
Friday, September 6, 2019

Five on Friday - September Goals

*This post may contain affiliate links, which means at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through or make a purchase.

August was crazy busy with the kids starting school and extra curricular activities, and I think I overestimated just how much I could accomplish while they were away all day at school.  Between doctor appointments, volunteering at the school, and navigating our new fall routine I spent a good time away from home this month, but I still managed to get lots of things checked off of the ol’ goals list.  Let’s see how I did!

And as always, I’m using a Y for YES and N for NO to indicate whether or not I accomplished my goals.

August Goals


N  Positivity, worry less, complain less, be kind, patience, relationships. – Gotta give myself a big, fat NO for this one this month.  Again, my reflux/breathing/ear ringing got the best of me this month and I spent way more time than I’d like to admit worrying about the whole situation and feeling generally bad. 
Y  Get into a quiet time routine again. – Yes, and it’s been helping tremendously with my funk that I’ve been in health-wise.  I’ve been doing my QT daily (with the exception of some weekend days) and I’m loving being back in it.  It’s so important.
Y  Start meditating. – I meditated almost every day during the month of August and even though I’m struggling with doing it properly (it’s hard, y’all!) I’m loving it and I can see how it can make a positive difference if you do it regularly.  I’m going to keep on trucking!  It does seem to be getting a little easier as I go.
N  Make bed most days. – I probably did this about half of the time, so I can’t quite check this one off.
Y  Read 1.5 books. – Yep, I made it through the rest of one book plus I completed another. 
Y  Get together with old coworkers from my first job for our reunion. – Sure did, and we had a blast reminiscing! 
N  Have a girls dinner. – Never even got around to planning this.


Y  Drink 64 oz. water per day. – I’m on a ROLL with the water, y’all!  I’ve been drinking my full amount nearly every single day and it does seem to make a positive difference with how I feel physically.
Y  Hit the gym at least 2 times per week. – Yes, I’ve been on it and loving it!  I feel so much better when I get in my cardio.
Y  Revamp lunches for myself and start incorporating healthier whole foods. – Yes!  I’ve started making my green smoothies nearly every day and I’ve also started eating other veggies with lunch.
Y  Eat 4-5 servings of fruits and veggies every day, Monday – Thursday. – Yes!  As I said before, I started making my green smoothies every day which include bananas, strawberries, spinach, and kale, and in addition to that some days I’ve also been eating carrots or green beans with lunch + I’m still eating an apple every single day as well as other berries and fruits.  I did SO well with this one this month!
Y  Meet with dentist for TMJ update. – Yes, and I’m now only wearing my bite guard at night.  I do find that I’m still clinching my teeth at night, but my bite is now totally corrected from the use of my new bite guard.
Y  Meet with the allergist for another skin test to see if allergies have improved. – Check!  Did this last week and found out that supposedly I’m no longer allergic to trees or weeds, but I’m still severely allergic to grasses.


Y  Continue working on kindness and good manners with the kids. – This is always at the forefront of my mind when I’m with them now so I’ll probably take it off the list since it’s a habit.
Y  Create habits of asking to be excused and taking plates to the sink for the kids. – Yes, still staying on them until they remember to do this all the time.
Y  Finish ALL summer homework. – Check!  And boy, was it a lot!
Y  Attend Kindergarten orientation night. – Yep.
Y  Attend Meet the Teacher day at school for both kids. – All done!
Y  START SCHOOL! – They’ve been back for almost four weeks now.
Y  Get Maui groomed. – Yep, and she looks so cute!
N  Take Olivia for her quarterly thyroid check-up. – We had to reschedule this one so we’ll try it again next month.
Y  Check off remaining items on summer bucket list. – Yes, we crossed off many more items… didn’t get them all done, but we accomplished a lot.
Y  Make cupcakes with Olivia using her little baking set she received for her birthday. – Finally squeezed this in last weekend and she was so excited!
Y  Sign up Jacob for baseball. – Yep, and he has his first game tonight!


Y  Try crystal knobs on dresser in living room and decide whether to keep or not. – I tried them, but I ended up liking the way the original pulls looked more.
Y  Get mudroom bulletin board switched back to school-year mode. – Yep, the school calendar as well as the kids’ homework pockets and AR book logins and other school notes are all in one place in the kitchen.  It helps tremendously having this at our fingertips.
Y  Clean out my closet. – Yes, and I got rid of a ton of stuff!
Y  Clean out kids’ closets. – Yes, I got their clothes all cleaned out and we were able to make a list of what they need for fall/winter. 
Y  Finish cleaning out Brian’s office and office closets. – His office is pretty much done aside from hanging a couple more things on the walls and finishing cleaning out one of the closets, but I’m giving myself a check for this one because I didn’t want to finish cleaning out the closet until it was time to pull out the seasonal décor.
Y  Put carpet tape under new rug in master bedroom.
Y  Touch up wall paint in Olivia’s room (above mirror).
Y  Touch up ceiling paint in Olivia’s room.
Y  Continue listing/selling old clothes.
N  Go through keepsakes and make sure everything is accounted for for both kids, take 3. – I just need to take this off of my list, y’all.  Third time was not a charm.  Lol.
Y  Do 20 things on Master To-Do list. – I was able to check this one off by the skin of my teeth, y’all!  It was a close one.  I actually checked off 24 things, but as in previous months, I also added 4 new items to the list so it’s like I did 20 tasks.  A few things I did from the list this month were finding a permanent spot for my lap desk (it’s always just kind of floated around the house before this and I hated that), put another decorative tree in our bedroom, put string lights on the decorative trees in our bedroom, put a rug under our bed and secured it with carpet tape, moved some wall art from our bedroom to our bathroom, hung some wall art in the toilet room in our master bathroom, organized some keepsake newspapers in my office, opened savings accounts for the kiddos, created an Amazon shopping page for my blog, and many other items. 


N  Get ahead on blog posts. – I tried to do this and I was able to start a couple of posts for the future, but I wouldn’t say I “got ahead” on blog posts at all.  I had a lot of long, time-consuming posts this month, and because of that, all of my blog work was spent doing those. 
N  Reorganize Projects and Recipes pages on blog. – Never got around to this.
Y  Organize all link-ups in a spreadsheet and in blog posts. – Yes, all of my link-ups are nice and organized by day and I also updated my footers that I include before my signature for each post.
Y  Start making a spreadsheet of Evergreen content to keep updated. – Yep, got it done!
Y  Start sharing Daily To Do Lists in Instagram stories again. – Yes, I’ve been doing this every week day.  Have you been following along?
N  Take several photos for both IG accounts to have on hand for times when I have nothing else to post. – Sure didn’t!  I just haven’t felt inspired in the photographing department lately.  I’m sure I will soon with all of the holiday décor going up over the next few months!
N  Start focusing on essential oils business since I still use and love them all the time. – Never got around to this either.  I’m still using my oils multiple times every single day, but I haven’t focused on the business side of things in a while.


33 items accomplished
9 items not accomplished

Not too bad, I’d say!  Now for a few pictures of my accomplishments…

Old work reunion with friends... this was our lunch prior to the reunion dinner.
Getting in that cardio!
Green smoothies!

Skin test at the allergist
Maui looking all fly after her grooming appointment.

Baking cupcakes with my girl... Halloween ones!  Haha.
My closet clean-out... freed up 30 hangers and got rid of 12 other items for a total of 42 items gone!
Trees in bedroom... now to finish my wall hanging to go over the bed...

Now for the September goals…

September Goals


Positivity, worry less, complain less, be kind, patience, relationships.
Continue quiet time/meditating.
Make bed most days.
Make it to at least one bible study.
Have a girls dinner.


Drink 64 oz. water per day.
Hit the gym at least 2 times per week.
Continue eating 4-5 servings of fruits and veggies and whole foods most days.
Meet with dentist for TMJ update.
Meet with GI doc for reflux update.
Annual womens well visit.
Annual skin check at the dermatologist.
Schedule appt with new doc to assess health issues since I can’t get answers.


Ride bikes if the weather hopefully cools off.
Watch Jacob play baseball!
Attend Home & School meeting for spring event.
Attend Home & School meeting for fall carnival and start planning.
Attend the Georgia vs. Notre Dame college football game in Athens!!!!
Take Olivia for her quarterly thyroid check-up, take 2.
Research restaurants to book for Disney World trip and pass along to our agent.


Get house decorated for fall.
Clean out fall decorations.
Sort all clothes to sell by season/gender/sizes and list more on Poshmark.
Sell old Halloween costumes.
Donate home décor items that haven’t sold on Facebook Market.
Do 10 things on Master To-Do list.


Get ahead on blog posts.
Work on some housecleaning stuff for blog.
Pitch to 2-3 brands.
Take several photos for both IG accounts to have on hand for times when I have nothing else to post.
Start focusing on essential oils business since I still use and love them all the time.

We have a ton of things on the calendar from now until Christmas so it’s going to be quite busy these next few months.  I think these goals are attainable, though!

Here are the Friday funnies, all of which are HEAT themed, because heavens to Betsy, it's been hot as blazes here all week!!

Literally us every day this week.

We're all pretty much a bunch of supermodels now.

If He doesn't shut it off soon we'll all be burned to a crisp.

And ICYMI, here’s what happened on the blog this week!  If y’all are in the market for a new planner, Emily Ley just launched her collection for 2020 and they are selling fast, so be sure to grab one soon if you are going to want one for the new year.  You can see more about why I love mine so much in the post below.

Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favoriteand Polka-Dotty Place for High Five for Friday.


  1. With everything going on, you did great on the goals in August. I know September will be another successful month!

  2. Whew, girl, yes, 33 is pretty darn good. I’m a worry wart, I need to let it go and let God and worry less. Here’s to sweet September!

  3. Y'all had a busy month and you still did great on your goals!

  4. You did amazing this month! I wish you luck with the less worrying, I know that is so hard. I've started having smoothies now that I am eating fruit again and they are so good! I haven't added greens to them though, maybe I should.

  5. 33 done - you go girl! I'm impressed with how many goals you set for yourself! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. Good job for August! You had a lot of goals and you did really well completing a huge number of them! Also, LOLing over the last meme!!! Our meat is DONE!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  7. I'm dying at your funnies. I need a cold front, stat! Great job on your goals! I need to start making a master to do list for house projects, I have so many! Have a great weekend!

  8. What a great month! you did so well with your goals even though it was such a busy month for you! good luck with your goals this month too! I really need to spend more time trying to get ahead with my blog posts, I used to have 2-3 weeks scheduled in advance but I've been struggling with that this year!

    Hope that you have a wonderful weekend ahead of you!

    Away From Blue

    1. It's just so hard to get ahead! Blogging is so time-consuming and most of my posts are pretty long, so it takes me forever to compose a single post!

  9. You did so well on your goals, especially with all the fresh fruits/veg and water. I hope your health improves too. Great goals for Sept. I'm clicking over to read your planner review.

  10. I think worrying is a bit one for me too; in particular for when it comes to things totally out of my control. Which is nuts because the worrying does nothing! It still does not give me control or anything but yet I can't seem to help it. I am having some health issues and we have had a pretty stressful week overall so that goal really resonated with me. I hope your health issues settle back down for you.

    1. Girl, yes! I feel you so much! That's exactly what I worry about... all the dumb things I don't even have control over. I'm sorry you're having health issues, too. I hope your week is much better this week!


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