
Friday, September 13, 2019

Five on Friday - New Planner! New Album! New Fall Diffuser Blend!

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Can you tell by the title that I’m excited about today’s post?  Haha.

Another week has flown by and it’s Friiiidaaaay!  We actually don’t have a lot going on again this weekend, so we’re going to spend lots of time relaxing, watching football, and soaking up every cozy September second.  I feel like I’m at my very best during these last four wonderful months of the year and I want to make sure I’m as present as I can possibly be while we’re in it. 

Are y’all ready for some favorites from the week?  You’ve probably already guessed that I have some good ones today…

O N E – 2020 Planner

Y’ALL, MY NEW SIMPLIFIED PLANNER IS HERE AND I’M SO EXCITED I CAN’T STAND IT!!!!  I may not be able to use it until 2020 but I get to spend the next few weeks getting it all set up!  That’s one of my favorite things to do ever so I’m totally in my element right now.  Emily received hers earlier this week as well and she and I both texted back and forth about it forever!  I love being able to talk to someone who loves them as much as I do.

If you don’t have a planner for 2020 yet and you’re in the market for one you can check out this post that I did last week about my love for the Simplified Planner.  They are a little pricey up front, but they are worth every penny.  I use mine every single day of the year and it keeps my life as well as our other family members’ lives organized in every aspect.  I’m just so grateful that I finally found the perfect system that works for me.  It took years of trial and error with other planners and systems and methods so it’s nice to say that I’ve finally found THE ONE.


Lumineers lovers, REJOICE!  They have a new album out today!!  B and I have loved them forever and we’ve seen them in concert twice (once as an opener before they were mainstream and once as the headliner) and they are just incredible live.  I was so sad when their cellist left the band last year to go solo and I’m very eager, but a little hesitant, to hear what the new album is going to sound like without her.  I truly think it’s going to be fantastic no matter what, though!  I’ll be downloading the album today and I’m sure we’ll have it on repeat for weeks to come.  Our kids love them, too, and I love that it’s something the four of us can all agree on and enjoy together.

T H R E E – Dreamy New Fall Diffuser Blend

As most of you know, I started a journey with essential oils earlier this year and I’ve since used them for a variety of different reasons/issues/ailments.  One of the main things I use them for is to make our home smell yummy, and now that it’s unofficial fall in our house, it’s time to bust out all of the yummy fall scents!  I’ve been burning the Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin candle from Bath & Body Works in our house for more than a decade and it is one of my favorite scents in the entire world.  That scent takes me back to so many different years of sweet memories and I’ve been wondering how essential oils would stand up to the goodness of that candle.  I recently ordered Cinnamon essential oil and Nutmeg essential oil and I created a blend of 5 drops of Cinnamon and 2 drops of Nutmeg earlier this week and it smells like PURE HEAVEN, y’all. 

The essential oils blend is every bit as good as the sweet cinnamon pumpkin scent, but because the specific scent of the B&BW candle is linked to so many fond memories in my lifetime, I just can’t bring myself to get rid of it completely.  Therefore, I’ve decided that I will still be keeping one on hand this fall.  However, instead of burning it for hours on end every single day like I used to, I’m replacing most of my candle burning time with my good clean cinnamon/nutmeg EO diffuser blend and saving the candle for special occasions and times when I’m feeling the most sentimental. 

I’m hoping with time that I can make new memories with the scents of the yummy essential oils aromas and eventually give up my beloved chemical-filled candles for good.  I just have to wean myself off of them if that makes sense... although it sounds ridiculous when I put it that way.  Haha.

I have noticed that diffusing essential oils doesn’t give me headaches or make me feel short of breath like candle-burning does sometimes.  There have been so many times in the past that I’ve had to blow out a candle because they make me feel bad, and that just doesn’t happen with the EOs because they’re clean!

If you want to learn more about essential oils click here or feel free to email me! 

F O U R – Flashback Friday

Oh my goodness, look what showed up in my Timehop the other day, y’all.  Look at my chunky chunk baby munch!!  These were taken on a whim one hot afternoon on our back porch when Jacob was nearly one and they ended up being some of my favorite pictures of the two of us ever.  I seriously just want to eat him. 

F I V E – New Treadmill Record

Are y’all tired of me talking about my treadmill adventures yet?  Lol.  I’m sorry, but I like to keep my successes journaled here for reference, so I’m adding another one to the books today.  On Tuesday I beat my previous calories burned record, which means that I walked faster than ever on a higher incline than ever!  Whew!  It kicks my butt in the best of ways and it always leaves me feeling great for the rest of the day!

Now for some Friday funnies…

Why do I have so many of these friends?  Lol.
'Tis the season... #footballseason


I hate it when the weather can't get on my festive level.

And ICYMI, this week’s blog posts…

Happy Friday, everybody! 

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favoriteand Polka-Dotty Place for High Five for Friday.


  1. I love that we share the same love for planners, too! Now I just need to work on upping my organizational level to yours! That last funny was the best, because it is so dang true. Come on Mother Nature, please bring a little fall weather to us all!

  2. Eek, I am over the moon for your planner! Those pineapples!!!! I love it! Have the best weekend beautiful! xo

  3. Hooray for your new planner! So exciting! I love the idea of the fall essential oils blend. I don't think I have cinnamon or nutmeg, too bad!

  4. That's great you are already set with your planner! But wait a second, were you texting Emily our blogging friend? Or Emily the author of The planner!?! Loving the throwback pics! Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. I need to try diffusing oils more and burning candles less...I just love a good candle though.

  6. Aw, that throwback photo is so stinkin' cute!!

  7. Oh my gosh the facebook meme - so true! I remember being in college and needing to be facebook friends with everyone!! Have a great weekend girl and enjoy filling in that planner! xo, Biana

  8. The beer meme is sooo funny and soo true. College football means beers! I want to try that fall blend. It sounds like it would be heavenly. Have a great weekend!

  9. I died laughing at the Every kid needs to here meme...Go DAWGS! And I am the same on September 5th! HA

  10. Yes, that is totally me in the last pic saying Where is the fall weather? We are still hitting near 100, but I have to say the mornings aren't quite as bad on my walks. I love, love, love that planner! Just wish I were a paper planner gal. Have the best weekend.

  11. Oh those memes made me laugh! I also ordered 3 items from your fall clothing post haha!! You have me looking into the simplified planner .I've been a die hard Erin Condron lover for years!

  12. Cannot wait for my oils to get here! It's funny how having kids makes you change your way of thinking on some things haha!!! And yes to that last meme--the weather needs to calm down a bit. Also, LOVE the Lumineers!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  13. Oh what cute photos of you with your son, what nice memories to have! :)

    Hope that you had a great weekend! :)

    Away From Blue


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