
Monday, October 1, 2018

Our Weekend - The One with the Surprise Party

I mentioned last week that it was my Momma’s 60th birthday, but what she didn’t know (and what I couldn’t talk about here on the blog since she reads) was that we had a surprise party planned for her Friday night!  We opted to have it at my Mama Cass’s (grandmother) house because we knew that we could get my dad to get my mom over there easily and without any suspicion.  Everyone from my mom’s side of the family was invited and most were able to make it so we had a big crowd.  I bought some balloons and a few other simple decorations along with a cake, and then everyone brought their own dinner and drinks as we often do when we have a crowd that large.  We’re a pretty low-key bunch.

My Mama Cass called and told my dad that she “needed help with something” and he and my mom swung by her house on their way to dinner to “help her.”  We had all hidden our cars down the street, so when they drove up the house looked empty.  When Momma walked through the door nearly 20 people were there to surprise her and it was so hilarious to see her face.  My good little Instagram hubby graciously snapped a ton of pictures for me as she was walking in the door and we were able to capture her many faces.  Haha.

The rest of the evening was spent eating dinner and hanging out with my extended family.  We ate chocolate cake (my Momma’s favorite) and had a few beers and the three little babes all played together in the play room.  It was a fun night celebrating my favorite lady!

Saturday afternoon Jacob had a soccer game.  His game was at 1:30 and it was miserably hot so we all watched from under umbrellas, still getting soaked through with sweat.  The game ended in a tie, 10-10, and Jacob had another good game.  He played defense for the first half and blocked several shots to the goal, but then his defense game started to go downhill and he let a couple slide past him.  He was put on offense for the rest of the game and he did really well.  We can tell that the strategy is starting to click now because he was always where he needed to be when he was on offense.

The rest of the day was spent drinking beer and cheering on our Dawgs from the couch.  We used Waitr to have our favorite pizza delivered, and we watched our Dawgs trounce Tennessee… even if it was a little rocky at first.   

Sunday, my mother-in-law decided not to cook which actually worked out well because we had a baby shower to attend.  The shower was for some of our friends who we met through the kids’ school.  Their son went to the same daycare with Jacob from the time that they were just weeks old (their birthdays are only a couple of weeks apart) and then they just so happened to move over to the kids’ current school for Pre-K4, the same year that Jacob moved over.  They haven’t had every class together, but they’ve known each other basically for their entire lives.

The shower was hosted by some of our other friends who also have kids in Jacob’s class, Jacob’s old teacher, and Olivia’s current teacher.  The shower was for the whole family (guys included), but Brian had a tennis match at 2:30 and wasn’t able to make it.  The kids had a blast playing with their friends and classmates while all of us adults enjoyed the shower festivities. 

Sunday evening we went to my parents’ house to celebrate my littlest brother’s birthday.  He’s ten whole years younger than I am so I helped raise him, and it still blows my mind that he’s a grown-up now.  Haha. 

My Momma made his favorite meal and we spent the evening eating, drinking, and celebrating Alex!

We have a verrrry short week this week because the kids get out at noon on Wednesday for fall break and then we will be heading to the mountains!  We are all SO EXCITED!!  Long live the weekend!

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannah, and myself... just grab our new fall graphic (seriously how cute is it?!) and link up below!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.


  1. So glad your beautiful mama was surprised! Yay to Fall Break week!

  2. The video of that surprise was just priceless! I'm glad y'all were able to pull it off and celebrate your mom! Great weekend wrap! :)

  3. I love that y’all were able to surprise your mom! So fun!!

  4. Awww!! I love that you suprpised your Momma!! The look on her face walking in is too cute! The rest of the weekend looks like lots of fun too!

  5. So glad the surprise party went well. I love seeing the shots of your mom’s expressions! And that cake - looks so decadent! The rest of the weekend seems like it was a good one, too. Hopefully the start of the week goes just as well!

  6. What a fun surprise! Happy birthday to your mama!

  7. What a sweet surprise for your mom - you can see the progression of her face being surprised and it's great!! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  8. I love all the sweet action shots of your mom! That cakes looks amazing and I hope you have the best time in the mountains. The momma-to-be is too cute and I love the new baby's name!

  9. The look on her face was priceless! And you look so much like your mom. What a wonderful weekend and sweet surprise!

    1. Thank you! We hear that a lot! Thanks for stopping by! xo

  10. We get a long weekend too and I am so excited. What a fun surprise for your Mama. Those cookies at the shower are adorable. Happy Monday!

  11. That is so fantastic that you got to surprise your Momma. What fun.

  12. Aw I am so glad you pulled off the surprise! We did that for my mom's 60th and she was shocked. We had the umbrellas out at soccer this weekend too protecting us from the what, where is my cold front!?

  13. I saw the video clip on your IG and thought it was the sweetest that you threw your mom a surprise party. She looks AMAZING for 60; I hope I am that lucky. Happy Monday!!!

  14. Such a sweet surprise! The look on her face is priceless <3
    Green Fashionista

  15. Happy Birthday to your mom.. she must have loved that.. She doesn't not look 60 at all... wow.

  16. We had a birthday party Friday night too; though it wasn't a surprise. Love all the photos of your mom's face!

    1. That's wonderful! And thank you! My Momma is a hard one to surprise since she's usually the planner!

  17. Sounds like an amazing weekend!

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls

  18. How is it Fall break already? I am so excited to read about your mountain adventures!

  19. So fun surprising your Mom!! Love all the pics of her walking in the door!

  20. What a great weekend! I love the surprise party for your mom! I hope she had the best time. It looked like a beautiful day for Jacob's soccer game and it sounds like the shower was a good time too. Sierra Beautifully Candid


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