
Friday, September 18, 2020

Five on Friday – Fall Graphic Tees, a New Book, and My Favorite Snack

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

What a week, y’all!  A hurricane, virtual learning for a day, lots of fun house projects, and today I’M PICKING UP MY NEW SUV!!!!  Whew!  It’s definitely been a crazy week, but despite the not-so-fun parts, it was a pretty great one.  Today I’m sharing a few things that I’m loving this week, so here we go!

O N E – Fall Graphic Tees

Now that it’s September, my fall graphic tees are officially back in the rotation!!  I have four different ones and I’ll be wearing them on repeat for the next few months… just a little something that’s making me happy this week.  ;o)  The one I'm wearing below is here.

T W O – My Wall is Fixed

Okay, so I think I mentioned on the blog that I decided to move my travel gallery wall out of my office and into our master bedroom… the nine square frames that hung next to my door?  Those nine frames were way too big for that space, so I wanted to find something smaller to go in its place.   

Well, those frames were moved to our bedroom a couple of months ago, but when I took the frames down from my office wall, I noticed that the paint had faded underneath each of the frames, so you could still see the outline of the nine squares on the wall.  And it was extremely noticeable.  Face palm. 

I have no clue how or why that happened, and I wasn’t really sure how to fix it.  I’ve heard of paint fading in the sunlight, but the portion that faded was the portion that was behind the frames.  Makes no sense whatsoever.  My only theory was that the sunlight had somehow darkened the paint on the parts of the wall that were exposed, so I was afraid to try to paint over the section of the wall for fear that the new layer of paint wouldn’t match the rest of the walls that had been exposed to the natural light. 

I decided to wait around for a few months and let the wall breathe in hopes that eventually the faded squares would darken to match the rest of the paint (sounds so dumb, I know), but, unfortunately, they never did. 

Earlier this week, I finally bit the bullet and I decided to get out my leftover paint and roll over that section of the wall in hopes that it would match.  I’m happy to report that the new layer of paint matches the rest of the walls seamlessly, and the nine faded squares are no longer there.  I cannot for the life for me figure out why the paint faded behind those frames, but I’m relieved that it was an easy fix to get the wall back to the way it needed to be. 

It felt good to cross that one off of the master to do list since it had been bothering me for so long, and now I just need something else to go on that wall… I may already have something up my sleeve!  Stay tuned!

Also, I forgot to take a picture of the faded squares, but you can see them a little bit in the middle picture.  I'm telling you, it was bad.


See the squares?  So bad.

After the fresh paint.  Whew.

T H R E E – Majesty

If you loved American Royals, you need to get your hands on the sequel, Majesty.  I’ve been working my way through it for the last week and it’s really very good so far.  However, we’ve reached the busiest four months of the year, so I’m finding less and less time to read which likely means it’ll take me a while to get through it.  I’ll be sure to report back once I finish, but so far it’s great!  If it was still summertime, I’m sure I would have devoured this one in just a couple of days.

F O U R – Current Fave Afternoon Snack

Lately I’ve been eating cheese and crackers for a snack every afternoon, and I cannot get enough of this combination – Market Pantry (Target brand) Rosemary Crackers and the Publix brand extra sharp cheddar cheese.  Oh my word.  Do yourself a favor and try this combo.  It is so delicious.  Those rosemary crackers are everything.  And if you don’t have a Target or prefer to go to Walmart, Walmart has their Great Value brand of the rosemary crackers and they are identical to Target’s.  :o)

F I V E – Timehop Picture of the Week

This sweet little picture of Olivia in her Georgia cheerleading uniform showed up in my Timehop earlier this week, and it just gave me all the feels.  I waited 31 years to have a little baby girl of my very own just so I could put her in one of these.  Look how stinking cute!  Go Dawgs!

Friday Funnies


This cracked me up so hard.  Good ol' football rivalries!!  

Pretty much.

It's TRUE!  He's so dang cute, y'all!

On the Blog This Week

Our Week – The One with Quarantine, Week26 (Labor Day and House Things)

What I Wore – August 2020

 Fall Home Tour 2020

Also, if my blog ends up looking different today, I apologize.  Stupid Blogger finally eliminated the option to use the Legacy (OG) Blogger interface, so this is the first post that I've done using the new interface and I HATE IT.  It's been the same for my entire blogging career, but now everything is different and it keeps changing my fonts and paragraph spacing and it's just being stupid.  Haha.

Happy Friday, y’all! 

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. Yay!!! You get your SUV!!!! So exciting. :) Olivia in that little cheerleader uniform is too cute. Also, the "at least we don't got Auburn"... spot on!

    1. Thank you! I'm loving it so much so far!! Definitely my favorite vehicle yet! And lol. YES!!

  2. Yay!! Congrats on the vehicle. Oh Olivia...sooo CUTE! That cheese and the crackers sounds sooo good. Have a super sweet weekend!!!

  3. CAn't wait to see your new RIDE!! Love cheese and crackers!

  4. Maybe the wall behind the frames was dusty or something, I don't know, that sounds so weird, but glad you fixed it!

  5. I am not really like the new Blogger format either but I had been switching back and forth for like a month or two to try and get the hand of the new one.

    1. Same here, except I didn't spend enough time in the new Blogger before they forced me to. Haha. I hate change!

  6. The baby yoda one is too funny. I love Chris Pratt. That is crazy that the paint faded so much on the wall. Glad you were able to paint over it and still had the color. Those time hop photos always get me. So cute. Have a great weekend!

  7. Omg I wish I was able to tailgate at LSU this weekend and see signs at the frat houses about Covid like that one! I can't belive that happened to your paint, I need to check mine out. Somehow, I have taught Siri y'all!


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