
Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Our Week - The One with Quarantine, Week 56 (Second Vaccine, Last Birthday Celebration, and Sunday Dinners are BACK!)

Well, we made it through the first week back from spring break.  I have to admit, it was a little tough getting back into the swing of things after a beach trip, Easter celebrations, and my birthday, but we did it!  Once the kids get out for spring break, I pretty much have no desire to wake up early, make lunches, or do homework anymore.  Although, I had to remind myself that this time last year, we were doing virtual learning, and I quickly remembered just how grateful I am to wake up early, make lunches, and do homework.  It’s all about perspective, right?

Here’s how we spent our first week back from spring break...

Tuesday, April 6 (Day 389 of Quarantine)

The kids were off for Easter Monday, so I recapped it in last week’s post.  Tuesday was their first day back at school, and we hit the ground running!  I had lots of blogging to catch up on, so Tuesday was spent working pretty much all day with the exception of doing a cardio workout after I dropped the kids off.  

I loved my devotional reading for Tuesday.  My word for the year is LIGHT and I feel like everywhere I turn this year, there are little reminders for me to keep my face towards the light. 

Tuesday morning, I also got a message from the school principal with this sweet picture she'd taken of Olivia in class.  The Easter Bunny surprised the kids at school and Olivia was ecstatic!  I'm so grateful every day for our close-knit school family and for being able to receive random little snippets of the kids' school lives from their teachers and administrators while they're not with me.

Tuesday evening, Jacob had baseball practice, so Olivia and I hung around the house while the boys were gone.  We finally got her friendship bracelet done that we’d started weeks earlier, and she also did some crafting while I cooked dinner.

The boys arrived back at home a little early, so we were able to eat dinner and squeeze in a quick card game before getting the kids in bed on time for the first time in two weeks.  B and I watched a bit of TV and enjoyed a slice of leftover Funfetti cake after they were in bed, and then we called it a night, too.

Wednesday, April 7 (Day 390 of Quarantine)

Wednesday was another day of work, as well as my monthly appointment with my therapist, which we’re still doing virtually.  Olivia had dance right after school, so we dropped Jacob at home and headed straight there.  While she was in dance, I ran to the car wash right down the street and got my Telluride all cleaned up… it was filthy after our beach trip, and it also needed a good vacuuming.  There was sand everywhere!

After that was done, I still had about 45 minutes to kill, so I shot one of my old friends/coworkers a text to see if he had time to chat.  He called immediately, and we ended up talking for the rest of Olivia’s dance class.  We got all caught up on life stuff as well as the scoop at my old job… and there was a LOT to catch up on as they’ve been very busy moving from our old facility to two new facilities.  I went through one move when I worked there and it was a CHORE, y’all.  I’m so glad I’m not there anymore to have to go through that again.  It feels like just yesterday that I left, and every time I realize just how much time has passed, I can hardly even believe it!  It’s been 3.5 years, y’all!  Howwww?!

When we arrived back at home after dance, the boys had already left for baseball, so Olivia and I spent the next hour getting homework done and doing all the afternoon hustle things.  I had breakfast for dinner on the table when the boys got home at 7:15, and then we were able to get the kids in bed on time for the second night in a row!  Woo hoooo! 

Thursday, April 8 (Day 391 of Quarantine)

Thursday morning, I did a nice, long yoga workout.  Yoga doesn’t burn many calories, but it sure does help me start the day out feeling calm and centered.  The rest of the day was spent working and getting a few other things done, and 3 o’clock rolled around quickly.

Jacob had a baseball game Thursday evening, so we went straight home after school to get homework done and cook a quick dinner, and then we headed to his game.  His team started out strong and our pitcher was on fire for the first two innings, but once he reached his pitch count and had to be replaced, things started to go downhill.  Since the game wasn’t super slow due to a bunch of walks, we were actually able to get in four innings which meant that Jacob was able to bat twice. 

For his first at-bat, he smashed it into left field and got a double, and the second time he was walked.  He scored a run from that one, but we ended up losing the game 13-9.  It should have been 13-10, though, because one of the umps called one of our kids out at home plate and they were nowhere near out.  And I promise I’m not trying to be one of those parents.  Lol.  He was legit safe, and every single other spectator said so, too.  I’m just glad we didn’t lose by one because that would have been very disappointing after that bad call. 

We’ve not been having the greatest season so far, but Jacob and the other boys are having fun and we’re enjoying watching him do his thing, so that’s all that matters!

Friday, April 9 (Day 392 of Quarantine)

Friday was vaccination day for B and me!!!!  (And now, every time I say that, I sing it to the tune of Coronation Day from Frozen… have y’all seen that video by the Holderness Family?  It’s so dang funny.)  B drove with me to drop the kids at school, and then he and I headed straight to the mass vaccination site.  There were more cars there this time than there were the first time, but they were still super quick and efficient and we were in and out in around 30 minutes.

Again, we never even had to leave our vehicle.  We just drove up to the tent, showed them our cards from our first dose, and they gave us the second shot.  We then pulled over to the parking lot to wait 15 minutes to make sure we didn’t have any kind of reaction, and then we were on our way.  Easy peasy.

I can’t even begin to explain the relief I feel knowing that Brian and I will be over 90% protected from Covid in just a matter of two weeks.  Now, we are just counting down the days until the kids can get theirs and be protected as well.  I know it’s still probably many months away, but it’s comforting to know it’s in the works.

B and I were back home by 9 and I spent the rest of the day working with my lazy little co-worker and hydrating.  Several people reached out to me to tell me to make sure we stayed super hydrated for our second vaccine as it can potentially lessen side effects, so he and I chugged a ton of water.  I drank 104 oz. on Thursday and ended up drinking about the same again on Friday, and Saturday, too.

Friday evening, B picked up BBQ from our favorite place, and we celebrated vaccine #2 with a beer… maybe not the smartest thing to do with the potential for flu-like symptoms around the corner, but worth it!  Ha!

We spent the rest of the evening watching the last episode of Secrets of Sulphur Springs season one, and we started getting caught up on American Idol from earlier in the week.  After the kids went to bed, B and I caught up on A Million Little Things and Shark Tank.  When we went to bed Friday evening, we both felt totally normal… no symptoms!

Saturday, April 10 (Day 393 of Quarantine)

Saturday morning, B and I both slept in a bit later than we usually do, and when we got up, we both had mild headaches and felt a little tired.  I felt good enough to make homemade waffles for breakfast, and then afterward, I unloaded the dishwasher and got a load of laundry started.

That small amount of activity made me feel pretty tired, so I sat around with my hot tea and read for a couple of hours after that.  It was a stormy day, so it was the perfect way to spend the morning.  I got another load of laundry in before lunch, and then made a light lunch for everyone.  By the time lunch was over, I was feeling a little achy and even more tired, so I settled in on the couch and took a two-hour nap.

After my nap, I felt a bit better, but still winded and a little achy, and my lymph nodes in my neck felt swollen and sore, too.  My symptoms never reached the point where I felt like I had to have pain killers, though, and all-in-all, I think B and I were both pretty lucky.  We know many people who had full-on flu-like symptoms – fever, chills, aches, pains, stomach issues, migraines, and even vomiting – so we definitely had it pretty easy. 

I spent the next hour in my office catching up on a few things, and then I got ready for the evening.  My father-in-law brought over pizza from my favorite local place and a Dairy Queen Oreo Blizzard cake to celebrate my birthday one last time.  The weather had cleared up and it was a gorgeous evening, so we spent the whole evening outside on the back porch.

After he left, B and I got right back into our PJs and the four of us piled on the couch for some more American Idol.  I was still feeling pretty tired, and my headache was still there, so I didn’t move from the couch for the rest of the evening.

My headache and body aches never got so bad that I needed medicine to function, but after battling the mild pain for 14+ hours, I finally broke down and took some Acetaminophen before bed because it was wearing me down.

One last thing I wanted to mention about getting the vaccine is that I had one other side effect that I didn’t even realize was a side effect from the vaccine… I noticed at dinner Saturday evening (about 34 hours post-vaccine) that my pizza had a bitter taste to it.  I didn’t really think much of it until later that evening I popped a piece of Peppermint gum in my mouth, and it tasted bitter, too. 

I decided to Google “Pfizer vaccine, bitter taste” and it turns out that a verrrry small handful of people experience this side effect with the Covid vaccine, and also other vaccines (flu, etc.) + antibiotics and pain medication.  The article I read said that people describe it as a “bitter,” “metallic,” or “rancid” taste in their mouth.  The article said it resolves in a few days, and it happens to so few people that they don’t even list it as a side effect.  SO WEIRD. 

Sure enough, it lasted for about 15-16 hours for me and then went away.  And I only noticed it when I ate savory foods… not sweet.  My pizza and gum tasted bitter, but my Dairy Queen ice cream cake and cinnamon rolls Sunday morning tasted normal.  I did have a weird taste in my mouth when I wasn’t eating, too, but it was gone by lunchtime on Sunday and it’s been gone ever since! 

Just wanted to put all that out there in case you had something similar happen and you couldn’t figure it out!  It is normal (just not common), it’s not dangerous, and you’re not alone!

Sunday, April 11 (Day 394 of Quarantine)

I ended up sleeping well all night, and I woke up feeling refreshed, energetic, and pain-free!!  Just like most other people experienced – the pain and exhaustion lasted about 24 hours and then turned off like a light!  It was like it was never even there. 

We started the morning with virtual church and cinnamon rolls, and I pulled out my planner to plan the week ahead.  Once all that was done, I decided to test my energy and do a mixed cardio workout, and I ended up getting in the entire hour with no problem at all!  Starting out I felt a little winded, but after about ten minutes I found my groove and then it was full throttle from there on out.

The rest of the day I felt great, and B felt great, too… so great that he was able to get outside and mow the front and back lawns for the first time this spring.  While he got that done, I helped the kids with homework and started prepping everything for the week ahead – sorting laundry, getting bookbags packed, etc. – and then we all had a quick lunch.

After lunch, the kids played video games, and I got some things done in my office, and then Jacob had baseball practice at 4.  B ran him over there, and Olivia and I hung back at home to bake brownies and prep the house for Sunday dinner!  That’s right, now that my Momma, Daddy, Mama Cass, and B and I are all fully vaccinated, Sunday dinners are BACK IN ACTION!!!! 

For now, we’re just doing them at our house on the back porch since the weather’s nice, but hopefully once the heat of summer kicks in, we’ll all feel comfortable doing them inside at my parents’ house again.

The weather Sunday evening could not have been more perfect… our unicorn weather was back!  Momma brought her famous spaghetti over and we had salad and bread and wine.  We turned on the Masters and gathered around the same table (that will never get old and I’ll never take it for granted again, y’all), and it was the perfect evening. 

Another great week followed by a weekend well spent!

Happy Tuesday, y’all!


  1. You are so right about going back after spring break and not taking it for granted!! Dave and I were thinking of getting our second doses the same day but then we figured if we're going to be sick it shouldn't be at the same time. His is coming this week and mine is soon after.

  2. How lovely to have your family dinners back!!

  3. Hmmm...I received my 2nd Pfizer vaccine a week ago and also have noticed a metallic taste with certain foods. I love that you are starting up your Sunday dinners again! Great memories in the making.

    1. Maybe you're having the same side effect then! Mine disappeared quickly... hopefully yours will soon, too! And yes, we are thrilled to have Sunday dinners back!

  4. Love this and seeing your life get back to normal!


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