
Monday, April 22, 2019

Still Weekending

We had the absolute most perfect Easter yesterday… a wonderful celebration at church, sweet time with all of our family, and hours upon hours outside in the gorgeous spring sunshine.  Our kiddos were off for Good Friday and they’re also off today for Easter Monday, so we’re still enjoying our time together.

I’ll be back soon to recap our whole weekend!  In the meantime, feel free to link up below!

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter weekend with the ones you love!

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannahTanya, and myself... just grab our new graphic for 2019 and link up below!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.

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  1. Enjoy the extra day and cant wait to hear about the weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. Love the Easter family pic! And after seeing your InstaStories, I need to make an Easter evening cheese plate a tradition <3

    Green Fashionista


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