
Monday, August 26, 2019

Our Weekend - The One that Felt Like the Start of Fall

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We just had the best weekend… it was nothing extra special really, and we had nothing major going on – BUT – college football started this weekend (even if it was only one game), we had the best cool weather, the leaves on some of the trees in our area started to change colors, and it just felt like fall perfection.  I typically treat Labor Day weekend as our unofficial start to fall, but this weekend was just so darn fall-like I couldn’t help but embrace it.  I’ve been ready for fall since July 5 anyway, so nobody had to tell me twice that it was okay to get in the fall mood!

Friday evening we were all exhausted, and this was likely our last Friday evening with nothing on the calendar for quite sometime, so we decided to spend it at home.  A storm started rolling in just before B got home from work, so the kids and I went ahead and put on our PJs.  I turned on my favorite Rod Stewart songbook album (standards), opened a bottle of wine from our favorite vineyard in the mountains, and we waited for B to get home with our Cracker Barrel takeout for dinner.

Side note, my sweatshirt is here.  I had several people ask me about it when I posted this in my Instagram stories Friday night.  It's so soft and so cozy and it's on sale for just $9 right now!

After filling our bellies with mac n cheese and other veggies plus lots of biscuits, we all snuggled up on the couch to watch an America’s Got Talent marathon.  Ever since the kids went back to school we haven’t been able to watch much during the week, so we had a lot to catch up on.  I popped some popcorn and we watched the majority of what was on the Tivo before finally sending the kids up to bed around nine.  B and I spent the rest of the evening watching Gossip Girl and lounging on the couch, and it was pretty much the perfect evening.   

Saturday morning we slept in, and then headed downstairs for homemade waffles and ESPN College Game Day… IT’S BACK, BABY!!!!  College football doesn’t technically start until next weekend for most of the teams, but there was one game on Saturday evening, so Game Day started as well.  I added red and orange sprinkles in the kids’ waffles to be festive for fall, and I may have even started burning my Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin candle.  #SorryNotSorry

B and I watched all of College Game Day and then I made grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch.  After lunch I decided it was time to do a little something productive, so I put on my new Taylor Swift album (so freaking good!!!!) and got to work.  I’ve been wanting to make a few changes to our master bedroom/bathroom, so I worked in there for the rest of the afternoon.  And if you haven't downloaded Taylor's new album yet, DO IT.  It's so good!  I can't believe how much I love it... I thought nothing would ever come close to her Reputation album, but this one is very close.

I got my DMB lyrics wall hanging down in our bedroom and moved it to our bathroom over the tub to replace some old artwork that I no longer care for.  Then I brought up the ficus tree from our dining room and put it over on the right side of the bed.  We’ve had one in the corner by B’s side of the bed forever, and I wanted to see what it would look like to have one on my side, too.  I love how symmetrical it is now, so I’ll probably keep it there.  I also added a strand of twinkle lights to each ficus so we can have some festive lights in our bedroom year-round.  Y’all know how I feel about those twinkle lights!

I also hung a couple of wall hangings in our toilet room in our master bathroom, and I also added a couple of little decorations to the cabinet in there.  That toilet room has been bare since 2009 when we built the house, so it was high time to get some things on the walls!  Check and check!

By the time I had finished with all of that, it was time to get ready for church.  We all went to 5:30 mass and then met my parents, brothers, SIL, niece, nephew, and uncle at a new pizza place that just opened across the street from church.  It was our second time going and I think it was even more delicious the second time.  I was excited to see my niece and nephew since they were in town, but they’ve had a nasty cold going around their house, so sadly, I didn’t get any baby snuggles.  We definitely don’t need any sick kids this early in the school year!  It was hard to keep my hands off of her, but I did it.

By the time we got home, it was time to get the kiddos in the bed, and then B and I spent the rest of the night watching the first college football game of the season!  Never mind that it wasn’t Georgia playing… we just wanted to watch football!  I was so good and cozy that I ended up drifting off to sleep.  Not that that’s uncommon or anything anyway.  Haha. 

Sunday morning I stepped outside to water my plants and it was cooler outside than it was inside.  I couldn’t even believe it.  It felt amazing.  I spent the rest of the morning getting things organized for the week ahead and then we all got ready to head to my MIL and step-FIL’s for lunch.  On the way there, we stopped by CVS to meet someone who bought a couple of things I had listed in Facebook Marketplace.  She hauled away two old wall hangings and it felt good to get rid of them!  Bye bye bye, old stuff!  I’m still working my way through selling our old stuff and the pile is getting smaller and smaller!

Sunday afternoon we had a yummy lunch and then we spent an extended amount of time in the back yard at my in-laws’ house.  It was only 76 degrees in the middle of the afternoon in August.  I repeat – IT WAS ONLY 76 DEGREES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AFTERNOON IN AUGUST.  Y’all!!!!  It was so freaking good.  There was a slight breeze and the sun was covered by a thick layer of clouds and it was actually COOL outside.  I never wanted to leave.  All of us adults sat on the back deck while the kids all played monkey in the middle and it was the perfect way to spend the rest of the afternoon. 

Sunday evening we spent the evening at my parents’ house for Sunday dinner and it was a lovely evening, as always.  We always try to save our Sundays for family time and relaxing so we always start off the new week feeling our best. 

It’s supposed to be rainy and cool again today, so hopefully it’ll be another one that feels like fall!  And guess what?  The PSL is officially back tomorrow!!!!  I hope y’all have a great week!

Don't forget to link up with HeatherJohannahTanya, and myself... just grab our new graphic for 2019 and link up below!

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  1. We've had very cool fall-like weather the past three days (and I think we're supposed to today too)… I'm kind of sad that summer is coming to an end but have been loving the excuse to wear some of my new long sleeved tops and jeans!

    1. I'm not sad at all about summer coming to an end. Haha. I'm more ready for fall than ever before! And yes, a good excuse to wear different parts of your wardrobe is always a good thing.

  2. Sounds like the perfect weekend before all the busy-ness! We had some major storms that hit yesterday, and it definitely made me come home and snuggle up after. It's storming again today, and I am hoping that means more cooler temps. Hope you have the best day!

  3. We are having cooler weather here in Connecticut too (and I LOVE it!)

    1. Lucky! I know ours won't last long so I'm enjoying it as much as I can!

  4. Yay to cooler weather and to college football. Cheers to your weekend Girl!!!! Happy start to your week too.

  5. It was cool out here too, but also rainy, ugh! Glad you had a nice weekend. Your house updates look great!

  6. I love your bedroom changes! They look great!
    Oh the Fall like weather yesterday was amazing!!

  7. You were a busy girl! Love your new touches around the house!

  8. College football did start and that's just the best!! I'm so happy the cooler weather is back - FALL is coming :) xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  9. Friday is our first game and I can. not. wait. Also, those DMB lyrics look so great! I love it!

  10. Relaxing weekends are always so good for the soul! Now I'm craving mac and cheese and those waffles! Shocked to hear leaves already changing in the south in August. Up in CT they didn't really start to change until late September into early October. And YAY for college football <3

    Green Fashionista

  11. We had some cooler weather on Saturday and it prompted me to buy that sweatshirt. I got the blue one too!

  12. That backyard is beautiful. I am sooo excited about football being back. I wish we had some cooler weather here.

  13. Love the way your bathroom turned out. I am so ready for all things fall

  14. Super jealous of your 76 DEGREES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE AFTERNOON IN AUGUST! I think the symmetrical ficus trees look great and I love that you added twinkle lights! I am too excited about college football being back! Sounds like a nice low key weekend!

  15. I am so jealous of your weekend. As we talked about on Insta – it was HOT here. I’m so ready for college football. Our team plays on Sunday this weekend! We’ll be camping, but thankfully we have an outdoor TV on the RV! Now that school has started I am so ready for fall! Sounds like a great weekend!


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