
Thursday, April 18, 2019

Confessions {4.17.2019}

It’s time for another round of confessions!  Here we go!

I confess…

… that I let things ruin my mood too much.  I’m so easily affected by the vibe around me that I let negativity from others rub off on me.  I need to remember to just focus on me no matter what’s going on around me!

… that I completely failed at my Lenten promise this year.  I said I was going to give up negativity and worry, but then we were bombarded by all kinds of crap – massive tornadoes hitting our area, my whole heart attack ordeal, horrible allergy and asthma issues that left me unable to function some days, and a couple of other things that I haven’t shared.  I feel like I was truly put to the test for making that promise, and instead of rising to the challenge, I failed miserably.  That said, I’m a constant work in progress so all I can do is continue to work on my reactions to the negative things that happen in life.  Here’s to focusing on the positives in every situation!  I think I can, I think I can.

… that next year for Lent, I should probably just stick to giving up sweets or something like that instead.  That was hard when I did it the year before last, but at least I was able to stick to it!  I guess I set myself up for failure with my promise this year. 

… that I may or may not have cried a little when I saw all of the coverage of Notre Dame Cathedral burning on Monday.  It is one of the top places on my bucket list to visit and I’m so incredibly sad that I never got to go.  I’m so thankful that they were able to save all of the relics and artwork, and that they think they can rebuild, though.  Did you know that The Crown of Thorns that was placed on the head of Jesus is kept there?  Thank goodness they were able to save it!!  It would have been an absolute tragedy if it had been destroyed. 

… that I cringed a little when we found out that the kids’ summer break this year is one whole week longer than last year.  I’m excited to have an extra week without the hustle, but I also think we’ll all be on each other’s nerves by then.  By the end of last summer, our kids were both bonkers, so an extra week off could be rough.  They thrive on structure, and summertime definitely lacks that now that I’m not working.  I guess I’ll just be in GET THESE KIDS OUT OF MY HOUSE mode for an extra week.  Lol.   

… and speaking of getting on each other’s nerves, our kids have surely been getting on mine lately!  I’m pretty sure they have spring fever or end-of-the-school-year fever because they have both been OFF THE CHAIN lately.  I feel like I’ve constantly had the song y’all gon’ make me lose my mind, up in here, up in here stuck in my head these last few weeks.  Anyone else?!

… that I always wait until the last possible second to get in the car line to pick the kids up every day.  I can’t stand waiting, so I’m not one to get there early and just sit until they’re dismissed.  Instead, I arrive about five minutes after they’ve dismissed so that way the car line is already moving.  This means I’m usually in the last ten cars each day, and some days I’m even rolling in on two wheels just to make it in time.  That said, our school is small, so the car line is quick once it starts moving.  The kids are always in my car within 10-12 minutes of dismissal so it’s not like they have to wait a long time or anything.  #ImNotThatCruel 

Alright y’all, that’s enough for today! 

Happy Thursday! 


  1. I like your car line strategy. Although if I ever did a car line, I don't think I would mind the wait to give me some time to read, haha!

  2. You did the right thing by making your Lenten goal a hard one! You raised your awareness of something you wanted to do. That's a win! The whole idea of giving something up is the challenge. I'm proud of you for trying something that would make it a little tough.

  3. They get two weeks for spring break?? I had to laugh at your throwback reference for that song! I'm not looking forward to experiencing these car lines for pickups. I've always heard such crazy stories.

  4. We just started spring break and it's already hard for the kids to be behaved! lol. Simon always says I'm late when I pick him up, but I arrive at dismissal time and have to wait 10 minutes for the line to move. I could arrive 10 minutes early and have to wait 10 minutes for them to come out...or I could come 10 minutes late like you and not have to wait! Great idea!

  5. As a teacher, thank you for not showing up to pick up your kids an hour before school is out haha!!! I know it's worse elementary level (some parents show up to my mom's school an hour and a half before it's out) but even at the junior high we have parents showing up 45 min to an hour before. I also wonder how they are able to sit there and not have anything else they could possibly be doing. That gets on my nerves haha!!!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  6. Oh my kiddo is losing it too and she will go to "school" all summer long. Not sure what I will do next year when she starts real pre-k and I have to entertain her all summer.

  7. I hate school pick up line. I sit and wait for about 30 minutes before I get my daughter. I use that time to talk to my dad everyday as he drives home from work. Next year I will probably change and be like you though with a new baby that will be a long time to sit, unless it is nap time.

    1. That's nice that you use that time to talk to your dad, though! When I do get there early I use that time to respond to emails or get caught up on blog reading and stuff, but most of the time I'd rather just be at home doing what I need to do! And you are so right, 30 minutes of waiting might be hard with a new baby!

  8. Spring fever is CERTAINLY in full swing--even for toddlers! My daughter has been a hot mess!

    1. Lol. That seems to be the consensus this year! I've heard most people say that they're having an extra hard time with their kids this spring for some reason!

  9. I haven't done confessions in soooo long. Love them. I know a lot of people who had a hard time with the same giving up for lent that you did. I can't believe summer break is coming so soon.


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