
Wednesday, February 24, 2021

This is Seven… Olivia’s Birthday Interview

Our baby girl is going to be seven tomorrow, y’all!  SEVEN.  Time is just a flying…

I interviewed her last week, same questions that I ask the kids every year, and this is what she had to say… as always, my commentary is in parentheses. 

1.    What is your favorite toy?  “My favorite toy is… uh, lots of different  things… all of my princess dolls and then Hatchimals and then the Imagine Ink marker things.  Those are all of my favorite things.”

2.    What is your favorite stuffed animal?  “SHEEPIE!!  You knew I was gonna say that, right?”  (She literally answered this exact same way last year.  Haha.)

3.    What is your favorite game?  “My favorite game is Saint Memory Game and Strike.”  (Saint Memory Game is one of those card matching games, and this one is of a bunch of the saints… can you tell we’re Catholic?  Haha.)

4.    What is your favorite sport?  “Ballet.  Of course, ballet.”

5.    What is your favorite book?  “My favorite book is I am a Bunny.  Hehe.”  (Still going strong since last year!)

6.    What is your favorite TV show?  “TV Show… Frozen 2 and Gabby’s Dollhouse.”

7.    What is your favorite movie?  “Movie?  Frozen 2.  And my favorite Netflix show is Gabby’s Dollhouse.”  (Gabby’s Dollhouse is a brand new show on Netflix and it’s really cute if you’re looking for something for your little ones to watch!)

8.    What is your favorite song?  “Song… hmmmm… maybe This is Gonna Get Stuck Inside Your Head and Queen Whatevra song… and Frozen 2 songs!!  Not Dave Matthews Band.  Hehe.”  (Y’all, she totally just trolled me!!!!  Hahahaha.)

9.    What is your favorite band or singer?  “Band or singer?  My favorite singer is Taylor Swift!” 

10. What is your favorite holiday?  “My favorite holiday is Christmas.”

11. What is your favorite season?  “My favorite season is winter ‘cause that’s when my favorite holiday is so that makes total sense.”

12. What is your favorite color?  “Hot pink.  If you want, you can just say pink.”  (Love her for instructing me on what I can and cannot type.  Haha.)

13. What is your favorite animal?  “My favorite animal is a kangaroo.”  Me: “That’s random!”  Olivia: “Yeah, it hops and I love hopping, plus I just love the animal individually.”  (Where does she come up with this stuff?  That is so random… literally the first time I’ve ever heard her say this.  Lol.)

14. What is your favorite shirt?  “My favorite thing to wear is… is there a question that says what are your favorite PJs?”  Me: “No.”  Olivia: “Well then my favorite dress is that PJ nightgown that you guys gave me for Christmas.  That’s my favorite kind of dress and shirt in my whole entire room.  That one that you gave me that matches Sheepie.”  Me: “That’s not technically a shirt or dress, though.  It’s a nightgown.”  Olivia: “My actual favorite dress in my closet is that pineapple pink one?  That one.”  (Yes, indeed, she does adore that dress.  That’s her Panama City Beach Pineapple Willy’s dress.  Haha.)

15. What is your favorite fruit?  “My favorite fruit?  I like raspberries and blackberries.  Definitely NOT bananas.  I hate bananas.  So does Jacob.”

16. What is your favorite vegetable?  “My favorite vegetable?  Broccoli and green beans.”  (This is true.  She does actually eat those two things… about the only healthy things she will eat!)

17. What is your favorite snack?  “My favorite snack… ummmm… is there one that says favorite breakfast and lunch?”  Me: “There’s a favorite treat, drink, and thing to eat for dinner, so this question is for snacks.”  Olivia: “Okay, my favorite snack is fruit snacks and those little chocolate bears (she’s referring to Teddy Grahams), or if I could have it for a snack, it would be a peanut butter and jelly.  Oh wait, a spoonful of peanut butter!!”  (Girlfriend loves the PB.)

18. What is your favorite treat?  “My favorite treat – gum, Oreos, and maybeeee uh, maybe, maybeeeee, uhhhh, those chocolate covered Oreos like those Oreos that have the white frosting and the brown frosting to the chocolate.”  (She’s officially said gum three years running!  And I think she’s referring to the white chocolate covered Oreos that we have at Christmastime.)

19. What is your favorite drink?  “My favorite drink is water.”  (Literally the ONLY thing she ever drinks.  Ever.  Like for years, she has drunk nothing else but water.)

20. What is your favorite thing to eat for dinner?  “Favorite thing to eat for dinner… let’s see… my favoritest thing is when we have Five Guys and I get to have PB&J, and two, Digiorno.”  (Y’all, first of all, when she says peanut butter and jelly when we have Five Guys, she’s referring to the times where we all want Five Guys and she doesn’t, so she gets to eat peanut butter and jelly instead.  Lol.  Also, we get takeout from some amazing pizza places, but this girl prefers Digiorno.  Whyyyy?!)

21. What is your favorite restaurant?  “My favorite restaurant… Longhorn.”  (Y’all.  We hardly even eat at Longhorn… we literally only go there when a family member chooses it for their birthday.  She only loves it because they serve Kraft macaroni and cheese and that’s her favorite kind.  Lol.  As a matter of fact, when I make Kraft mac and cheese at home, she always calls it Longhorn mac and cheese.  Lol.)

22. Who is your best friend?  “Aubrey, Athena, aaaand Kaleigh.  And Ally and Emmie in my ballet class.”

23. What makes you feel happy?  “When I was a baby, YOU, Daddy, Jacob, and Maui.”  (I asked her why she started that sentence with, “when I was a baby” and she didn’t have any good answer for me.  Lol.)

24. What makes you feel sad?  “What makes me feel sad?  When friends start to not like me, so I just cry.  And two, today made me sad because I didn’t get to play on the playground or play on the iPads when we did indoor recess.”  (Girlfriend hates a rainy day when she can’t play outside… and I also asked her where the first part came from and she didn’t have an answer for that either.  Haha.)

25. What are you afraid of?  “I’m afraid of… cockroaches.  And thunder when it’s super duper loud.  Sometimes I’m afraid of thunder when it’s kind of calm actually.  Thunder… and lightning, too.  Lightning is kind of like the sun in the night, but it always scares me ‘cause it flashes at a random time and that’s how it scares me.”

26. What are you thankful for?  “I’m thankful for you, me, Daddy, Jacob, and Maui.  And my whole entire family – my cousins, my grandparents, everybody.  And I’m thankful for Sheeeepieeee!”  *Turns to Maui* “Maui, did you hear that?  I’m thankful for you, girlie!” 

27. What are you really good at?  “What I’m really good at… I’m good at time, and I’m good at math, and lots of things like reading and stuff.”  (She’s learning how to tell time right now in class, so I’m sure that’s where that came from.)

28. What is your best memory?  “My best memory?  My best memory, let me think… on snow days when I was little.”  Me: “That’s it?”  Olivia: “Yeah… and two, some pictures remind me of my memories, like Jacob holding me when I was a baby… like that picture up on your bulletin board.”  (She literally said the exact same thing last year about the picture of her and Jacob!)

29. What do you want to be when you grow up?  “Elsa… a ballerina… and two, I want to be in plays and when the plays have a princess, I always want to be the princess.”  (Three years running for Elsa and a ballerina, y’all!)

30. If you could have one wish, what would it be?  “To fly in the sky without an airplane, without angel wings, without anything!”  (She said fly last year, too!)

Happy almost birthday to our favorite gal! 


  1. Happy Birthday Olivia! I love these answers so much! It is always amazing how much personality these kids have.

  2. Happy Birthday Miss Olivia. She is so sweet and I loved reading this and look at that sass with her hand on her hip, looks so much like you my friend!

  3. Where does the time go!? These interviews are the best! Happy 7th Birthday to Olivia!

  4. She seems to be becoming herself - meaning she has some answers she sticks to each year! I enjoy how she kept saying "and two..." Happy birthday!

  5. Happy Birthday Sweet Olivia! I love that you kept saying..and two! So cute.

  6. I love that her answers have remained so consistent through the years. That's awesome.

    1. I know, it's so funny how she hasn't changed much over the last few years. She's definitely a girl who knows what she likes and wants!

  7. I love reading these. My girls love I am a Bunny too.

  8. This is adorable! Happy Birthday Olivia and yay for kangaroos <3

    Green Fashionista

  9. I am afraid of cockroaches too! I always love that she loves broccoli. And look at her sharpening her funny bone trolling you on DMB. Happy Birthday Olivia! Hope y'all have a blast celebrating your best girl.

  10. Gosh I remember my daughter turning 7. She loved Taylor Swift and Frozen and girly things. She is pushing 10 now and shes into hip hop, skateboarding and American Eagle/Hollister and charli d'amelio. She's pushing pre-teen years! Tween is it???

    Your daughter is cute! And happy birthday to her!

  11. She looks just like you, Lindsay. :) Hope she has the best birthday tomorrow! Love these birthday interviews. I still do them with my kids and my oldest is 14.

  12. These are SO FUN! Just like your letter, she is going to LOVE looking back on these.


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