
Friday, June 28, 2019

Five on Friday - Oils Storage, Mirror Makeover, and Rainbow Tote

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Hey, y’all and happy Friday!  I’m especially excited about this Friday because… Olivia is officially done with her antibiotic and today is the first day in ten days that I won’t have to deal with a 20-minute tantrum just to get her medicine down.  Yaaaay!  Haha.  But seriously, we are so excited for Friday and the weekend because we have some fun things planned!  Here are some favorites from the week…

O N E – Oils Storage

As you all know, I recently started oiling and I’m still loving it!  I’ve replaced all of our household cleaners with oil products and I’ve also turned to diffusing oils in place of burning chemical-filled candles the majority of the time.  I’ve been using oils to aid with my reflux issues, to aid with sleep, to aid with overall wellness and immunity, and for a ton of other things.  The possibilities are truly endless. 

When I initially signed up, I ordered the starter kit to “get my feet wet” to see if I actually liked oils, and I ended up loving them so much that I’ve purchased many other oils to add to my collection since then.  I have so many that it was getting hard to find what I needed when I needed it, so I was on the hunt for several months to find somewhere to display all of them.

I found several display shelves on Etsy that were perfect, but they were all insanely expensive and I just couldn’t justify spending $200 on an accent piece to hold my oils.  One day I happened to be in TJ Maxx looking for something totally unrelated and I passed right by this little hanging shelf that was the perfect size.  It was gray which didn’t match anything in our house, but it was only $19.99 and it wasn’t anything that a little bit of spray paint couldn’t fix!  I sprayed it white, hung it up, and now I have the perfect place to display all of my oils!  If you're looking for one similar and can't find one at your TJM, check out this one!  It's pricey, but it's handmade and beautiful.  It would have been my second choice.

It’s hanging right in the kitchen so now when I want to diffuse something, all I have to do is walk right over, easily select what I want, and it takes way less time than digging around through the little basket I used to have them in.  The shelf is big enough for my collection to grow, and it’s even deep enough to stack bottles behind one another when I have multiples of the same oil… ahem… Peppermint.  (It’s, like, the best thing ever.)

I organized the oils in ROYGBIV order because – duh – and it’s just the happiest little nook in our kitchen!  We diffuse oils pretty much every day now, and I use my rollers multiple times a day for lots of different reasons.  If you’re ever interested in oiling, do let me know!  I’m happy to talk to you about it, or you can just check out my page here to see how to get yourself started.

T W O – Mirror Makeover

My Nana was recently moved to a nursing home and I acquired her old mirror when my parents cleaned out all of her things.  The mirror was made of cherry wood which doesn’t match anything in our house (and also isn’t really my taste), so I decided to give it a makeover. 

I taped off the mirror and hardware, and used my beloved Rust-Oleum Chalked Spray Paint in Linen White to spray paint the whole thing.  It only took about 15 minutes and a few coats and it looks like a brand new mirror!  It’s the perfect addition to our master bedroom and it’ll also come in handy for taking better outfit pictures for the blog and Instagram.  Our current floor-to-ceiling mirror hangs on the opposite wall as the windows, so all of the natural light is at my back when I face the mirror which makes for dark, grainy pictures.

This stand alone mirror will allow me to place it anywhere in the room to snap pictures towards the natural light, so I’m super excited!  But above all, I love having this little piece of my grandmother close to me. 

All taped up
Spray paint done, waiting for it to dry

All done!!  <3  Still need to wipe down the glass, though.  ;o)

T H R E E – Swim Suit

I finally bought a new swimsuit this summer after not buying any for several years and I could not love this one more (top here and bottom here)!  Y’all know how I feel about polka dots, so that’s what initially attracted me to it, and the olive green color is beautiful.  It looks so pretty against tanned skin!  I honestly can’t even pinpoint why exactly I love it other than that, but I do.  Brian also complimented me the first time I wore it, so he must feel the same way!  ;o) 

The cut of the suit is nice because the top and bottoms are both full coverage.  I’m not a fan of all of the newer “cheeky” cut swimsuit bottoms… momma needs the junk in the trunk concealed!  So this suit gives me all the coverage I need when I’m out playing with the kids, but without feeling like a “mom suit” if that makes sense!

It’s from Target and it’s super affordable – the top and bottom are each $14.99 – and right now Target has free shipping and free returns on all women’s swimwear. 

F O U R – Rainbow Tote

This past school year I was the room mom for Jacob’s class so I was constantly coming and going and toting lots of arts and crafts stuff, food, gifts, etc.  I realized early on that I didn’t have a good bag to carry it all in… all of my bags were either small tote bags which weren’t large enough, or they were awkward sized duffel bags which didn’t really work for what I needed to carry. 

I found this tote on a few weeks ago and I could not love it more!  It’s basically the size of one of the large reusable shopping bags, but sturdier… and also cuter!  :o)  This one may be sold out by now, but I found this one that's nearly identical... and cheaper!

Y’all know I’m a sucker for rainbow anything and I’m also a sucker for stripes, so this bag is right up my alley.  It’s looking like I’m going to be Jacob’s room mom again next year, I’m hoping to be Olivia’s as well (just call me crazy), so this baby will be making itself verrrry useful starting in August. 

F I V E – Funnies for the Week

Here are the funnies for the week!

Olivia's and my relationship for the last two weeks.  Hahahaha.

The struggle is real, y'all... especially in the summer when the pageviews are lower!

Bahahaha.  But seriously, thanks for trying.

And in case you missed it, here’s what happened on the blog this week…

Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday FavoritesMeet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and By BMG for High Five for Friday.


  1. That little oil spot is so cute! It looks perfect in that area. I also LOVE how you transformed the mirror. You know I love family pieces, and it will be so nice to have - not only to use, but just as a piece of your nana!

  2. I just love the way you store your oils. That rainbow rote is adorable! Your funnies always make me smile. Happy Weekend beautiful!

  3. I love that last funny...the struggle is real with the husband taking pics! Actually Michael has taken some really great pics, but he also really likes to snap random pics that are not at the best angle! The mirror looks so good. The story of the antibiotics had me remembering when my mom was trying to get me to swallow a sudafed pill. I must have been 9, 10, 11 ish. I didn't think I could swallow a pill and let's just say we both ended up with red dye all over us from the temper tantrum I threw! Ugh! Hope you have a good weekend!

  4. The oils display is so cute - as is the rainbow tote! Love what you did with the mirror as well. Have a great weekend!

  5. That is the cutest rainbow tote. I love the storage choice for your oils. And that bathing suit is amazing. My c-section scar would totally show in that, but I got one very similar from andie swim if any other mommas have that problem.

  6. I love your oil storage! Your mirror looks great! I am on the hunt for a standing full length mirror!

  7. I need that rainbow tote, it's so adorable!


  8. Love that mirror update and that you have a piece of something that reminds you of your grandmother. I too have that problem that the window is at my back when I try to take photos in the mirror!

    1. It's always annoyed me to have the light at my back, so now it'll be nice to have some light directly on me!

  9. I clicked on your link to the swim suit pieces before I saw your picture of you in it on the beach, and I said OUT LOUD to no one in the room "Girl, you'd better WEAR it!!"...and you DID! You look fabulous in it! Great color on you!

    New follower and fellow Southerner from very south Georgia...Go Dawgs!

    1. Hahahaha. That is so funny! And thank you! AND OMG GO DAWGS!!!! I love meeting fellow fans!

  10. Great job on the mirror! Love the new look. I have an old dresser I've been toying with painting. The Rust-O-Leum you used would work great on it.


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