
Friday, June 26, 2020

Five on Friday - Best White Shower Curtain, Sandwich Cutters, and Reunion Plans

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

It’s been forever since I’ve done a traditional Five on Friday post, so I’m excited to be back in the groove and I’m hoping I can try to keep things on schedule going forward.  Only time will tell…

Ready for some favorites?

O N E – Best White Shower Curtain

When I started looking for a new shower curtain to replace our decade-old one, I knew I wanted something white since our bathroom doesn’t have a window and, therefore, doesn’t get any natural light.  However, nice white shower curtains are really hard to find.  Pretty much every curtain I found was either made with that waffle texture or it was totally plain, and that’s just not what I was looking for.  I wanted something classic and understated, but also unique. 

I ended up with this one from Threshold at Target and I could not love it more.  The weave is classic, but the macramé fringe adds just the right amount of interest without being too over the top.  The website has the color listed as “cream” (which worried me), but it is actual true white, and it looks stunning in this space... it transformed our entire bathroom!  And it’s even more beautiful in person.  The pictures don’t do it justice!

T W O – Sandwich Cutters

We’ve had these sandwich cutters for years and we used them frequently for a while, but then for some reason I forgot about them and we stopped.  Jacob and Olivia recently dug them out of the kitchen drawer and requested to start using them again, and I was happy to oblige and spice up their lunches… anything to get them excited about eating a sandwich!  Lol.

These are so much better than the cookie cutters that we used to use because they utilize every inch of sandwich so there’s no waste (other than the crust).  If y’all eat a lot of sandwiches in your house like we do and your kids like the crust cut off, this is a super fun way to do it!

T H R E E – 20 Year High School Reunion Plans

You guys, just the other day was the 20th anniversary of my high school graduation!!!!  Sheesh!!  I can hardly believe it!  I went to the same school our kids now attend, and since it’s a small, private, Catholic school, I only had 76 people in my graduating class.  Because of that, we have all stayed pretty close (I’m friends with 90% of them on social media and see a bunch of them in person constantly since their kids are now there with mine) and we all wanted to do a reunion this year.

Well, with Covid happening, nobody made the effort at the beginning of the year to plan anything since we couldn’t, and it was looking for a while there like we may not get together at all.  Well, earlier this week a couple of the guys from my class started a Facebook group, and we’re now hoping to get together later this year in some capacity.  We’re looking at homecoming weekend in October, but everything is, of course, contingent upon how things are then with the virus.  We’ve decided if it doesn’t happen this October, then we’ll aim to do one next year for our 21st instead… gotta do what ya gotta do in these Covid times…

All of this talk has me reminiscing about high school and our 10-year reunion back in 2010, and I thought it would be fun to share a couple of pictures here since our first reunion was such blast.  We spent that whole weekend making memories that I’ll always cherish, and I’m hoping we’ll get to make some more memories soon! 

F O U R – New Favorite IG Creator to Follow

Like so many people, I’ve been really delving into learning as much as I can about the Black Lives Matter movement, systemic racism, how to be anti-racist, etc. these past few weeks, and several weeks ago I came across the loveliest soul who I wanted to share with you today. 

Her name is Danielle Coke (@ohhappydani on Instagram) and she is an artist who uses her platform to speak out about faith and justice.  She has been breaking down all of the current issues in ways that have truly helped me to understand (as a white person) and I have learned so much from her.  The best thing about her is that she is a true optimist… she is full of positivity and she has been such a shining light in the darkness these last few weeks.  She has truly inspired me to want to be better and do better and I encourage you to check out her work.

F I V E – Essential Oils Tip of the Week

Did you know that Tea Tree oil is great for nail support?  It works to keep your cuticles soft which can prevent nails from splitting, and it helps promote healthy nail growth.  It also has antifungal properties to help keep your nails healthy.  I massage one drop, neat, into my fingernails and toenails every single morning and my toenails have never looked so great!  Years and years of constant polish on my toenails had them looking pretty rough and I would have never dreamed of going anywhere without polish on my toes.  Since I started incorporating Tea Tree oil into my daily routine a few months ago, my toenails have started looking so much better and I don’t feel like I have to paint them now!  If you want more info on oils, check out this page on my blog.

Friday Funnies Things to Think About

A question I've asked repeatedly these last few weeks... it's a humanity thing, not a political thing.

Again, if everyone would just have some empathy towards their fellow humans...

Wear the mask... unless you have a medical condition that doesn't allow you to, of course.

Put others first, and just wear the mask.  I hate it.  You hate it.  We all hate it.  But just do it anyway.

On the Blog This Week

Happy weekend, y’all! 

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. Oh how I loved your 10 year reunion pics. I am not close to anyone but my BF from High School. Your mask quotes had me nodding Yes, Yes and Yes!! I just don’t understand people’s! Have a beautiful day!!

  2. YES, wear the darn mask!! You know my thoughts, haha! Your 10 year looks like it was so fun, hopefully you guys will be able to have one this year. Homecoming would be the perfect weekend!

  3. Your 10 year reunion looks like lots of fun! I didn't end up going to my 10 year (most of my friends didn't go either). If there is a 20 year one I think it would be fun to go. :) I hope you get to make some memories soon!

    1. You should! We all had so much fun together! And I ended up hanging out with lots of people that evening who I didn't really even hang out with all that much in high school. It's nice how everyone is less clique-ish as adults.

  4. I didn't attend my 10th reunion and I was far from home if we had a 20th...I don't even remember. I didn't love high school though!

  5. I love the shower curtain...light, bright and classic! Have a good weekend!

  6. I have never made it to a single class reunion. Looks like you had a fabulous time at your last one!

    1. My husband never goes to his either! We did have a blast at mine, though!

  7. Interesting tip on tea tree oil for nails. Is that one drop per nail or one drop takes care of all ten nails and I assume another drop for your ten toenails? Thanks!

  8. Your reunion pics are fantastic - what a gorgeous group you all are! The 'sat like teacher's pets' then slumped was hilarious. I think the BLM movement has made us stop, think adn question everything. I don't really think I have a clue about some of the day to day issues people face - something silly but my Samsung phones emojis are pretty much all white, crazy. I loved your segment about oils - I used tea tree a ton, it is such a fantastic all rounder. Love blending my own essential oils into facial oils too. I got a fantastic book for my birthday - Aromatherapy, an A to Z, by Patricia Davis. Apparently the most comprehensive guice to aromatherapy ever published - it is fascinating - would really recommend it.

    1. Aw thank you so much! We truly had a great time getting back together after all of those year! And yes, there's no way for us to truly know what they go through since we've never walked in those shoes. Unfortunately, since I live in the south in the United States, I've seen racism in action too many times to count and it makes me sad. It makes me really want to try to work as hard as I can to eliminate it altogether. Sadly, it'll always be a part of US history, but hopefully Americans will eventually evolve to be more accepting of all races. And thank you so much for the book recommendation! I'm heading over to Amazon now to look it up!

  9. I love that shower curtain! I have not gone to any of my hs reunions but your 10 year looked like fun! I just started following @ohhappydani on Insta. Thanks for the recommendation! Have a great weekend!

  10. I am right behind you on the 20th HS reunion. Mine is next year. I can't believe it has been that long. I love the idea that you guys are still going to try to celebrate it. Love the high school throw back photos and the other reunion ones too.


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