
Friday, July 5, 2019

Five on Friday - July Goals

While June was a bit slower than May, the calendar was still full of stuff – beach trip, swimming lessons, Vacation Bible School, and doctor appointments – but July, July is my star!  There’s a whole lot of nothing going on in July aside from the 4th and Jacob’s birthday and I’m hoping to get a bit more done in July than I did in June.  That said, June was still a decent month for productivity, but I didn’t complete several of my goals.  Such is life when you have kids at home 24/7!  Let’s see how I did!

And as always, I’m using a Y for YES and N for NO to indicate whether or not I accomplished my goals.


Y  Positivity, worry less, complain less, be kind, patience, relationships. June was a pretty easy month so there wasn’t as much to worry about.  I still struggle with a lot of this daily, but I feel like I’m more aware of it now than I used to be, so we’re calling it a win!
Y  Spend lots of time relaxing.  Amen. – I get a 100% A+ for this one!
Y  Read 2-3 books. – I read 3.5!  (Confessions of a Domestic Failure, Swear on This Life, The Dinner List, and half of Every Breath)  I’m on a roll!
N  Movie date with my momma, aunt, grandmother, and cousin. – Well, we had good intentions, but the movie we wanted to see left the theater faster than expected and there was nothing else that we all wanted to see.  Maybe something good will come out next month?
Y  Make bed most days. – Rolling right along with this one, even though last week didn’t go as well.
N  Start quiet time again, several times per week. – Sure didn’t.  Big fat fail.
Y  Keep plants alive in the summer heat. – Just go ahead and give me my green thumb trophy!  All of my plants are thriving and my herbs are so great we’ve been able to enjoy them in countless meals!  I did have one casualty that happened while we were at the beach… my cilantro got blown over in one of the strong storms we had while we were gone and it was a goner by the time we got home from our trip but that was out of my control.
Y  Celebrate my BFFs birthday with a girls night! – Yes, and two of us even went out for a nightcap afterwards.  Haven’t done that in a while!


N  Drink 4 thermoses of water most days. – I kinda dropped the ball on this in June and I don’t really even have a good explanation for it.  I probably drank 2-3 thermoses each day which didn’t add up to what I need to be getting each day.  One thermos is equivalent to 16 oz. so if I drink four then I’m getting the full 64 oz. like I need per day.
Y  Eat an apple most days. – I just feel better all around when I have an apple a day!  I even did this at the beach!  And since this one has also become a habit, I’m removing it from next month’s list.
Y  Continue working out at least two times per week even though the kids are out. – Yes!  I made it to the gym three times this month and I either walked at home or did my stair stepper to make up for the rest of the days I couldn’t get to the gym.  I didn’t work out at the beach, but we did so much walking that definitely counted for something.
Y  Eat less sugar overall. – I’m not counting the week we were at the beach, because on vacation we splurge, but aside from vacay, I did pretty good with this.  I’m still just having my one splurge in the evening after the kids go to bed with either Publix frozen yogurt or Halo Top and that’s it most days!  Since I’ve been so good about this, I’m removing it from next month’s list.  Another habit in the books!
Y  Moisturize my neck and chest with my “Glow” serum every day. – YES!  And it has totally made my skin on my neck and chest smoother!  I can definitely see a difference.  This has become a habit, so I’ll be removing it from the list for next month.
Y  Follow up with dentist to see how my jaw is doing since wearing the new bite guard. – Yes, he said that I’ve made a good bit of progress with my bite, but since I’m still clenching at night we’re trying something else to see if we can improve that a little.


Y  Continue working on kindness and good manners with the kids.  Yep, we’re constantly staying on them until they get it on their own.
Y  Create habits of asking to be excused and taking plates to the sink for the kids. – Same!
Y  Try to ride bikes at least once. – We ended up getting out and riding three times and they’re both looking a bit more comfortable on them.
Y  Go on a beach trip with my three favorite people and explore new things! – We had the best time! 
Y  Take the kids to swimming lessons. – Made it through two week’s worth and both kids did fantastic! 
Y  Celebrate Father’s Day. – We celebrated our favorite dads!
Y  Send the kids to Vacation Bible School for a week. – Yes, and they both enjoyed it as always!
Y  Get to crossing things off of our family summer bucket list! – Yes!  We’ve crossed quite a few things off already… beach trip, swimming lessons, Atlanta United game, etc.
Y  Start summer homework.  Womp womp. – Yep, Jacob has made his way through 10 of his 42 math assignments and we’ve also been doing lots of reading and studying multiplication facts (even though the multiplication facts aren’t technically summer homework).


N  Upload more clothes to sell on Poshmark. – Please, somebody, just come do this for me!
Y  Figure out final piece to hang in living room to complete the room. – Yes, and the living room is officially done aside from refinishing the coffee table and end tables.
N  Continue cleaning out Brian’s office and office closets. – We honestly didn’t even look at that this month.  We were too busy relaxing and having fun.
Y  Find something to hang on wall to hold oils. – Yes, and I love it so much!  I like being able to see everything I have now!
Y  Catch up both kids’ baby books. – Yes, I was able to catch them both up as much as I can right now.  B still has two entries to do, but my part is done for now!
Y  Catch up Olivia’s One Line a Day book. – Yes, and sadly, it’s all done… my baby’s growing up and it’s the end of an era.
N  Go through keepsakes list and make sure I have everything accounted for for both kids. – Didn’t even remotely start on this.
Y  Do 25 things on Master To-Do list. - I didn’t just do 25, I did 31!!  However, as with prior months, I also added 5 new things, so for the sake of cutting down the list for the year, it’s like I did 26 things.  A few things that I did this month from the list were putting an area rug in our living room, getting a different area rug for our kitchen, hanging a couple of wall hangings that have been sitting around forever waiting to be hung, adding that new shelf for my oils and getting them organized, painting my Nana’s mirror, developing new pictures to update frames around the house, properly disposing of some old cans of paint that we’ve been needing to get rid of, and so much more!


N  Work ahead on blog posts so I’m not writing a post every single day. – Ever since we got back from the beach I feel like I’ve been behind on blogging nonstop.  I’ve been doing every single post the night before it goes live because I just can’t seem to get ahead.  Thank goodness for the ones that I did back in April in May that are still out there waiting to go live. 
Y  Post 3-4 times per week (down from 4-5 during the school year). – Every week this month I only posted 3-4 times with the exception of the last week.  The only reason I posted five times that week was because I was trying to get my beach recaps done.  There aren’t enough days in the week for all of those!  Haha.
Y  Start posting on oils Instagram account again. – I only posted a couple more times on there in June, but at least I posted.  It’s hard managing one Instagram account, let alone two, and again, it was hard getting caught up on everything after being out of town for the first week of June! 


27 items accomplished
7 items not accomplished

This was probably my worst month yet, but you know what?  All of the items that have a big YES next to them are the fun items and that’s all that matters during the summer, right?!  Here are some pictures of my successes...

Beach trip with the fam

One of the 3.5 books I read

Swimming lessons

Riding bikes

New storage shelf to organize oils

My grandmother's mirror all painted

New rug for the living room

Atlanta United game with my peeps!

Now for some July goals…

July Goals


Positivity, worry less, complain less, be kind, patience, relationships.
Read 2-3 books.
Movie date with my momma, aunt, grandmother, and cousin, take 2.
Make bed most days.
Start quiet time again, several times per week, take 2.


Drink 4 thermoses of water most days.
Continue working out at least two times per week.
Meet with the allergist to reassess allergy shot situation. 
Schedule an appointment with my GI doctor to discuss reflux. 


Continue working on kindness and good manners with the kids. 
Create habits of asking to be excused and taking plates to the sink for the kids.
Ride bikes.
Go swimming as a family.  Gotta find a pool first!  Lol.
Send the kids to summer camp for a week.
Celebrate Jacob’s birthday!
Get milkshakes.
Let the kids have a sleepover campout at home complete with a fort.
Continue working on our summer bucket list.
Finish Jacob’s summer math homework online.
Book our trip to Disney World for Spring Break 2020.
Take Jacob for his eight-year well visit at the doctor.
Start preparing for back-to-school – uniforms, book bags, new shoes, etc.
Look into signing Jacob up for fall baseball.
Look into signing Olivia up for dance.


Upload more clothes to sell on Poshmark, take 957.
Continue cleaning out Brian’s office and office closets. 
Go through keepsakes and make sure everything is accounted for for both kids, take 2.
Do 20 things on Master To-Do list.


Try to get ahead on blog posts again.
Start planning fall content.
Take several photos for both IG accounts to have on hand for times when I have nothing else to post.

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday FavoritesMeet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, and By BMG for High Five for Friday.


  1. Gosh, it's hard to believe that getting ready for school is on the list for this month! You had a great June, and I am sure July will be even better!

  2. I love how you have turned some of your goals into habits! I was thinking of listing some things on poshmark too. I've never done it before!

  3. I just love when a new health goal becomes a habit... but I have to watch myself even at that. I used to exercise 5 days a week and kept it up for over a year then one week on vacation and I lost that momentum... I'm finally getting back there but it's so much easier to develop "bad" habits than good ones. Good for you for being able to move so many of them off this list!

    1. You are so right!! All it takes is one weird schedule change to knock you right out of the habit! I'll have to be very careful for sure!

  4. Great goals! Staying motivated in the summer is so HARD!


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