
Monday, May 13, 2019

Our Weekend - The One with Mother’s Day

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Friday afternoon Olivia had professional pictures for dance, so she and I made our way over to the dance studio while the boys hung back and watched Star Wars at home.  She got to wear both her ballet and tap costumes that she’ll wear in her recital and she was so excited to try them on.  We put her hair in a bun (and y’all I suck at ballet buns so I’m going to be doing some major practicing between now and next weekend) and I also let her wear some lipstick and a little bit of blush for her pictures.  When we were leaving, she told me that she wants to be a ballerina forever because she loves getting to wear makeup.  Lol.  That girl.

After pictures we headed home to grab the boys and we had Mex for dinner at our favorite place.  The Mexican restaurant is just a couple of doors down from a Burger King that put in a MASSIVE playground a few years ago, and on the way in, the kids asked if we could stop there afterward to play.  So yes, we were those people who totally used the BK for their playground and we didn’t even buy anything.  Lol.

The rest of the evening was spent finishing up Star Wars that the boys had started earlier and then after the kids went to bed B and I started watching Big Little Lies.  We finished The Handmaid’s Tale last weekend so we needed something new, and I have to say, I’m intrigued so far with Big Little Lies.  It’s pretty good.

Friday evening, it was also brought to my attention that Snapchat now has a dude filter and it makes all of the ladies look like guys, so naturally I had to test it out, and y’all, this is the thing of nightmares.  LOLOLOLOL.  What’s the creepiest of all is that I actually look like my littlest brother.  Lol.  And Brian thinks I look like Sam Smith.  Bahahaha.

Saturday we had originally planned to go to Providence Canyon for a visit (it’s considered to be the “Grand Canyon of Georgia”), but the weather wasn’t looking too promising so we decided to stay home.  This was the first Saturday that we’d had free in months, so we made the most of it and started cleaning out Brian’s office.  We’ve lived here for almost ten years and his office has literally been a nightmare the entire time.  It was kind of in order at the very beginning, but over time it became the dumping ground for junk so it was BAD, y’all.  BAD.

I never let it bother me because we always keep the door shut, plus I never had a reason to go in there for the longest time.  But a few years ago, we added on an indoor storage closet, and the closet had to be added on to B’s office.  It now houses all of my gift wrap supplies, all of our holiday décor, and some of the kids arts and crafts stuff, so I have to go in there all the time.  Well, it got to the point where I couldn’t even get to the closet, so it was time to do something because it was driving me insane.

Our goal is to get it completely cleaned out and organized this summer once and for all.  Saturday we ended up working in there for SIX HOURS and we got so much done.  Even though we got a lot done, though, we still have a loooong road ahead of us. 

Saturday evening we went to church and then to a cute little Italian place for dinner with my whole fam, and then we all went home where B and I watched a couple more episodes of Big Little Lies.

Sunday was Mother’s Day, and B and the kids were up fairly early while I slept in until 8:30.  It was a very dark and cloudy day, and I always love to sleep in during that kind of weather, so it was a nice start to the morning.

When I got up, B and the kids showered me with handmade gifts and cards, and Brian had even typed up the cutest interview that he had done with the kids about me.  After that, B went and picked up some donuts for breakfast, and then after breakfast he took me outside to his SUV and showed me that I had another gift in there… the dresser that I’ve been DYING FOR to go in the living room to house our DVD collection.  I am SO EXCITED.

I spent the rest of the morning snuggling with the babies and prepping my planner for the week ahead while B put together the dresser.  I’m IN LOVE.  And I promise to share it soon… I haven’t had a chance to snap pictures.  You can see the dresser here, though.  It is just perfect in that space. 

Sunday afternoon we went to my MIL and step-FIL’s for Sunday lunch and to celebrate my MIL for Mother’s Day.  The rain cleared during lunch and we were able to spend a good hour on the back deck soaking up the sun while the kids played.  Jacob has decided he wants to play baseball in the fall, so my nephews (who play baseball) were helping Jacob practice hitting.  My brother-in-law (who also played baseball and was really good) worked with Jacob on his batting stance for a while, too.  We’re getting him all prepped and ready because fall will be here before we know it!

Sunday evening we went to my parents’ house for Sunday dinner and we celebrated with my Momma for Mother’s Day.  My brother and sister-in-law gave me roses for Mother's Day and I thought that was just the sweetest thing!  

My Momma cooked a delicious dinner and then afterwards, my Momma surprised my Daddy with a new classic sports car!!!!  Shouldn’t that have been the other way around?!  Lol.

But seriously, my Daddy has always loved classic cars and sports cars (and cars in general), but he’s always driven something “practical” and “dad-friendly” since they’ve always had kids in the house.  Since my dad’s current car is oooold (and not in a good collector’s type of way) my Momma surprised him with a classic sports car that’s in mint condition that one of their friends was selling.  Both of my parents have always driven very modest cars, and they drive them basically until the wheels fall off, so my Momma said that my Daddy deserved to finally have the “toy” that he’s always wanted. 

He was SO surprised and all of us were cracking up because we knew about it so we were able to watch the progression from confusion to excitement on his face when he realized it was my mom in the driver's seat.  Once the shock wore off he took me for a spin around the neighborhood and I foresee lots of speeding tickets in his near future.  Hahahaha.

Happy retirement, Daddy!  And Happy Mother's Day to every kind of mommy!

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannahTanya, and myself... just grab our new graphic for 2019 and link up below!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending and HoHo Runs for Weekly Wrap.

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  1. Sounds like a lovely Mother's Day weekend! Rainy mornings like that are my favorites to stay in bed, too. And we had that here, as well! I love your dad's little convertible - that will be SO fun for your parents to drive around in. And you all have the perfect weather for it, too. Hope you have a great Monday!

  2. It looks like your weekend was full of celebrating with your people! I hope you enjoyed it!

  3. What a fun weekend! I love that you got to sleepin. It was cloudy and rainy here, too. I love the pics of you with the kids. How exciting for your dad!!! I hope he enjoys retirement.

  4. What a fun weekend and the surprise in your dad's face!

  5. Looks like you had a great weekend and Mother's Day. So fun about the car!

  6. I dont have snapchat anymore...and for this filter alone I really want to download it again! Congratulations to your dad!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  7. What an amazing surprise for your dad! It looks like you had a wonderful mother's day!

  8. What a great weekend. Love the car that your dad got. Yay for a new dresser and handmade gifts. Those are my favorite!!!

  9. What a fun weekend! Look at your daddy in his new ride! So cute!

  10. Your dad is so cute! What a wonderful weekend with your crew and your little ballerina is so sweet posing for pictures!

  11. Yay for a new dresser and those yummy doughnuts! We got a lot accomplished on Saturday, too - sometimes that feels so good. Happy belated Mother's Day!

  12. I love that turn around of gifts on Mother's day! You can just tell your dad is thrilled!! Those dance pictures are going to do be so darn cute!

  13. What a wonderful Mother's Day weekend. Those dance pictures are fantastic. Your dad looks awesome in his new ride!! Congrats to him.

  14. Oh sweet Olivia! So cute. Whoa that BK playground is massive. Looks like a blast! That Snapchat filter is crazy. I look 100% identical to my brother with that filter. That was so cool of your mom to do that for your dad! What kind of car is it? Glad you had a good Mother's Day!

  15. Happy Belated Mother's Day! I have seen that funny filter floating around online, hilarious! How sweet is Olivia in her dance costume, love!!!


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