Emily Giffin’s new book is en route to my house as I type this!!!!  She is my very favorite author of all time and she only puts a book out every 1-2 years, so I’ve been waiting for this one!

What I’m Listening To

We’re still blasting The Greatest Showman on repeat in the car.  Every single day for the last two weeks we listened to the entire thing on the way to and from swimming lessons.  It is exactly the length of time that it takes to get from our house to Mrs. Joni’s and from Mrs. Joni’s back to our house, so we were able to listen to the whole thing from start to finish every single day.  I’m starting to get a little tired of it, but the kids are still obsessed.  Although I have to admit, every time it’s on, I still belt it out with the best of them!  Haha.

What I’m Wearing

Shorts and tees, shorts and tanks, shorts and blouses.  Shorts shorts shorts.  It’s been hot as blazes and as humid as the rain forest here lately so I’m wearing as little as possible.   

What I’m Doing This Weekend

I wish I had something scintillating to discuss here, but unfortunately B has to work this weekend again.  He rarely has to work weekends (normally only one or two per year when their projects come to an end) but this year, the project he’s on has required a lot more working weekends and unfortunately all four of them were crammed into May and June alone.  This should be the last one that he has to work for a long time, though, fingers crossed. 

Fortunately he only has to work early Saturday morning until late afternoon, so we will at least have him home Friday night and all day Sunday (assuming everything goes as planned).  Not sure what the kids and I will do while he’s gone, though.  I guess that partly depends on the weather!

What I’m Looking Forward To Next Month

Celebrating Fourth of July and making lots and lots of memories with my babies before they head back to school in August.  We have a summer bucket list LOADED with the good stuff (it’ll be on the blog tomorrow!), so we have a lot of “work” to do!

What Else Is New

Y’all may remember Olivia’s issue with the lump on her thyroid earlier this year?  Well, the lump is back (sigh) so our doctor referred us to a specialist at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.  We’re visiting the doctor in Atlanta today for the first time, so we would really appreciate your prayers.  Our doctor at home has already given us his opinion on how to move forward, and we’re hoping that the second opinion we get today is similar, and we’re just praying that whatever we end up choosing to do is the right thing. 

Happy Wednesday, lovies!

*Linking up with Jessi's Design and Going the Distance for What's Hap-"Pinning" Wednesday and Mix and Match Mama for What's Up Wednesday.


  1. SO excited for you guys that your brother and his family will be staying for 10 days. That is going to be so fun! And especially being over the 4th!

    Sending lots of prayers for your grandma, Dad and Olivia!

  2. Lots of prayers for Olivia! I hope that you get the answers you want!

  3. I need to write my what's up post for tomorrow! I hope all goes well with the specialist for Olivia.

  4. I'm excited for the 4th too! It's such a fun holiday!! Prayers for your Grandma and Olivia, I hope everything works out, please keep us updated!

  5. Yay how fun that you're family is staying with you for so long! Prayers for your grandmother and for the appointment with Olivia...that is rough to not know what is up with your kid. Love 4th of July too, all about family time and not working!

  6. I have read the whole JoJo Moyes series and just got my copy of All I Ever Wanted on my Kindle. Prayers for Olivia.

  7. I was confused with my days for a second lol. I'll be keeping your Nana in my prayers. I love how your closet turned out! We're excited for 4th of July too. It's such a great holiday! Sierra Beautifully Candid

  8. Oh no. Please please keep us updated on Olivia. Sending prayers to her, to you and to your dad and Nana. I love Emily Giffin and will be checking out her new book.

  9. Praying so much for Olivia and your Nana! What did you think of The Bachelorette last night? I don't know how she could choose between Colton and Blake--they're both adorable!

  10. Definitely sending prayers and good thoughts for your nana, your dad, and your girl. My middle son and I finally watched The Greatest Showman last week and I do have to admit the songs were so catchy.

  11. Praying for Olivia, your dad, and your Nana. Lot's of love! I love the look of your closet. Woohoo for summer days with your babes!


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