
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Confessions {8.22.2019}

I used to do these posts at least once a month, but for whatever reason, I never think to do them anymore.  I think it’s been a good 6-7 months since my last confessions post, so it’s a bit overdue!  Straight from my mind this week…

I confess…

… that I’m a little jealous of my kids’ school experience.  As most of you know, they are attending my alma mater, and friends, they have made so many changes for the better in the years since I left!  I mean, it was a great school when I was there, but nowadays the kids get to do all kinds of special stuff that we didn’t have when I was there.  They have so many fun events and parties that we didn’t have, they get to be out of uniform and wear jeans and school t-shirts every Friday, the cafeteria food is worlds better (so many choices!), and best of all… Jacob’s class has flex seating this year!  This means that the kids can sit anywhere they want to in class – regular desks, stand-up desks, floor cushions, and various other places.  The theory is that kids do their best work when they’re comfortable (AMEN), so they are now allowed to work where they’re most comfortable.  I currently use a stand-up work station at home and I would have loved that option when I was in school… nobody likes to sit all day!  I’m just loving how progressive they are these days.  #JustCallThemGoogle

… that this ringing in my ears is going to be the death of me.  I’m coming up on 10 months of solid ringing in my ears – 24 hours a day, seven days a week – it never ever stops.  Some days I don’t even notice it anymore since it’s always there, but a lot of the time it drives me absolutely nuts.  I’ve gotten to where I cannot stand silence because, obviously, the ringing becomes more prominent then.  Therefore, I need some kind of background noise to drown it out at all times.  I’ve seen doctor after doctor and the only thing we can come up with is that it’s somehow related to my allergies and reflux issues.  If anybody has ever experienced ringing in the ears and figured out a way to resolve it, I beg of you, please share with me what you did!!  #ImGonnaGoInsane

… that I recently started meditating to try to help manage my anxiety from said ringing, reflux, and allergies.  Between the ringing and allergies/reflux issues, I feel like my anxiety is at an all-time high, so I’ve turned to meditation to see if it will help.  Well y’all, I suck at it.  My mind just will not rest.  During meditation you’re supposed to empty your mind and focus on nothing but your breathing.  Well, my mind can do that for approximately five seconds before I realize it has wandered off somewhere that it shouldn’t be… most of the time to the ringing in my ears.  Everything I’ve read says daily practice will hone your skills, so we’ll see.  If you have any tips for meditating successfully, holla at your girl!  #StuckInMyOwnHead

… that my hair has started shedding a ton and it’s falling out as much as it does after I have a baby.  That postpartum hair loss is no joke.  However, I didn’t just have a baby nor am I nursing one, so whyyyy is this happening?  Stress from all of my health woes?  Has this ever happened to anyone else before?  Anybody have any suggestions on how to make it stop??

… that I went three whole months without getting my hair highlighted and it was looking rough when I finally went Tuesday morning.  On a positive note my roots were so long that I could see lots of my original color and I don’t have any grey hairs!  Although, I think I’d rather have lots of grey hairs than no hair at all.  #PleaseStopFallingOut

Happy Thursday, y’all!


  1. If you figure out how to meditate, you have to let us know your tricks. I am the same way - I cannot clear my mind whatsoever. I think there are a few different shampoos you can use for hair loss - I am not sure what ones are best, but I know they are out there!

  2. I had hair loss like you describe and it turned out to be my thyroid. Other common symptoms of thyroid disease are being cold all the time, dry skin, tired, feeling in a fog, and more. Google it! The hair loss was what sent me to my doctor to get a test and now I take synthroid. Just a thought of something to get checked!

    1. Interesting... being cold all the time - CHECK! Dry skin - CHECK! Feeling in a fog - CHECK! I guess I'll be checking with my doc to see if I can get a thyroid test. Thank you for letting me know!

  3. My hair is falling out too. I got some strengthening shampoo which helped in the past. I'm jealous of my kids' school experience too! I was listening to the 10 Things To Tell You podcast and she talks about quiet time, she takes 5 minutes of silence where she lets her mind wander to anything at all and then she says it goes quiet for a bit. I'm sure it does take practice!

  4. I know what you mean about being a little envious of the kids' school experience. Some aspects of high school are so fun that I wouldn't mind reliving them. On the other hand, there are parts of teen life I would never want to see again...ha, ha!

  5. It took me a long time to be able to meditate. As soon as I tried I would drift off and start thinking about all my stressors. When I did that I would basically start over and it really helped. Even if i started over 3 times

  6. Hi Lindsay! Daily reader - never poster! Ha!

    My friend also has ringing in her ear. It is Meniere's Disease. Her doctor has told her to reduce sodium intake, along with other recommendations. There was a set of 3 shots that were done in her ear, which did provide some relief, but I'm not sure how long it has lasted....Good luck with trying to figure out some relief, I know how hard it can be.

    1. I will have to research Meniere's Disease. I don't think I've come across that one yet. I really appreciate you taking the time to comment and let me know!

  7. I can only imagine what the ringing feels like all the time; I have recently started having ringing in just one ear on occasion (it weirdly makes me very dizzy too).. but so far it's pretty short lived and I can just ignore it.

    1. My ringing makes me dizzy some of the time, too! That's the WORST part. I can't function when I'm dizzy and sometimes it makes me feel like I can't safely drive because I almost feel drunk. I'm glad yours is short-lived. I hope it stays that way!

  8. Oh Gosh! I hope a doctor can figure out the ringing in your ears!
    I have so much grey hair it's not even funny and it's getting harder and harder for hair dye to cover it! :(

  9. I was also going to suggest getting your thyroid tested. It could be stress, but it could also be thyroid related! I'm so sorry - my sister had the ear ringing - I will check with her to see if it stopped and if it did, what helped!

    1. Thank you! I will definitely ask my doctor about having my thyroid tested. I have to make an appointment with her soon anyway, so it's perfect timing. And thank you! If you do find out what she did to get hers to stop, please let me know!

  10. I am jealous of the no gray hairs. I have a few, but not many. I do notice them when my hair is growing out. I just got my hair done too. I have no idea about the ringing in your ears. That is awful. I think the hair loss is due to the stress. That happens with me if I am way too stressed out. I hope you have a relaxing weekend!


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