
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Our Weekend - The One with Memorial Day

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This weekend was just what we needed to relax, refresh, and reset after one of the busiest months ever!  Sweet summertime is finally here and we are HERE FOR IT!

Friday evening we headed out for celebratory drinks - because we made it through another school year! - and some fancy bar food at one of our new fave restaurants in town.  See that hot dog?  It’s covered in sambal aiolil, avocado, cilantro, and goat cheese and it was the best damn hot dog of my entire life!! 

After dinner we stopped by one of our favorite parks in town so the kids could start summer break on the right foot.  It was a steamy 96 degrees but none of us seemed to mind.  I think we were all just thankful for summer break and relaxation!

When we got home, we had an impromptu dance party to Horses in the Back and it ended with Olivia smacking her head on the entertainment center.  If I haven’t told y’all before, she’s about the clumsiest person I’ve ever met.  Good thing she’s tough.  Lol.

After the kids went to bed, B and I watched a couple of episodes of Better Call Saul (our newest binge) and then we called it a night.

Saturday morning I scrubbed the entire house top to bottom – sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, dusting, etc. while B mowed the front and back yards and trimmed the hedges and such.  I wanted to start out with a perfectly clean slate for summer.

We rewarded our hard work with lots of lazy time in the sun for the rest of the afternoon.  We pulled out our beloved $25 Walmart blow-up pool from last summer, filled it up, and the kids were happy as clams for the rest of the afternoon.  I’m telling y’all, best $25 we’ve ever spent!  I foresee lots more days in the blow-up pool this summer.  And it’s so awesome that it’s going to last another year!  Well, hopefully, anyway.  This year it's only $19.88 online!  Get it here.

We met my father-in-law and sister-in-law and her family for an early dinner at one of our favorite pizza places in town to celebrate my SIL’s and nephew’s birthdays Saturday evening, and then after dinner we headed back to my FIL’s for cake and playtime for the kiddos.

Sunday morning was lazy as usual.  I got my planner ready for the week ahead – our first week of summer! – and then we headed out to meet my MIL, step-FIL, SIL and her family for lunch at Longhorn.  My MIL and step-FIL usual cook Sunday lunch, but they’re having parts of their house renovated right now, so we went out instead.  We did make it back to their house after lunch for some outdoor time and birthday cake, though.

Sunday evening we headed to my parents’ house for Sunday dinner.  Olivia is now using her recital costumes as dress-up clothes, so she marched around in that all evening along with an old Krispy Kreme hat she found at my parents’.  Lol.  Never a dull moment with that girl, I swear.  She spent her first 20 minutes at my parents’ house covering my littlest brother in stickers, too.  Hahahaha.  He’s such a good sport.

Monday we decided to take the kids to see Aladdin.  I have been soooo excited for this movie and I’m pretty sure I was more excited than anyone to see it!  Aladdin is one of my favorite Disney movies of all time and I’m positive I’ve seen it over 100 times.  I can recite almost the entire thing.  My BFF in grade school and I used to watch it every single time we spent the night together (which was practically every weekend) and we even had the video game and everything. 

Needless to say, I had VERY high expectations for it, so I was pretty worried it would let me down, but y’all, IT WAS FANTASTIC.  Will Smith as the genie was brilliant and I really think Robin Williams would be proud.  The entire movie was just wonderful from start to finish, and visually, it was just STUNNING.  I highly recommend it, even to the biggest OG Aladdin fans.  You won’t be disappointed.

The rest of the day was spent, you guessed it, in the back yard in the pool again.  It was boiling hot yet again, but that didn’t stop us from grilling hamburgers and hot dogs and getting our dance on in the back yard.  B and I made ice cold Moscow Mules to cool off, and it was just the best evening spending time with my favorite people.

I’m so thankful to live in a country where we’re free to enjoy ourselves like this, and I’m so grateful for those who fight for us to keep it that way.  God bless America, y’all!


  1. What a way to kick off summer!! And as you know, I am so glad to hear that Aladdin was great - I can't wait to see it!

  2. I have so many pictures of my kids when they were little just like that last one. Those blow up pools are the best, and I have even been known to take a dip to cool off! Thanks for the tip on Aladdin! I think the so-so reviews I saw were from snarky entertainment reporters/writers. Ha! Have a wonderful first week of summer!

  3. I can't wait to see Aladdin! We get out of school tomorrow. Enjoy your time with the kids off!

  4. Wonderful photos! What a lovely weekend!

    1. Thank you! It was just what we needed after all of our busyness!

  5. What a fantastic weekend! I am trying to talk Ella into going to watch Aladdin with this afternoon! HA

  6. Replies
    1. It sure was! We needed a break from all of the busyness!

  7. I saw Aladdin on Saturday and LOVED it! You're right--Will Smith was the perfect choice for the new Genie :)

    1. I'm so glad you agree!! I've heard some people say that they weren't too sure about him, but I've always loved him!

  8. What a fun weekend! That hot dog, and that mac and cheese looks crazy good! I love all the Patriotic wear. We didn't get a chance to see Aladdin but I'm hoping we can get to the theater before it's gone LOL. Glad to hear it was a good one!

  9. That hot dog and that mac and cheese both look amazing! You guys are always introducing me to new shows I’ve never heard of. I will have to check that one out. I love your red, white and blue summer watermelon top! So cute! I had the same thoughts about Aladdin as you did. I’m glad to hear it was great!


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