
Tuesday, April 2, 2019

What I Ordered from Amazon in March 2019

*This post may contain affiliate links, which means at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through or make a purchase.

My Amazon purchases in March were HEAVY.  I blame my newfound love for oils as several items purchased were to assist me with my new hobby.  You ready to see?  Here we go!

Root and Petal Set of 10 Multicolored Glass Roller Bottles

Roller bottles are a must for essential oils and I love this set because – rainbow colors!!  I love that every bottle is different… it allows me to color code my rollers and remember which is in each bottle.  And these are so beautiful in person. 

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba Oil is another must for essential oils lovers because it’s used to dilute some of the stronger oils and it’s used to make my rollers.  I am loving it so far!

Mini Keychain Essential Oils Carrying Case

I have started using certain oils and rollers so frequently now (some multiple times per day) that I’m carrying them everywhere in my purse.  Since all of the bottles are glass I wanted to find a small case to store them in so I don’t have to worry about them breaking.  I love the look and size of this case, but unfortunately, the opening isn’t wide enough to get the bottles in and out easily so I am returning this one. 

Just the Essentials Essential Oils Carrying Case

Since my first case didn’t work, I decided to order this one and I could not love it more!  It’s so cute, and it zips open on all four sides which makes getting bottles in and out a breeze.  It also has four individual compartments to store the oils so I don’t have to worry about them banging together and breaking in my purse.  Also, the compartments fit the standard oil bottles as well as the roller bottles.  I highly recommend this case if you’re looking for something to take your favorite oils on the go.

Clear Glass Spray Bottles

These clear glass spray bottles were my final purchase for all things essential oils.  I bought them to store my Thieves multi-purpose cleaner and my Thieves glass cleaner.  If you haven’t tried Young Living Thieves cleaner yet, you’re missing out!!  I’m ditching all of my old household cleaners and using Thieves for everything from now on.  I cannot even tell you how happy it makes me to know that we’re cutting down on all of the chemicals in our house.  Also, these bottles?  They are gorgeous in person.    

Pink and White Gingham Dish Towels

I decorate the house each year for Easter (even though I’m likely not doing so this year) and I’ve been on the hunt for some pretty spring dish towels for years.  I found these pink and white gingham ones on Amazon and thought they were perfection.  I used to have a pink and white gingham comforter when I was a little girl and I love that these remind me of that. 

Wooden Bead Garland

I bought this wooden bead garland to add to our entertainment center shelves.  I looked high and low for something similar here in town and everything I found was so expensive.  This garland was only $5.50 with free shipping… you can always count on Amazon for quality items on the cheap!  :o)

Fruit and Vegetable Scrubber

We eat tons of fruit in our house, and I have really taken to eating an apple and an orange every day.  I always rinse fruits and veggies before we eat them, but I recently saw an article about all of the gross chemicals that linger on them even after rinsing.  Enter this scrubber!!

CUPSHE Women’s Swim Suit

I’ve wanted to find a cute one-piece swim suit for years so I have tried several over these past couple of weeks.  I LOVED this swim suit… it fit perfectly, was very flattering, and was just all-around super cute.  However, I found this one from Target that I loved even more, so I ended up sending the Amazon swim suit back.  As much as I wanted to keep both, I knew I didn’t need to spend money on both, so I had to choose, and Target won. 

String Fairy Lights

I’ve already mentioned these once on the blog, and here they are again.  I cannot rave about these lights enough!!!!  They are so magical and they add a touch of whimsy wherever you use them.  I am currently using two strands to decorate my office bulletin board and I’m hoping to put a couple of strands somewhere in Olivia’s new big girl bedroom as well.  The wires are so tiny that they are pretty much invisible and they’re battery operated so you can literally string them anywhere.  Y’all know I’m completely and utterly obsessed with twinkle lights, so these will be the perfect addition to many rooms in our home.  And they’re only $8.99 for six strands!

Allergen Mask

Yep, my allergies officially got so bad this year that I went so far as to buy a mask to wear outside.  Sigh.  I never in a million years thought I would be one of those people who wears a mask, but when the pollen literally tries to kill you, ya gotta do what ya gotta do, I suppose.  I haven’t been able to bring myself to wear it in public yet, but I have worn it a few times playing outside with the kids.  It’s very well-made and it’s actually pretty comfortable.  You can pinch the piece around the nose to fit your face nice and tight and it also has adjustable straps that go around your ears so you can get the perfect fit there as well.  It’s washable so you can use it over and over again.  I’m sure this was a good investment since my allergies continue to get worse the older I get.  Please, Lord, if you’re listening, don’t let them get any worse than they already are!

Step Stool

Olivia is officially in her new big girl bed, but it is soooo high.  She can’t get up there very easily on her own so she was grabbing fistfuls of her new comforter and using that to try to pull herself up.  The first time I saw it I said, NOPE.  The last thing we need is ripped bedding.  So I bought this little plastic stool to place at the foot of her bed so she can get up there easily without destroying her new bedding in the process.

Styling Brush

Olivia has her first ballet/tap recital coming up in May which means it’s time for me to learn to do a good ballerina bun.  These brushes are perfect for smoothing hair on the top of the head to get it nice and tight for the perfect bun.  It’s only $2.84 so I’m considering it a good investment.  I need all the help I can get in the hair department because I suck at doing hair.  Haha.

Command Picture Hanging Strips – Multi-Pack

I use these Command strips to hang as many things in our house as I can.  I love them SO MUCH.  They don’t damage walls – no holes, no scrapes, and they don’t peel the paint off of the walls.  Since I have been in the process of hanging new things in my office and in Olivia’s bedroom, I ran out and had to replenish our stock.

CoverGirl Simply Powder Foundation

I have been using this CoverGirl Simply Powder Foundation for years and it is drastically cheaper on Amazon than anywhere else, including Walmart.  Amazon always has my shade, too, unlike Walmart, so it’s a no brainer to just get it on Amazon.

My Magic Tree House Journal

Jacob has been obsessed with the Magic Tree House series for the last couple of years.  We’ve read almost the entire series!  I bought this Magic Tree House journal to put in his Easter basket.  It has different prompts for some things to write about and ideas for exploring.  He loves to draw and write so I think he’ll love this. 

Nike Crew Socks

Jacob typically wears ankle socks with tennis shoes, but he recently started requesting long socks to wear with pants.  I found this six-pack of Nike socks on Amazon and they are the perfect size!

NatureMade Kids First Multivitamin with Omega-3

Our kids take a daily multivitamin and these are our favorites.  I love that these contain Omega-3, EPA, and DHA because most kids’ vitamins don’t have these.  The kids think they’re getting a treat each morning when they take it so it’s a win win!  As a matter of fact, they love these so much that they remind us to give them to them each morning which means that’s one less thing for me to have to remember!  And as with most of the other things that we buy, Amazon has these the absolute cheapest so we buy them in bulk. 

And that’s it, y’all!  Whew, that was a lot!

Happy Tuesday!

*Linking up with The Other Side of the Road for Prime Purchases


  1. What great finds. I added that oil bag to my cart. So cute.

  2. I have always worn that Simply Powder too. Thanks for the tip on the Amazon low price! My kids LOVED the Magic Treehouse series! Thanks for linking up with Prime Purchases! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  3. Oh my gosh this is so fun! You got some good stuff. My boys are crazy about the Nike crew socks and I can’t believe I’ve never gotten them on Amazon!

  4. You had a great online shopping month! Love the pink gingham napkins! I actually had a yellow and white gingham bedspread for a while when I was little, too.

  5. Why do I have yucky brown roller bottles when I could have pretty colorful ones? I've already added them to my cart! I use Thieves cleaner as well and I have the pretty blue bottles. Thanks for the neat amazon finds this month!

  6. Fun stuff! I like the rainbow bottles! The allergen mask looks like a scarf, so maybe you can pretend you're cold!

  7. Wow you have been busy! I got that same suite from Target too! It's so dang pretty on and so flattering! I love the fairy lights, have them in our lantern that sits on our kitchen window, adds such a great touch. Lots of great purchases this month!

  8. I use that simply powder foundation too; good to know it's cheaper on Amazon. I had not thought to look for it there.

    1. Yes!! It's like 50% cheaper than drug stores and around 30-40% cheaper than Walmart! Plus they always have my shade. My shade is ALWAYS out of stock in stores. It's so annoying.

  9. OH wow, you bought all the things. Ha. I hope you do a post on essential oils because I am interested in learning more about them. My aunt used to make rubs for when the girls were sick, but she passed and how I am wanting to learn how to do some of those things.

  10. Great finds! Those dish towels are so cute!


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