
Friday, June 7, 2019

Five on Friday - June Goals

May was so freaking busy, you guys!  I somehow managed to accomplish a lot in addition to all of the other stuff that we had going on!  Let’s get right to it and see how I did!

And as always, I’m using a Y for YES and N for NO to indicate whether or not I accomplished my goals.


Y  Positivity, worry less, complain less, be kind, patience, relationships. – Still actively working on this one and it’s going pretty well I think.
Y  Go on one date night with B to the school fundraiser. – Sure did, and we had a great time!
Y  Go on one overnight date night with B to see Dave Matthews Band. – Yes ma’am, and it was such a great night!  Our seats were in the fifth row and it doesn’t get much better than that!
Y  Attend the Volunteer Dinner at the school. – Done and done!  This was their very first one and I think they’re going to make it an annual thing.  Olive Garden catered and they had beer and wine for everyone and it was an enjoyable evening.
Y  Have lunch with an old coworker x 2. – Yes, I had lunch on two separate occasions with two of my old coworkers, both of whom are some of my oldest and dearest friends from work.  They were both there when I started back in 2004 and one of them was the second person I ever met there on my very first day!  It’s always great to catch up!
Y  Have a girls’ night dinner with old coworkers. – In fact, I had two!  My girl, Adrienne, one of her friends, and I went out for margs one evening, and then Adrienne and I also met up with three of our old coworkers (who still work at my old company) at a sports bar for some drinks and catching up. 


Y  Drink 4 thermoses of water most days. – Still doing pretty well with this!
Y  Eat an apple most days. – Still doing well with this, too.  I keep apples on hand at all times because I always feel better when I eat them.  During the summer I seem to love them even more, too!
Y  Go to the gym or work out at home at least 2 times per week. – Yep!  Even though May was crazy busy I forced myself to squeeze in the gym time.  There were two weeks where I couldn’t make it to the gym twice, but we went on a two-hour walk/hike at Providence Canyon one of the weeks, and the other week I worked out on my stair stepper at home, so I was still able to get two good workouts in every week!
Y  Eat less sugar overall. – Yep, I’m still pretty much only having one treat after dinner while B and I watch TV together in the evening.  I rarely have anything else sweet during the day.  If I get a craving for something sweet after lunch, I always reach for a Larabar.  Y’all know how much I love those things!
Y  Moisturize my neck and chest every day. – Still going strong with this one.  I don’t think I’ve ever missed a day!  And I’ve also started using my “Glow” serum that I made with essential oils.  I’m not even kidding when I tell you I can already tell a difference in the skin on my neck and chest after only one week of use!
Y  Start wearing new bite guard from new dentist for TMJ issues. – Yep, and I feel like it has completely reset my bite and allowed my jaw to know exactly where it needs to be.  I’m going to keep on keeping on with this one and I’ll go back for a check up next month to see what the dentist thinks.


Y  Continue working on kindness and good manners with the kids. – Yes, we’re still constantly reminding them to be kind and use good manners.  I feel like Jacob has really gotten the hang of the manners thing, but other children (not naming any names – LOL) still forget to use manners a lot of the time.
Y  Create habits of asking to be excused and taking plates to the sink for the kids. – Still staying on them with this, too.  They both seem to have slacked off recently for this, though, so we’re just going to keep on reminding them until they remember all the time on their own.
N  Continue getting outside to let the kids ride bikes. – Well, we’ve been spending plenty of time outside, but zero time on bikes.  Whoops.  Nobody wants to ride a bike in the 100 degree heat anyway!  I’d choose the pool, too!
Y  Book VBS. – Yes, both kids are all booked and ready to go!
Y  Watch Olivia perform in her first ever dance recital!  EEK! – Yes, and it was so great! 
Y  Wrap up all school events (Fundraiser, Mother’s Day, Teacher Appreciation, Luau, Class Party) – Yes, another school year is officially in the books and it feels fantastic to have it all behind us now!
Y  Try a new restaurant in our city. – Yes!  We finally got around to doing this.  We found the cutest open-air restaurant on the way downtown and we loved it.  We’ve already been twice!  I had the best hot dog of my whole life there just last week.  :o)
Y  Celebrate Mother’s Day. – Sure did!  And Brian and the babies showered me with cards, handmade gifts, and the beautiful dresser I’ve been wanting for our living room!.
Y  Prepare packing lists and start packing for our beach trip in June. – Oh y’all know I did this early on!  If there’s one thing I love to do in advance, it’s to prepare for a trip!


N  Upload more clothes to sell on Poshmark. – Why oh why is this such a chore?!
Y  Sell a few other old items (to make enough for new DVD cabinet that I want) – Well, I got the DVD cabinet and that’s all that matters… just so happens that B and the kids got it for me for Mother’s Day, though!
N  Set up new DVD cabinet and hang artwork in living room to complete the room. – I marked this one as a NO because it’s not totally done, but it is 2/3 done!  The DVD cabinet and one of the new pieces of art is up, but I am still in need of one more wall hanging for that area.
Y  Finish up everything I need to have done before kids get out of school. – Yep, ready or not, here they come!  Oh wait, they’re already here.
Y  Change mudroom bulletin board from school stuff to summer stuff. – Yep, got that all done last week!
Y  Photograph kids’ artwork and file once they’re out of school. – Yep, got this done, too!  And apparently a lot of you are working on this, too, because my post from last year is going viral again on Pinterest!  :o)
Y  Start cleaning out Brian’s office and office closets.  This is going to be a huge one! – Yes ma’am!  B and I worked on this one Saturday for a good six hours and we got a lot done!  There’s still TONS left to do, though. 
Y  Get all junk out of front sitting room and put away. – Yes, and praise the Lord.  I was so tired of looking at it.
Y  Make a summer car kit (changes of clothes, sunscreen, Band-aids, etc.) – Yep, got this one done last week, too!
N  Shop thrift markets for a side table for my office and an oil storage wall hanger. – This is another thing that is half done and half not.  I did find a side table for my office (although, no luck at the thrift market), but I still haven’t found anything to store my oils.  Well, I have on Etsy, but I’m looking around some more because I don’t want to spend that much money!
Y  Do 20 things on Master To-Do list.  I didn’t just do 20, I did 28!!  However, as with prior months, I also added 7 new things, so for the sake of cutting down the list for the year, it’s like I did 21 things.  A few things that I did this month from the list were moving some wall hangings around in the house to have them exactly where I like them, adding a new throw blanket to the basket in our living room (our old one was horrible), organizing some toy keepsakes in our storage closet (yes, I’m saving them for our grandkids… don’t judge), moving a few office supplies around in my office for better functionality, adding a chair and table to my office by the window, patching a hole and fixing some paint in my office, getting some things put away that have been piled in my office closet for a couple of months, organizing the garage, making and ordering business cards for my blog (FINALLY), making some new highlights for Instagram stories, and lots more!


Y  Work ahead on blog posts so I’m not writing a post every single day. – I worked well ahead all month for most of the posts.
Y  Complete four blog posts for the summer. – I completed SIX!
N  Take 10 pictures for both Instagram accounts. – I completely neglected my oils IG page because May was so busy, but I’m getting back to it now!
N  Research Tailwind and decide whether or not to join. – Nope.  Still haven’t even looked into it.
Y  Continue sharing on Instagram stories. – As always!


31 items accomplished
6 items not accomplished

Probably not my best month, but I feel accomplished, so I guess that’s all that matters!  Now for some pictures of success!

Attending the school fundraiser

Overnight date night to see DMB

Celebrating Mother's Day

End-of-Year school activities - Olivia's Pre-K Moving Up Ceremony

End-of-Year school activities - Celebrating Jacob's birthday at school

New dresser and wall hanging in living room

Organizing DVDs in new dresser

Y’all ready for the June goals?  Since the kids will be home with me all month, they won’t be quite as lofty since I’ll be wanting to spend all of my time with them.  :o)

June Goals


Positivity, worry less, complain less, be kind, patience, relationships.
Spend lots of time relaxing.  Amen.
Read 2-3 books.
Movie date with my momma, aunt, grandmother, and cousin.
Make bed most days.
Start quiet time again, several times per week.
Keep plants alive in the summer heat.
Celebrate my BFFs birthday with a girls night!


Drink 4 thermoses of water most days.
Eat an apple most days.
Continue working out at least two times per week even though the kids are out.
Eat less sugar overall.
Moisturize my neck and chest with my “Glow” serum every day.
Follow up with dentist to see how my jaw is doing since wearing the new bite guard.


Continue working on kindness and good manners with the kids. 
Create habits of asking to be excused and taking plates to the sink for the kids.
Try to ride bikes at least once.
Go on a beach trip with my three favorite people and explore new things!
Take the kids to swimming lessons.
Celebrate Father’s Day.
Send the kids to Vacation Bible School for a week.
Get to crossing things off of our family summer bucket list!
Start summer homework.  Womp womp.


Upload more clothes to sell on Poshmark.
Figure out final piece to hang in living room to complete the room.
Continue cleaning out Brian’s office and office closets. 
Find something to hang on wall to hold oils.
Catch up both kids’ baby books.
Catch up Olivia’s One Line a Day book.
Go through keepsakes list and make sure I have everything accounted for for both kids.
Do 25 things on Master To-Do list.


Work ahead on blog posts so I’m not writing a post every single day.
Post 3-4 times per week (down from 4-5 during the school year).
Start posting on oils Instagram account again.

Happy Friday!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday FavoritesMeet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and By BMG for High Five for Friday.


  1. I’d say that pretty amazing! I love that a goal is to keep the plants alive. You can do it and may Mother Nature be kind to them too. Happy Weekend babe! xo

  2. You always do so great with your goals! And especially this month when dealing with May-cember. :) Here's to hoping for another great month with lots checked off!

  3. You always crush it with your goals! Feeling accomplished and good about what you did is the most important part.

  4. Um you did great! And some of those N's are half done! Hope the beach is treating y'all well!

  5. You killed it on our goals this last month. I have goals of reading 2 to 3 books each month this summer too!


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