
Tuesday, August 13, 2019

The First Day of School… Kind Of

Well, we may have gone into yesterday super organized, well stocked, and fully prepared, but I suppose you can be all those things and still have things go wrong on the first day back to school.  :o(

Yesterday morning, the kids got up bright eyed and bushy-tailed and headed straight down for breakfast like the start of any other school day.  Jacob had only eaten about half of his breakfast when he announced that the food was making his tummy feel weird and he was done.  We told him to head upstairs and get dressed and that’s when things went downhill fast. 

He started complaining of a stomachache which is super rare for him… he almost never has stomach troubles.  Before we knew it, he was laying on the floor in the fetal position complaining about the pain, so I gave him some Pepto for kids.  During the lulls from the pain he was able to get himself dressed and ready for school and we proceeded with first day pictures and the rest of the routine. 

He seemed to be feeling better after that so we headed out the door, business as usual.  I grabbed the kids vitamins on the way out and Jacob declined his, so that was a red flag that I should have recognized.  The boy loves his gummy vitamins and has never turned one down.

Anyway, he was fine all the way to school, and we headed into Olivia’s classroom to drop her off for her first day of kindergarten.  She was so excited to be there and she immediately went to her spot at the table to start working on her journal.  She cheesed so happily for a picture and then it was time for us to leave her.  She got super sad when I said I needed to go, but I was able to sneak out without any tears… from her, anyway.  My water works started once I made it to the hall.

Meanwhile, Jacob had gone to the bathroom because his stomach was hurting again, and this time he was able to actually go, so he was feeling better and we thought everything was good to go.  #Wrong

B and I walked him to his classroom next (or ran him to his classroom because by then he was almost late), and we got him all settled in at a desk (they get to sit anywhere they want this year!) and he got started on his crossword puzzle.  I snapped a quick pic (and now looking back, I should have known something was wrong because he doesn’t look well here) and then B and I headed out.  I did let his teacher know that he hadn’t been feeling 100% before we left, and we agreed that it could just be nerves.  #WrongAgain

I got to the gym, started my workout, and was nearly finished with it when my phone rang.  I saw Jacob’s teacher’s number and knew it was, obviously, something bad.  Sure enough, she told me he was throwing up and it was time for me to come get him just 45 minutes into his first day of school.  Bless his heart.

I arrived within ten minutes and he was sitting in the office looking pale and miserable.  He told me he had only thrown up once, so that was good, and then we headed straight home where I set him up on the couch with a pillow, a blanket, and the TV remote.  For the first couple of hours he sat up and looked great, and then he even asked for some food.  I gave him a Nutri-Grain bar per his request and then about 45 minutes later he told me his tummy was hurting again and he was going to throw up.

He never actually threw up which was so weird, but he was shaking and sweating buckets, so I knew he was feeling bad.  He spent the rest of the day moving back and forth from laying on the couch to laying in his bed in the dark.  He was feeling bad enough to where he no longer wanted to watch TV or do anything but lay.  He never really slept much, though.

Around 4 Brian and Olivia came home (poor B got stuck doing car line duty on the first day… it’s always the worst day!) and she regaled us with all of the tales from her first day.  Spoiler alert – she LOVED it.  And she was super proud that she had stayed on green all day, too.

A few minutes after they got home, Jacob finally passed out on the couch and ended up sleeping for two whole hours, right through dinner.  He woke up bright eyed and looking way better than before and he even asked for some food.  We tried a cracker and some water and it stayed down, so then he wanted oatmeal.  Got through a couple of bites of that and said he was full, so he wasn’t completely back to normal.  After that he was feeling well enough to want to play Battleship and then he even felt up to showering before getting in the bed. 

Tuesday we’re just gonna make a game time decision for whether or not to send him to school depending on how the night goes and how he feels in the morning.  He never ran a fever all day, but then right before bed his temp went up from his typical 98.4ish to around 99.4ish.  Doesn’t technically count as a fever, but there was definitely something going on there.

So anyhoo, my poor boo missed his first day of school – which was, by the way, the first day of school he has ever missed in the four years he’s been in real school – and we are hoping that he gets some relief today.  He’s never had a stomach virus in his whole life and has literally only thrown up once prior to this (when he was two) and he hasn’t been this sick in years.  Needless to say, my heart was broken in two all day yesterday and I’m just praying he’s back to normal today… and that nobody else gets it!

If you don’t mind, could you please say a quick prayer for him to be back to feeling 100% today?  Or at least 95%? 

Thanks, y’all!


  1. Poor Jacob! I hope today goes much better and he is able to make it in!

  2. Bless it! Poor Jacob. It was super traumatic the one time my oldest vomited at school...she has never let me forget about it. haha. Hope the rest of the week goes well!

  3. Awww, poor thing! Hope he is feeling better today! Glad O had a great day! My daughter starts kinder in 2 weeks!

  4. Oh goodness, poor Jacob! I sure hope he's doing better now!

  5. Poor Jacob! Throwing up is the worst! Hope he is feeling better today and got to go to school. I am glad Olivia loved first day of kindergarten!

  6. Poor Jacob! So glad he is feeling better!

  7. That's amazing that it was his first sick day. Just a bummer that it happened to be on the first day of school. Glad he's better now!

  8. Poor little guy. He does look pale in that first school photo. Total bummer.

  9. Poor Jacob!! what a first day! and I can't believe Olivia is in Kinder!! Avery starts next week and she is SO excited, meanwhile I'll be a complete mess!!!


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