
Friday, December 18, 2020

Five on Friday - Favorite Sweater, Holiday Ice Cream, and Throwback Pics

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Happy Friday, y’all!  The kids get out of school at noon today and then it's going to be nothing but Christmas fun for the next 16 days!  I'm SO excited!  Today I’m sharing a few of my favorites from this week…

O N E – Sweater

I bought this sweater from Amazon back in September, and now that it’s gotten colder, I’ve finally had the chance to start wearing it a bit more.  Ladies, it is one of my most favorite sweaters EVER!  It is so soft, and it’s really comfortable.  It’s thick, but not too thick, and I cannot believe it’s from Amazon because the quality is so good.  It feels like something you would buy from a high-end brand from Nordstrom. 

It’s long enough to wear with leggings, but it also looks fantastic with jeans.  I ordered a small and found that it’s true to size to get that slightly oversized look.  It’s $35.99 and I have found it to be worth every single penny.  It also comes in 20 other colors, so there are plenty of other options if you’re not into the winter white look.  Be sure to add this one to your Christmas wish list!

T W O – Publix Holiday Ice Creams

Oh my goodness, where have these holiday flavors been all my life?! 

I eat a bowl frozen yogurt almost every single night after the kids go to bed.  I always stick to frozen yogurt because it’s slightly healthier since it has less fat and sugar and fewer calories.  However, this year, I decided to splurge and get some of the holiday flavors which are only offered in ice cream form, and my word, dessert at home will never be the same. 

B and I have tried the Publix Pumpkin Pie, Eggnog, and the Peppermint Stick, and all of them are SO DANG GOOD.  It’s nearly impossible to choose a favorite, but the Peppermint Stick is probably the one I’d choose if I had to.  The eggnog would probably come second. 

So anyway, if you’re looking for a little treat to keep on hand this holiday season, I highly recommend any and all of these! 

T H R E E – People’s Sexiest Man Alive

I was thrilled to see that People Magazine chose Michael B. Jordan to be their sexiest man alive for 2020!  He has been one of my favorites for so long, and I cannot agree with this choice more!  He is so smoking hot, right?!

I also love that People is finally being more diverse with their choices these last few years.  The overwhelming majority of the winners have been white since they started doing this in 1985, so I’m thrilled to see that they’re being more inclusive!    

F O U R – Throwback Pics of Myself That I’ve Never Seen

Many of you long-time readers know that I attended the same private, Catholic school that our kids currently attend, but most of you probably don’t know that I didn’t start there in kindergarten.  I actually went to a local public school from kindergarten through third grade, and then my parents moved me to the Catholic school in fourth grade, when my little brother started kindergarten. 

My closest friend in public school was a girl named Lauren, and she and I were besties for the entire four years I was there.  When I changed schools in fourth grade, we kept in touch for a while, eventually losing touch over the years as we got older. 

Social media eventually became a thing years and years later, and she and I found each other pretty early on when Facebook started.  We have kept in touch via social media since then, and then our daughters ended up being in the same class together in daycare for a year, which was pretty cool.

The other day, she randomly messaged me to share two pictures that she’d found of the two of us when we were young.  I had never seen them before, and I honestly don’t even remember that night at all!  Apparently, we were at her house for a slumber party, and we were all playing dress-up.  I have many memories of playing with her at her house all those years ago, but for some reason, I do not remember this particular evening from the picture no matter how hard I try.

I just thought it was the wildest thing seeing this picture of myself from all those years ago from an event that I have no recollection of… so crazy to think that there are probably many other pictures out there that I don’t even know exist… I’m sure plenty of my other friends’ parents have pictures I’ve never seen, too!

It just made my day when she sent those, and I think it’s really cool that we have kept in touch all these years… we’ve known each other since 1987.  <3  Oh, and I'm the one in the striped dress in both pictures.  :o)

F I V E – Essential Oils Tip of the Week

Want bed sheets that smell like the North Pole?  Add four drops of Peppermint oil and 4 drops of Stress Away (smells like vanilla) to your dryer balls and toss in the dryer with clean sheets.  My goodness, they smell good enough to eat, y’all, and they’ll have you heading off to dreamland with visions of sugarplums dancing in your heads.  So so good!


Friday Funnies

This made me laugh so hard

It me

For what it's worth, our kids pretty much never say they're bored, but if they chose the day after Christmas to make this statement, I'd be looking at them exactly like this.  Hahahaha.

Hahahaha.  I do believe in essential oils, indeed!

I think we all need to remember this in 2020.  Things will be simpler and that's okay.

On the Blog This Week

 Fall Family Photos 2020

Our Week – The One with Quarantine, Week 39 (Prepping for Christmas)

 Aunt Joy’s Cinnamon Muffins

Happy Friday, y’all! 

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. I love that sweater!! One of my favorite things to do is look back at old pictures!! Whether it’s of myself or anyone else in my family, I get so much joy from it!! Thank you for sharing!! Have a great day!!

    1. I do, too! There is nothing better than reminiscing about the old days with some old photos! I think that's why I've always loved taking pictures so much.

  2. That sweater is definitely on my wish list - looks so cozy! I love a good seasonal ice cream! Yasso has some seasonal yogurt bars, and the peppermint one is super good. I have only had luck finding them at Target, but worth a buy if you want to switch things up. And YESSSSSSSSSS to Michael B. Jordan. He definitely is deserving of that role, my goodness, hahaha!

  3. That ice cream looks so yummy. Oh my goodness, that picture of you! I love it. :) Have a wonderful weekend! I too can't wait for two weeks for Christmas fun.

    1. Yes!! We are so excited for two weeks of Christmas fun!!!!

  4. That ice cream looks amazing! The throwback pictures had me smiling and so did your funnies! I own that sweater in pink and red and I just love it, the white looks so beautiful on you!

  5. I like the sweater! The ice cream and essential oil for the sheets both sound festive and fun too!

  6. I've had that sweater sitting in my amazon cart for the longest and need to pull the trigger on it already. I bet your sheets smell amazing! What a great tip! Those throwback pictures are so cute! Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. I would look at my kids that way too! They get so much to play with. Ha. I love the throwback photos. Those are always fun to look at. And that sweater is super cute!!!

  8. Twist my arm...I'm always up for adding a new sweater to my collection! :)

    1. You won't regret this purchase at all... seriously my favorite sweater in my whole closet! I want to get it in red, too.


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