
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

My Love for the Simplified Planner Continues…

*This post contains affiliate links.

It’s no secret that I’m a huge fan of all things Emily Ley.  I love her planners, I love her planner accessories, I love her books, I love her podcast, and I love her, too!  Three years ago, I bought my very first Simplified Planner and I never looked back.  

The Simplified Planner was designed to give you all the space you need to keep your life organized without a bunch of extra stuff that you don’t need.  The planners are functional, gorgeous, and they’re made from the highest quality materials. 

Fall Launch Day is next Wednesday, so if you’re in the market for a new planner for 2022, mark your calendar for September 1!  Emily and her team were kind enough to gift one to me this year since I’m a part of their affiliate team, and I wanted to share it with you today.  Just how gorgeous is this cover?

As always, I chose the daily version, but they offer a weekly version, too, in case you don’t need as much space as I do.  Each daily planner has 12 full monthly spreads (one for each month), and a whole page for each day of the year.  Each page contains a daily schedule (6AM – 9 PM), a to do list, and a notes section. 

I write all of my meetings, appointments, and scheduled activities in the daily schedule section.  Then I use the to do column for all of the things I need to do that don’t require me to be anywhere at a particular time.  The notes section is where I record everything that I eat throughout the day, my workouts for the day, and any other health habits that I want to track.

The planners come in several different designs and color options so there’s something for everyone, and there are also many other items that you can add on to supplement your planner – pens, stretchy bands, adorable-shaped paper clips, stickers, and so much more.

This planner is seriously something that I couldn’t live without… our family’s entire lives are in this thing and I’d be lost without it.  I’ve written many blog posts about my love for it, and you can see all of them below:

 How I Organized My Entire Life by Creating a Series of Lists + How I Use My Planner to Easily Maintain Them

Why You Should Purchase a Simplified Planner for the New Year

Two Years with My SimplifiedPlanner

My Review of the Simplified Planner One Year Later

Hands down, best planner on the market… believe me, I’ve tried soooo many different ones!

Happy planning!

*Linking up with Slices of Life for Encouraging Hearts and Home.


  1. So excited for the launch! Definitely think I will be going with that cover, too. It's so pretty!

  2. That's a really pretty cover and I love the rest of the designs too! I'm planner obsessed and usually have like 3-4 throughout the year LOL! xo, Biana BlovedBoston

  3. I can completely understand why you love it! It is perfect! And the cover reminds me of your blue and white gingham dress!

  4. I wish I used a planner. This one is really cute!

  5. Love the cover you chose; feel like it's totally you! I am a big-time lover of planners... I will check her's out.

  6. So pretty! I'm hoping to start using a planner again now that I'll always be in my home office instead of carting stuff back and forth between home and the office-office.

  7. Replies
    1. It really is! That had some great covers this year! It was hard to choose.

  8. I loved the simplified planner. I actually got a pink gingham weekly from their at-a-glance collection this academic year since I have been a weekly planner for years.


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