
Friday, July 9, 2021

Five on Friday - Decorative Trays, Outdoor Blanket, Rainbow Dress, and Owl Diaries

*This post contains affiliate links.  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

I can’t believe it’s Friday again… last summer dragged on and on because – Covid – and this summer has flown by in the blink of an eye.  I can hardly believe that there are only four weeks left of summer.  We are surely going to be making the most of it over here!

As always, since it’s Friday, I’m sharing a few of my favorites from the week…

O N E – Resin Trays

We bought our coffee table back in 2009 when we moved into our house.  The top is glass and there’s a second level on the bottom where we store a bunch of family books as well as decorative books.  I intended to buy a couple of large flat baskets to hold the books when we moved in, and then 13 years went by and we still didn’t have baskets.  Haha.  Isn’t that the way life goes?

Last year, I started perusing Amazon, Target, and a few other websites, but I couldn’t find any that fit all of my requirements (right size, good looking, and didn’t cost an arm and a leg), so I gave up searching.  A few weeks ago, I was at Walmart picking up some essentials, and I came across a massive selection of baskets by Better Homes & Gardens in the seasonal section of the store.  They had these resin trays and I was thrilled because they are the perfect size and they’re only $9.94 each!! 

The whole collection is beautiful – there are round trays, tiered trays, utensil holders, and plate holders, and all of them are just perfection.  Walmart continues to step up their game in the home décor department… fashion, too!


T W O – Waterproof Outdoor Blanket

That same day, I also found this blanket at Walmart and it is perfect for summer!  It’s specifically made for the outdoors so it’s waterproof and it folds up into itself for easy storage.  Once folded up, there are carrying straps for convenience, and there’s even a genius little pocket on the outside that you can utilize.  It is great for picnics, sports, beach trips, and all other outdoor activities and it’s only $9.97!  It folds up small, so I just keep ours in the back of my SUV, so we have it available any time we need it.  It also comes in five other colors/patterns if you don’t like the red, white, and blue stripe.


T H R E E – Rainbow Dress

On a recent Target trip, this sweet little dress caught my eye (dang you, Target, for placing the little girls’ clothing front and center when you walk in!), and I grabbed one for Olivia.  She lives in dresses all summer long, and she always tends to reach for the knee-length, sleeveless, flowy ones.  At only $9 it’s the perfect summer staple, and it happens to be on sale right now for just $8!  It also comes in a pink unicorn pattern, a yellow pineapple pattern, a purple watermelon and cherries pattern, and a turquoise palm leaf pattern.  Olivia has already worn this one three times and we just got it, so I’m tempted to buy a couple more in larger sizes for her to have next summer since they’re on sale!


F O U R – Owl Diaries

Olivia is very picky about chapter books, but we found this sweet little series recently that she’s loving.  The books range from 2.7 - 3.2 (late second grade to early third grade) on the AR scale, which is right within her reading level, although, towards the bottom of her range.  We picked up four or five different ones at the library last week, and she devoured three of them in just two days.  That’s really saying something for a girl who doesn’t usually choose reading as her #1 thing to do!  If you have younger kids looking to find some good summer reading, Olivia gives these books two thumbs up.  ;o)



This sweet picture recently showed up in my Timehop from two years ago and it made me tear up.  Just look at those sweet babies!  I can’t believe how much they’ve all grown!

Friday Funnies

Brian and Maui

Definitely don't miss this about corporate America.  My name is right there in the email... no excuses!

Hahahaha.  Me, when technology doesn't work.

My life in a nutshell

On the Blog This Week

 What I Ordered from Amazon in June 2021

Our Week - The One with Summertime, Week6 (Cast Off, Library Hopping, CHURCH, and Fourth of July)


Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. My niece gave sophia all of her Owl Series books...shes still too young, but we will have them! Love the blanket and tray! Have a great weekend! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  2. I am loving that beach blanket and trays! I somehow lost my beach blanket in our move (back to FL so that is helpful, lol) and just added it to my walmart list so this was perfect timing!

    Kate -

  3. I saw that dress for the girls. I almost got it too. I need that beach blanket. We are always looking for things like that for the beach and things like firework watching. Have a great weekend.

  4. That spelling meme made me laugh... mostly because my father often spells my name wrong! LOL.

    1. Lol!! That's hilarious!! Come on, Dad, get it right! Haha.

  5. The meme about the kid asking the mom to carry a stick is SO dead on, lol. Those outdoor blankets are the best! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I love the last pic it's so true - my boys are always finding sticks and stones they love and I have to find a way to carry them too!

    The waterproof blanket looks like a good buy, we have something similar we keep in the car too :)

    Hope you are having a good weekend :) It's another chilly winter day here!

    Away From The Blue

    1. Thank you! Y'all enjoy your chilly winter... I'm actually looking forward to that! Well, fall anyway!


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