
Friday, May 8, 2020

Five on Friday - May Goals

May is usually INSANE.  It’s typically our busiest month of the year.  My planner was already stuffed FULL of baseball games, dance recital stuff, appointments, reminders, and meetings, and now that most of it is not going to happen, I’m finding myself missing it.  Don't get me wrong, it's still busy with Teacher Appreciation week, end-of-the-year activities, and Mother's Day, but not having baseball and dance took a huge load off.  Needless to say, our goals for this May look drastically different from last May’s goals because last May we were in total survival mode!  Before we get to the May goals, let’s look at April goals and see how we did…

As always, I’m using a Y for YES and N for NO to indicate whether or not I accomplished my goals.

April Goals


Y  Embrace quarantine, try to focus on the positive things, and make the most of it. – I honestly feel like we hit our quarantine groove this past month and most days we are thriving.  Of course, there are still bad days, but most of them in April were actually pretty great.  I’m actually starting to worry a little that we’re not going to know what to do when the time comes to reenter the real world.
Y  Attend bible study via Zoom!! – My bible study girls and I got together on Zoom at the beginning of the month and it was so wonderful!  We were going to try to meet a second time as well, but we never made it happen.
N  Arrange a Zoom girls’ night. – I totally dropped the ball on this one.
Y  Celebrate my quarantine birthday. – I struggled this year with my birthday despite the fact that B and the kids made it so special, but my parents and brother surprised me with a social distancing visit towards the end of the day which was just what I needed to get myself in check!  I just miss my friends and extended family so much and it just stinks not being able to celebrate with them.
Y  Continue reading self improvement book. – I’m about three quarters of the way through 10% Happier and I am loving it!

Y  Meditate every day. – I meditated every single day this month again!!!!  One of the days, I almost forgot, and I started my meditation at 11:55 PM as we were going to bed (not even kidding), so the meditation finished just after midnight.  Since the meditation finished after midnight, my app counted it for the next day and made me lose my streak.  I was peeved, but it’s okay.  I know the streak lives!
Y  Quiet time every day. – Yep, I feel like I’m closer to God than ever.
Y  Drink 64 oz. water most days. – Yep, most days. 
Y  Start running. – Yep, sure did!  I’ve run five or six times now and my pace is steadily improving.  I would have run a whole lot more if my knees were holding up better… they’ve been killing me!  I’m hoping to buy new running shoes soon, though, and hopefully that will solve the problem!
Y  Continue visiting with my therapist. – Yep, I Zoomed with her three times in April.
Y  Start taking Vitamin D. – Yep, I finally found a multi-vitamin that I like and it has lots of Vitamin D!
Y  Work on my tan. – Every single weekend!!  It always feels better when my skin is golden.


Y  Continue online/homeschool and keep the kids on track.
Y  Keep the kids feeling safe and happy despite conditions in the world around us.
Y  Have a “Disney” day at home since our Disney trip was canceled.
Y  Sidewalk chalk our driveway.
Y  Play in the blow-up pool.
Y  Bake cookies.
N  Play Cornhole. – Don’t know why, but we just never did this.
Y  Send happy mail to friends. – Olivia wrote some sweet letters to our friars and drew them some pictures and we delivered them to our church ourselves.
Y  Give Maui a bath.
N  Teach the kids how to wash a car. – Never got around to this either!
Y  Teach the kids how to fold and put away laundry. – They did this twice this month and they both loved it and did a great job, so I’m going to start letting them put their laundry away every time now.  YESSSS.
Y  Teach the kids to ride bikes without training wheels. – Well, we did get out there and try, but both of our kids are just so scared!!  They haven’t gotten the hang of it yet, but we’ve tried, so I’m going to give us a yes for this for effort and we’ll have to keep on plugging along!
Y  Teach the kids how to meditate. – We discussed meditation several times and I explained to them how it works, and their Drama teacher also sent them a Zoom video with exercises for them to do.
N  Life skills refreshers for the kids – how to wash hands, brush teeth, tie shoes properly. – Don’t know why we never did this either… we’re just too busy having fun over here!
Y  Read daily devotional with kids. – We did read them several times so I’m giving us a yes, but we weren’t very consistent with it.  We need to do better this month.
Y  Prepare for Easter.
Y  Celebrate Easter (dress up for family pic, church online, and egg hunt in our back yard) – Even though it was a different one, we thoroughly enjoyed it!
Y  Book fast passes for Disney in June in case we are miraculously able to go. – Well, we booked ‘em, but we are 99.9999% sure we’re not going.  The only way we will go now is if a literal miracle happens and the virus completely disappears overnight.  Not going to happen, but I always leave a tiny margin for a miracle, because you just never know!
Y  Think about summer camp, swim lessons, VBS, beach, and mountains just in case things start to get back to normal. – Well, we’ve been thinking about it, but at this point we still just don’t know.  Will have to keep leaving this on our list until it happens or until the time comes and passes us by.  Haha.  It’ll be a last-minute decision, I’m sure!


Y  Hang American flag.
N  List summer clothes on Poshmark. – Just never made the time for it!
Y  Complete 3 things on Master To-Do list. – Now that my project mojo is back, I’ve been rocking and rolling on the master to-do list items.  This month, I ended up doing 7 things, but I also added 4 new things, so for the sake of whittling down the list, it’s like I did 3 things.  I hung my cute “Please Wash Hands” in the guest bathroom, I cleaned out the cabinets in the laundry room, we hung our ironing board organizer in the laundry room, and we pressure washed outside among other things.  Check!!


Y  Try to post 3 times per week. 
N  Complete one post for summer. – I can barely keep up with my day-to-day posts so working ahead is just not going to happen.
N  Continue working on 2020 recap. – Didn’t even look at this!
Y  Do a Day in the Life on Instagram stories. – Yes, and it was so fun!  I saved it in a highlight on my Instagram page if you missed it!  It’s titled “Quarantine Day.”
Y  Do a time-lapse video on Instagram stories. – I ended up doing four or five of these!  They are so much fun to watch!
Y  Use Instagram oils account more. – Sure did!  I’ve been posting consistently there and I’ve also done a couple of stories here and there.  I’m starting to share some of my favorite roller ball recipes so be sure to check out my story highlights!


33 items accomplished
7 items not accomplished

Books Read: 1
    Class Mom – Laurie Gelman

Meditation Days: 30

Rings Closed on Apple Watch: (I started wearing it on 4/6 so I closed my rings every single day)
    Move Ring: 25
    Exercise Ring: 25
    Stand Ring: 25

Workouts Completed: 41
    Dance: 0
    Mixed Cardio: 6
    Outdoor Run: 4
    Outdoor Walk: 14   
    Stair Stepper: 11
    Strength Training: 3
    Yoga: 3

Time Spent Working Out: 17:47:24 (hours:minutes:seconds)

Calories Burned During Workouts: 3,729

Pictures of My Successes


Ring closure

Bible Study Zoom

Disney Day!!

Celebrating my birthday

Celebrating Easter

Bike riding

Happy mail going out!

3 mile run!

Homeschooling like a boss.

Putting that pine straw down!

Working on my tan
Laundry room clean out/painting before

Laundry room clean out/painting after

Now for the May goals… and again, I’m focusing a lot more on family-oriented fun stuff and less on other things due to these weird circumstances!

May Goals


Arrange a Zoom girls’ night.

Meditate every day.
Quiet time every day.
Drink 64 oz. water most days.
Buy new running shoes and try to continue running.
Get my chipped tooth fixed.
Continue visiting with my therapist.
Finish reading 10% Happier.
Download the full version of the Calm app.
Continue embracing quarantine, focus on the positive things, make the most of it.


Go strawberry picking.
Visit the new mural in town.
Celebrate Mother's Day.
Have an at home Field Day.
Send out birthday party favors to all third graders in Jacob’s class.
Have a Zoom birthday party for all third grade kids with spring and summer birthdays.
Wrap up this very weird school year and start summer break.
Wash kids' bookbags and lunchboxes.
Change bulletin board to summer bulletin board.
Photograph kids' artwork from second half of school and file.
Invent a cocktail.
Play Cornhole.
Send happy mail to friends.
Teach the kids how to wash a car.
Teach the kids to ride bikes without training wheels. 
Meditate with the kids.
Kids continue doing their own laundry.
Life skills refreshers for the kids – how to wash hands, brush teeth, tie shoes properly.
Read daily devotional with kids.
Take Olivia for her thyroid check-up (she’s overdue as her appt was canceled).
Olivia have her well visit with pediatrician via video conference (overdue for this, too).
Reschedule Disney trip (again).  <eyeroll>
Think about summer camp, swim lessons, VBS, beach, and mountains just in case things start to get back to normal.


Buy ferns for front porch.
Plant flowers in pots on back porch.
Finish putting down pine straw in natural areas.
Create a natural area around the two trees in our back yard.
List summer clothes on Poshmark.
Complete 3 things on Master To-Do list.


Try to post 3 times per week. 
Continue using oils Instagram account.

Friday Funnies


This is why we had to make rules about people wearing clothes early on.  Hahahaha.

Self portrait



Pretty much

On the Blog This Week

Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favoriteand Della Devoted for High Five for Friday.


  1. Your memes are great. I’m so sorrry you’re missing it all. I do hope you have a very Happy Mother’s Day! xo

  2. I remember last I hate not knowing how to plan for the summer. And if things do open, having no plans stresses me out!

  3. The memes are on point today! You did a great job this month! I am glad I accidentally got an academic year planned last year, I am about to order mine and glad it has a blank slate unlike the current one full of scratch outs! Have a wonderful mother's day!

  4. I definitely need to set up some Zoom meetings to see my friends. And I still think you did a great job on all of your May goals. Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

  5. Those memes are hilarious! I actually have used zoom or any other sort of technology short of my virtual doctor's appointment on Monday and I'm not feeling like I'm missing anything either.

  6. I'm glad I'm not the only one struggling to get blog posts out these days. May is always such a busy month, so it feels so strange to have nothing on the calendar. We are actually having a few family members over for lunch on Sunday, so that will be a highlight. Happy Mother's Day!

  7. That Zoom pie chart is cracking me up. The checking out other people's homes - 100% me, haha. Like you, I am kind of worried about re-entering the world after kind of getting used to this! While May is going to look a heck of a lot different, I am sure it will still be a great one!


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