
Sunday, December 1, 2019

I Like Shiny Things But I’d Marry You with Paper Rings

On this day twelve years ago, Brian and I said I do.  

It feels like just yesterday and at the same time it somehow also feels like a lifetime ago.  We’ve lived in three different homes, added the sweetest pup to the mix, and created three little lives since then, two of which we are blessed to be able to spend time with here on this earth. 

We’ve been through the greatest of times and we’ve been through some pretty low times as well.  Life is busy and crazy and all over the place these days, but Brian is constant.  He’s always there day in and day out, navigating the good times as well as the bad, and it’s comforting to know he’ll always be by my side no matter what.

Happy anniversary to my favorite person on earth and thank you for all that you do!  It doesn't go unnoticed.  I love you so much.

To quote Taylor Swift yet again in an anniversary post,

I like shiny things but I’d marry you with paper rings.



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