
Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Our Week - The One with Summertime, Week 5 (All the Sickness)

Hey y’all, happy Wednesday!  I’m recapping last week on the blog today.  It didn’t quite go as planned as Jacob and Brian both ended up super sick, and Olivia had a brief issue one of the mornings, but we’re all on the up and up now!  Time to recap! 

Monday, June 21

Monday morning, Jacob woke up full-blown sick – high fever, sore throat, cough, super congested, chills, aches.  UGH.  I was beside myself since he’d just been around my parents Sunday evening and Brian’s whole family Saturday evening.  He was terribly sick as a toddler, so he rarely gets sick now, and when he does it’s very mild.  I don’t think he’s run a fever in seven years until this sickness, and his fever peaked at 102.7 so it was high.  Even when he had the flu back in March, he wasn’t that sick. 

In addition to that, Olivia woke us up at 5:15 AM Monday morning saying her earring had fallen out, and then she kept us up complaining of a stomachache.  Well, she says she has a tummyache about 84 million times a day, so I didn’t think anything of it.  I decided to take an early morning walk/run (my knees were acting up, so I couldn’t run straight through) since we were up, and while I was gone, she threw up.  Sigh.  (Brian was home with her, of course.)  Fortunately, that was it, and she was totally normal for the rest of the day, so I guess it must’ve been something she ate.

After my walk/run, we had breakfast and I got ready, and then we spent the day taking it very easy.  I’d originally planned to start cleaning out the kids’ closets and clothes and stuff and also get them started on summer homework, but I knew that was out the window with Jacob feeling so bad.  Instead, he and Olivia rested on the couch most of the day watching cartoons, and I also read some more of Little House in the Big Woods to them. 

Monday afternoon, Olivia had her seven-year well visit with her pediatrician.  She hid patiently under the exam table (and "meditated" while she waited), and when he came in, she jumped out to scare him.  Lol.  Spoiler alert, he was not scared.  Hahahaha.  I just love that girl, though.  She is always so dang funny.

Her checkup went well.  The doc said she’s growing like a weed and everything looked good.  While we were there, I used the opportunity to tell the doc about Jacob’s illness and current symptoms, and he told me that he didn’t think it was necessary to bring him in for testing unless the fever continued for another couple of days.  He said Covid cases are WAAAAY down in our city now.  They have a Covid testing center there at their office, and he said that in the past month, they’ve had ZERO positive cases there, so it was highly unlikely that it would be Covid. 

My mom also looked at the numbers from the city that day and said that there were only two new positive cases in our whole city the previous day.  So we were fairly confident it wasn’t Covid.

Olivia and I headed home after the appointment, and B and I made breakfast for dinner.  After dinner, Jacob started going downhill fast, and his fever spiked to the highest point yet (102.7), and after an hour, Ibuprofen still hadn’t taken it down which made me nervous.  We watched the two new episodes of Breaking Bobby Bones together, and then we got the kids in bed at 8 so they could both get a good night’s sleep.  I crept into Jacob’s room right before we went to bed and took his temperature, and thankfully, it had gone back down, so I was able to stop worrying and get some sleep, too. 

Tuesday, June 22

Tuesday morning, Jacob woke up with fever again, so after breakfast, he and I headed straight to the pediatrician’s office.  They tested him for Covid and strep, and both came back negative.  The doc said that since both of those were negative, it was highly likely that it was acute sinitus (a basic cold gone bad that turned into a really bad sinus infection), and he gave us a prescription for an antibiotic and sent us on our way.  We were so grateful for a negative Covid test.  Whew.

B had stayed home to work on Tuesday since Jacob was showing possible Covid symptoms, so Olivia was able to stay with him while Jacob and I had gone to the doctor, which was good.  When we got back home, she’d built a fort in the living room with the couch cushions, and she’d hung this note on B’s wall in his office.  Lol.  Her love language is quality time and she is a people person, thriving on time spent with others, so she doesn’t do well when she has to entertain herself.  B was on a work call while we were gone, so she had to fend for herself while we were gone.

She and Jacob watched TV in the fort for the rest of the morning.  Between Olivia’s broken elbow and Jacob’s and Brian’s sicknesses this week, it’s been a very lazy summer.

Tuesday afternoon I stepped out to pick up Jacob’s antibiotic, get some gas, and pick up a library book I’d put on hold, and my BFF, Jeannine, was working when I went in the library.  Our libraries have been back open inside for quite some time, but we’ve continued to use curbside pick-up, so it was nice to set foot in there for the first time in 15 months!

I chatted with Jeannine for a bit, and then I headed back home to cook dinner.  Jacob was feeling much better by the end of the day, so he and Olivia spent some time playing outside, and then after dinner, we got Jacob started on his antibiotic.  Before bedtime, he was fever-free all on his own with no medicine… finally!

Wednesday, June 23

Wednesday morning, I got up and went for another walk/run, and it was another lazy day at home.  The kids have gotten into Monopoly, so I found them like this when I got back home.

I had an appointment with my therapist via Zoom after lunch, and she and I discussed getting back together in person for my next appointment which I was excited about!  More signs of normalcy!!  After these last 15 months, I hope we never have to use Zoom again.  Hahahaha. 

Wednesday afternoon, I spent some time reading.  Then that evening, the kids got in some good outdoor playtime and then all of us went out for a walk around the neighborhood… it was much-needed for the kids after being cooped up so much.  I feel like we’ve spent way too much time indoors this summer, aside from our beach trip.

After our walk, the kids got ready for bed, and then we watched America’s Got Talent.  It’s so good to see that the show is all back to normal this year after last year’s weird, socially distant shows.

Thursday, June 24

Thursday, Brian headed into the office and I did a yoga workout and got ready for the day.  The kids and I spent the whole morning in Jacob’s room cleaning out his closet and drawers.  We hadn’t done a clothes try-on in forever and he had SO MUCH STUFF that he’d outgrown by a mile.  We filled an entire garbage bag with stuff to give to my nephew, and then I was able to take inventory to see exactly what he needs #alltheshorts #allthepants  He has grown a lot this year.

Some of our Amazon packages from Prime Day started arriving Thursday afternoon and it was like Christmas day!  I had ordered a few things we’ve been needing, along with a few items to give as Christmas gifts, as well as a few things we didn’t need but I couldn’t pass up the deals.  ;o)

Thursday afternoon, the kids and I sat on the back porch and read together for a while, and then it was video game time for them and work time for me.  We don’t have a strict schedule during the summer, but we do have a pretty regular rhythm, and the afternoons are for quiet time/screen time for the kids while I work.

Thursday afternoon, B started coming down with the same funk that Jacob had – SIGGGGHHHH.  His crazy self still went out and mowed the lawn after dinner, though, and I’m convinced that didn’t help matters. 

While he mowed, I made a couple of new bracelets for myself while the kids played board games, and then we all watched a couple of episodes of Walk the Prank before the kids went to bed.

Friday, June 25

Friday morning, I went for a run to start the day, and the kids and I spent the whole morning in Olivia’s room cleaning out her closet and drawers.  Again, she had a ton of stuff to give away just like her brother!  They have both grown so much. 

Brian worked from home all day and was full-blown sick Friday, so Friday evening, I headed out to pick up food for dinner, so he didn’t go and contaminate everyone.  We opted for Red Robin and it hit the spot… if you’ve never tried their bonzai burger then you’re missing out.  It is SO delicious.  I was severely iron deficient the whole time I was pregnant with Jacob, so much that my iron supplement didn’t even help, so my midwife told me to eat a lot of red meat.  I ate one of those bonzai burgers nearly every week for the last few months of my pregnancy.  I’m convinced that’s why Jacob loves burgers so much.  Haha.

After dinner, we all watched the new Netflix movie, Wish Dragon, and naturally, I fell asleep as I always do on Friday evenings.  I hate that I fell asleep for that one, though, because Brian and the kids all said it was really good. 

After the kiddos went to bed, B and I started watching Mare of Easttown, and we are both enjoying it.

Saturday, June 26

Saturday morning, I woke up a little later than usual.  It had been a rough night because B couldn’t sleep since his throat was so sore and gunky, and all of his movement and noise kept me up, too.  I made homemade waffles for the kids and me, and B slept until sometime after 10 which never happens. 

Once he was up, I set the kids up with some Play-Doh at the table, and then I got in a cardio workout and then started cleaning the house – dusting, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, wiping down mirrors and countertops, washing sheets, and doing laundry.  I also Lysoled everything and put Thieves in every single diffuser in our house to get all of the germs gone.   I took a short break to make lunch for the kids and me, and then went right back to cleaning.  I think I cleaned for almost five hours.  The house needed it desperately. 

B slept on the couch most of the rest of the morning and afternoon, and then he and I finally got ready later in the day. 

The ice cream man came around our neighborhood Saturday afternoon and the kids were thrilled.  He hasn’t been through here in ages and we were starting to wonder if he wasn’t doing it anymore.  They both picked out ice cream bars and had those for their afternoon snacks.

B left around 4 to go to acute care.  He was miserable and wanted to get an antibiotic since Jacob’s doctor had given him one, and while he was gone, I worked in my office for a bit while the kids played video games.  While B was there, they tested him for Covid, strep, and flu, and all came back NEGATIVE!  Woo hoo!  The verdict – same as Jacob… a really bad sinus infection brought on, most likely, by that same cold virus that Jacob had brought home. 

Saturday evening, I headed out to pick up pizza for dinner since B was germy (don’t get used to it, though, B!  Haha.).  We were supposed to have gone back to church in person for the first time in 15 months that evening, but SIIIIGGGGHHHH, sickness.  I feel like we’ve been trying and trying to get back to church and everything keeps holding us back.  Hopefully next weekend! 

After dinner, the kids and I took Maui for a nice long walk around the neighborhood, and we were treated to this beautiful sky.

After our walk, we all watched another episode of The Mighty Ducks show + Walk the Prank, and then after the kiddos went to bed, B and I watched another two episodes of Mare of Easttown.  I’m hooked, y’all.

Sunday, June 27

Sunday morning, we watched mass virtually, and then the kids painted for a while.  I got a few minor projects done around the house that I’ve been wanting to do – like spraying all of the squeaky door hinges in the house.  Man, it’s so nice to be able to open and close all of the doors without a big ol’ bunch of squeaking!

We made hot dogs and mac n cheese for lunch, and then the kids spent the early part of the afternoon trying to make Brian and me “walk the prank.”  Thanks, Disney+ for this show that is going to forever have my children playing pranks on me.  Haha. 

Brian was feeling much better on Sunday since he’d started those antibiotics and gotten a good night’s sleep.  We still weren’t 100% sure that he wasn’t contagious, though, so we stayed home all day Sunday so as to not infect anybody.  That meant no Sunday lunch or dinner.  Boooo.

Instead, we grabbed takeout one more time for dinner – cringe – I always feel so bad getting takeout that many times in a row.  Too much junk food!  But I was due for grocery shopping the next day and had nothing that I could even scrounge up for dinner besides sandwiches, which we’d already had 84 times that week for lunch.  Mexican and margs at home it was!  Not complaining!  ;o)

We ended the evening with a couple more shows, and that was the end to our super duper lazy week.  Praying nobody else gets sick this week so we can finally start getting out again!

And now for a few current things…

Currently Reading


In June, I read Fly Away, the sequel to Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah and it was fantastic.  It wrapped up all of the loose ends and answered all of my questions that I had after finishing Firefly Lane, and it gave me some closure.  I also read two other fiction books.  The first one was The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn.  I’m not usually a suspense/thriller girl because they scare the pants off of me, but I absolutely loved this book.  I could not put it down and I finished it in two days.  I’m so glad my Mama Cass lent it to me… otherwise, I would have never read it on my own.  The last fiction book I read in June was Nicholas Sparks’ new release, The Return.  It was another typical Nicholas Sparks book, and as always, I thoroughly enjoyed it. 


I also finished up my non-fiction book for the month of June – Resisting Happiness by Matthew Kelly.  This book talks about how we, as human beings, have a tendency to resist doing all of the things that we know are good for us, and as a result, we spend our days unfulfilled, anxious, and sometimes unhappy.  In this book, the author teaches us how to recognize how and when we’re doing this, and how to conquer it. 


I don’t think I’ve ever read a personal growth book that has spoken to me so much as this one did.  I never realized how much of a “resistor” I am until I read this book.  The author wrote this book from a Christianity point of view, specifically as a Catholic, but even if you’re not Catholic (or Christian for that matter) there are still so many excellent takeaways from this book… I highlighted nuggets of golden info more times in this book than any other book I’ve ever read.  I highly highly recommend it.    


Currently Watching


This month, we watched the entire season of Handmaid’s Tale (OMG, YOU GUYS, SO GOOD!!), the entire season of Little Fires Everywhere (another great one), and the Friends Reunion (so fantastic, sigh…). 


We also started watching Walk the Prank and The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers on Disney+ with the kids, and we also started Lego Masters and America’s Got Talented on network TV with the kids.


We’re also still catching up on All American and B and I also started and finished Mare of Easttown, which I’ve been dying to watch after seeing so much high praise for it.  It lived up to the expectation for sure!  We both loved it!


And yes, I’m still playing The Wedding Planner on repeat in my office while I work.  My DVD (yes, DVD) has started skipping because I’ve played it so much.  Please do not judge me.  Haha.


Currently Listening To


Ed Sheeran just dropped his first solo song in over four years, and I’ve been listening to that on repeat… I cannot wait for the whole album to come out! 


I’ve also been listening to my summer 2001 playlist a ton, too.  Can y’all even believe that it’s been TWENTY YEARS since 2001?!?!  I have playlists in my phone by category and also for some specific years, and summer 2001 is one of my all-time faves.  There was just SO MUCH GOOD MUSIC that year and I feel like the music from that year was the epitome of some of the very best music from my teen years.  NSYNC, Backstreet Boys, Dave Matthews Band, Jagged Edge, 112, Britney, Usher, Jennifer Lopez, Brian McKnight, and soooo many other artists that I love all released great albums that year and my play list is just so good.  Give me all the OG boy bands!!!!    


2001 was also the year that two of my very favorite movies of all-time came out – The Wedding Planner and Serendipity!  And it was also the year that Pearl Harbor, Legally Blonde, Monster’s Inc., Oceans 11, The Princess Diaries, Bridget Jones’ Diary, Save the Last Dance, and so many other ones that I love came out.  I worked at the movie theater then, so I saw pretty much every movie that came out and there were so many great ones.  I’ll always remember that year as one of the best years for music and movies! 

Happy Wednesday, y’all!


  1. I hope Jacob and Brian are feeling better and that you and Olivia have managed to stay healthy with all this sickness. Definitely not fun at all! I had to look up that burger from Red Robin - sounds delicious! As does your other take out for the weekend. You can't end the weekend on a bad note with margs and Mexican! The Resisting Happiness book sounds right up my alley. I know I 'resist' certain things even though when I do them I am so much better for it. I am requesting from the library now! Happy Wednesday!

  2. My youngest niece had something very similar to Jacob at the start of the month as well! Glad everyone is on the up and up now!! We're all being reintroduced to society and germs are going to take over again! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  3. I'm sorry about the sicknesses! Even though Covid is down where you are, couldn't they have technically picked it up on the trip? I'm glad they didn't though! I remember I saw Pearl Harbor in the movie theater in 2001. So long ago!

  4. That really sucks about the sickness. First Olivias arm and then most of the house sick. I hope no one else gets it. I’m glad Olivias appointment went well.

  5. Oh gosh, your family has had a lot going on lately with the cast and then the sickies! My husband came down with something really bad last week and I think we have all dodged it (knock on wood), but it is so bad when it goes through most of the family! He went to urgent care with a cough, etc. and he's vaccinated, so they didn't test him. He's doing better now, thankfully. We have a trip in a little over a week and a half to the beach and I always get anxious about us staying well beforehand!! Especially since we are flying. Great job on the running and workouts! I love to run and I feel so recharged after getting outside for some fresh air by myself in nature when I run. It really helps me clear my mind... esp in the summer when everyone is at home and I thrive on a little alone time!


    1. Oh gosh, I'm so glad your husband is doing better and that y'all didn't get it!! Hopefully everyone will be well for your trip! I always get major anxiety over us all staying well right before a trip, too... I think it stems from the fact that both of our kids used to ALWAYS get sick right before our trips when they were little. It never failed! And yes, running clears my head, too, and you are so right... it's a nice way to sneak out and get some time alone! I hope y'all enjoy your trip!


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