
Friday, December 6, 2019

Five on Friday - December Goals

November was crazytown but I managed to be somewhat productive in the midst of all of the busyness.  Let’s see how I did on my goals… spoiler alert – there are a lot of NOs this month and I have no regrets.

As always, I’m using a Y for YES and N for NO to indicate whether or not I accomplished my goals.

November Goals


Y  Positivity, worry less, complain less, be kind, patience, relationships. – I feel like I made a pretty good effort this month, especially with worrying less.
N  Make it to as many weekly bible studies as I can. – The girls were only able to get together once this month and it was during a week that we had something going on every single night that week, so I skipped it.  I’ll have to get back on track with this in the new year.
N  Start reading a Christmas book. – Nope.  Forgot to order it, so I had nothing to read.  Haha.
N  Dinner with co-workers. – A few of the girls weren’t able to get together this month so we never had the chance to go.


N  Drink 64 oz. water per day. – While I did meet this goal many days this month, there were a lot of days that I didn’t.  I blame Thanksgiving break.
Y  Continue quiet time/meditating. – I did stick with this most of the month so I gave myself a yes, but I totally fell off the wagon the entire week of Thanksgiving since everyone was home all week.  Let me tell you, I could definitely tell a difference when I didn’t do it for a week!  This will be a priority from now on.
N  Hit the gym at least 2 times per week (with the exception of Thanksgiving week). – I didn’t make it 2 times the week prior to Thanksgiving so I gave myself a NO.
N  Start using my stair stepper some of the days that I don’t go to the gym. – I did this once, but that just didn’t deserve a yes.  Lol.
N  Continue eating 4-5 servings of fruits and veggies and whole foods most days. – Nope.  I’ve totally been eating soup for lunch since it’s been cold and I also ate a ton of junk this month.  #YOLO 
Y  Schedule ultrasound follow-up to mammogram. (Standard for me… nothing is wrong!) – Everything came out clean and I’m cleared for another year!
Y  Meet with new doc. – Yes ma’am!
N  Get a therapeutic massage. – Nope.  No time.  Just gonna wait and do this in January.
Y  Check-up with my dentist about my TMJ/clenching issues. – Yep, and they extended my next visit by a few months.  Woo hoo!
Y  Bi-annual dentist appointment. – Yep, no cavities!


N  Ride bikes, take 3. – Sigh.
N  Get Disney app set up and customize magic bands, take 2. – Double sigh.
Y  Continue Christmas shopping and tracking gifts on my spreadsheet. – Yep, organized to the max and almost done with all of our shopping!
Y  See Alejandro Aranda in Atlanta.
Y  Attend the school fall carnival.
Y  Attend the Georgia vs. Missouri game. – All four of us were able to go and we had so much fun!
N  Attend Home & School Meeting for November. – Nope.  I had too much going on that day/week so I had to skip it.
N  See Wicked at The Fox in Atlanta. – Nope, B and I decided to skip it since it was in the midst of a crazy busy week.  It broke my heart, but it was for the best for my sanity.
Y  Attend Winterfest at our local university.
Y  Attend all of the Thanksgiving festivities at the kids’ school.
N  Attend the Georgia vs. Texas A&M game. – The weather was horrible that day so we were forced to sell our tickets.  There was no way that Jacob and Olivia would have been okay with sitting in the pouring rain for four hours. 
Y  See Frozen 2 in the movie theater!! – Oh yes, and it was fabulous!  I want to go see it again!
Y  Celebrate Thanksgiving.
Y  Check as many more things off of our fall bucket list as possible. – Yep, we checked a few more things off.
Y  Have our 3rd annual North Pole Breakfast.
Y  Start listening to Christmas music. – This one was so easy!  It’s been on nonstop since 11/1.
Y  Start watching all of our favorite Christmas movies. – We’ve watched Miracle on 34th Street, Olaf’s Frozen Adventure, and Noelle on Disney+!


N  Start listing winter maternity clothes on Poshmark. – No time.  Probably need to wait to do this in January.
Y  Set up new planner for 2020, take 2. – It’s all done and ready to roll!
Y  Clean out, organize, and put away all fall decorations. – Got rid of some stuff we didn’t need anymore and everything is organized and put away.
Y  Decorate the whole house for Christmas. – Yes, and it’s my favorite year for décor yet!
Y  Start planning Christmas hosting duties. – Yep, got everything down on paper that I need to buy/do, so I’m feeling pretty organized.  Now I just have to buy/do those things.  Ha!
Y  Order Christmas cards and start addressing. – Check!  Now to finish addressing them and send them out…
Y  Do 3 things on Master To-Do list. – Yes!  I did 13 tasks but I also added 4 new tasks, so for the sake of whittling it down for the year, I basically only accomplished a total of 9 tasks.  However, I kind of cheated this month.  I technically didn’t actually do any of the things that were crossed off.  Instead, I went through the list and realized that there were several tasks on there that were no longer applicable, so I crossed them off and counted them as done!  #NoShame


Y  Complete 1-2 blog posts for December. – I’ve been working ahead so I can keep the blog rolling while I take some time off!
Y  Pitch to 2-3 brands.
N  Start planning/organizing 2020 goals. – Total fail.  Haven’t even had time to look.
N  Take photos for IG, take 4. – This just continues to be a failure each month.  Lol.


26 items accomplished
16 items not accomplished

Probably my worst month for the whole year, but all that matters is that the important tasks revolving around family time were the ones that were accomplished!  <3  #Grace  

Here are some pictures of my accomplishments...

Seeing Alejandro Aranda in concert

Attending the fall carnival at the kids' school

Attending Winterfest at our local university

Celebrating Thanksgiving at school with our girl

Celebrating Thanksgiving at school with our Boo

Tailgating before the Georgia vs. Missouri game

Celebrating Thanksgiving
North Pole Breakfast!

Now for the December goals… and please note that I’m keeping them light and broad this month because it’s December and it’s crazy and I really don’t care to be a slave to a list this month.  ;o)

December Goals


Positivity, worry less, complain less, be kind, patience, relationships.
Start reading a Christmas book.
Join Adrienne’s Book Club.  :o)
Dinner with girlfriends.
Dinner with old co-workers.


Drink 64 oz. water per day.
Continue quiet time/meditating.
Hit the gym as much as I can.
Eat healthy when I can and indulge, too.
Follow up with GI doc.


Help out with raffle ticket data entry at kids’ school.
Attend Observation Day at Olivia’s dance school.
Have a Brian and Lindsay Day o Fun... or two!
Attend the school’s Christmas program.
Do all the fun Christmasy things on our Bucket List!
Spend lots of time with those whom I hold most dear.
Celebrate Christmas.
Spend time with our friends who are back from Korea!!!!
Celebrate New Year’s Eve.


Send out Christmas cards.
Finish Christmas shopping.
Photograph kids’ art from first 1/2 of year and file papers to keep.
Clean out, organize, and put away all Christmas decorations.
Mop, vacuum, and clean whole house before NYE.


Complete posts for Christmas Break.
Start planning/organizing 2020 goals.

Nice and light, y’all!

Friday Funnies

How I felt Tuesday night while I held Olivia's hair as she puked.  #Ugh

This could not be more true!  (Let's hope the second part ends up being true, too.) 
I'm a 6, by the way.

Me, the entire month of November... and probably December, too.

Y'all.  I can't with all these memes of the AU fans getting stuck in their shrubs while trying to rush the field after their win over Bama.  Did y'all see the video of that girl jumping down in the shrubs and going completely under?!  Bahahaha.
Damn right.  Tomorrow's a big day!  GO DAWGS!
(And y'all thought I wasn't going to post another cat meme this week... hehe.)

On the Blog This Week


  1. You know what, you made fabulous November memories and that’s all that counts, even if there weren’t a lot of Y’s! I hope you get accomplished everything you need to in December pretty girl!

  2. Cheers to not being a slave to a list this December!

  3. Glad you have no regrets. I need to start working ahead on blog posts!

  4. Yay for no regrets, and you can't deprive yourself of all of the yummy Christmas food, hehe :) I need to start Christmas shopping...and decorate, I'm just failing in all sorts of ways...but the kids are happy so that's what matters. :)

  5. I say if you get anything marked off a goal list, you've done a job well done :)

  6. Glad to hear you loved Frozen 2 - Serena wants to go see it, but I know she won't sit still past the first 5 minutes ha!

    Green Fashionista

  7. I definitely don't drink enough water. I have a headache today and it's probably because I haven't been getting enough. We haven't seen Frozen 2 yet but hoping to see it soon. I hope you have a great weekend!

  8. Do you think you could share your Christmas spreadsheet for an example??? I love how organized you are?

    1. I actually have it down to dedicate a whole post to this! I don't know when I'll be able to get it up, but I'm going to try!

  9. I will never complete the drink 64 oz of water each day either. I am sooo bad with it. I laughed at the meme about getting sick after taking care of your sick child. Avery threw up last night at 2 am and I am worried we all will get sick after cleaning her up and taking care of her and we leave for Disney on Monday.

  10. The water intake has been slow on my part too! I say you did great with such a busy month!

  11. I love that you started with "a lot of no's but no regrets" I think that's all that needs to be said. :)

    1. Exactly! I'm all about giving myself grace this time of year. Family time is all that matters. :o)


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