
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Our Week - The One with Jacob’s First Baseball Game of the Season and a Girls’ Brunch

Last week was a short week due to the Labor Day holiday, but we squeezed a lot in, and I’m recapping it all on the blog today!

Tuesday, September 7

Tuesday morning, I dropped the kids at school and then went for a run.  My big toe started hurting again, but I was able to power through again.  It hasn’t been bothering me ever since it healed a few weeks ago, so I’m not sure why all of a sudden it started again. 

After my run, I spent the morning doing laundry and working, and then after a quick lunch with B, I headed to visit with my therapist.  By the time I was finished there, it was almost time to pick the kids up from school, so I got in the car line a little early and listened to a podcast while I waited.  I started listening to Shay and Erika’s Bestie Breakdown this season and they are so cute together!  If you want something light and fun, then you’ll love it!  On Tuesday, they were breaking down all things fall.  Fall everything is my favorite, so it made me happy!  :o)

When we got home, the kids got their snacks and did their homework, and then Olivia and I left for dance.  I read for a bit while she was in class, and then when we got back home, I cooked a quick dinner before heading back out to take Jacob to baseball practice.  Brian had to work late, so I took Jacob, and Olivia stayed home with B. 

I spent most of the time reading while Jacob practiced, and when he finished up, we headed home.  It was another late practice, so by the time we got home, it was time for him to shower, and then we all got in the bed.

Wednesday, September 8

Wednesday morning, after I dropped the kids at school, I stuck around to help put together some care packages for the students in last year’s graduating class, and then I headed home to work for the rest of the day. 

Olivia’s teacher sent me this sweet picture in the afternoon… their class celebrated the birthday of Mary (Jesus’ Mother, Mary) with cupcakes in their classroom.  I always love getting pictures of my babies when I’m away from them!

After school pickup, the kids got their homework and studying done, and then Brian and Jacob headed off to baseball practice.  While they were gone, Olivia and I played a few rounds of Matching Game and Bingo, and then I got in a stair stepper workout while she showered. 

I cooked some veggies for dinner, and then we all sat down to eat together when Brian and Jacob got home.  Since dinner was so late, it was time to get the kids ready for bed right afterward, and then B and I started a new show called Trying on Apple TV.  We finished season one of The Morning Show Monday earlier in the week and we needed something new to watch.  The show is about a couple who is trying (and struggling) to have a baby, and it’s supposed to be really heartwarming and funny.  B and I liked the first two episodes, so we’ll keep on watching.

Thursday, September 9

Thursday, I worked aaaallll day.  I had lots of backend stuff to do on the blog, so I set aside most of the day to work on that stuff.  If you don’t blog, you may not realize how much work goes into things behind the scenes – it is crazy – and it’s even crazier because I have to be the person to fix it/update it.  It sure would be nice to have my very own little IT department, though.  Haha.

I also got the whole house straightened up and photographed for my fall home tour.  I always love sharing my home tour posts for the different holidays, but my gosh, it is a TON of work getting the house ready and photographed for them.

After school Thursday, the kids and I came straight home, and they got to work on homework while B and I made a verrrry early dinner.  Jacob had his first baseball game of the new fall season at 7, but we had to be there by 6 for uniform distribution, which meant we had to leave the house just after 5:30.  That meant, naturally, that dinner had to be at the crazy early time of 4:45.  Lol.

The weather was perfection for his first game.  We’d just had a cold front come through, so the high maxed out around 80 degrees Thursday, but the best part was that the humidity was super low, so it actually felt like a comfortable 80 degrees and not a 95 degrees 80 degrees.  Haha. 

All of the grandparents made it out for the game – my parents, my FIL, and my MIL and step-FIL, and my mother-in-law’s sister and her husband came as well as they just happened to be passing through town that day.  We hadn’t seen my in-laws in quite a while since we haven’t been getting together for Sunday lunch, so it was nice to catch up with them a bit, and it was good to have everyone together outside enjoying the nice fall-like weather.

The game went well, and Jacob’s team looked really good.  Our main pitcher this season is awesome, and all of the boys did great fielding and batting, too.  Jacob got a single and then had a pop-fly that was caught for his second at-bat.  The game was so dang close, but the other team ended up beating us 9-8 in the last inning.  I think we have a good shot at having a great season, though!

By the time we got home, it was 9:30, so the kiddos didn’t get into bed until after 10.  B and I spent a few minutes downstairs with Maui after they were settled in bed, and then he and I called it a night, too.  Baseball is back which means we’re all going to be lacking sleep for at least two days a week for the next couple of months!

Friday, September 10

Friday morning, I dropped the kids, got some gas, stopped by Publix to grab some blueberry muffins, and then I headed to my friend Jessica’s house for a girls’ brunch.  My friend Jeannine and Jessica’s sister, Khristina came, too, and we had the best morning talking and catching up.  All four of us went to grade school and high school together, so we’ve known each other for most of our lives, which is just crazy. 

Jessica and Khristina recently moved in right next door to each other in these gorgeous one-hundred-year-old homes, so they gave us a tour of both, and now I want to move into an old house!  They have so much character! 

Jessica had made a gorgeous breakfast board and Khristina had made a yummy breakfast casserole, and we sat around Jessica’s dining room table eating, drinking coffee, and talking for over four hours.  I was honestly shocked when I looked at my watch for the first time and saw that it was nearly lunchtime.  The time just flew by!  It was a morning well-spent, though.

I finally left Jessica’s around 12:30 and headed straight home to get a few things done, and before I knew it, it was time to leave to pick up the kids from school.  When we got home, I snapped a picture of this drawing that Olivia had done of me Thursday afternoon.  They are learning about character traits at school, and she decided to draw a picture of me and my character traits.  She said that the feet show “where I like to go.”  The heart shows my character traits.  The top left bubble shows what I think about the most.  And the top right bubble is what I say the most.  “Tidy up!!!!”  Lolololol. 

Y’all, she’s not wrong.

Also, please note the very dark roots she gave me.  Yes, I’m way overdue for a hair appointment, and yes, I called the salon and scheduled my appointment after I saw this.  Lol.

Friday evening, B picked up takeout from Five Guys and we got all caught up on TV from the week – Lego Masters and America’s Got Talent.  Olivia’s top front tooth was barely hanging on by a thread, so she attempted to pull it Friday evening with no success.  I offered to pull it for her (who am I?!) but she declined.  Praise be.  I’m not sure I could have actually done it.

After the kids went to bed, B and I watched the newest episode of Ted Lasso – this show just keeps getting better and better, y’all – and then we watched another episode of Trying.

Saturday, September 11

Saturday morning, I made Funfetti pancakes for breakfast (compliments of my friend Jeannine <3) and we watched ESPN College GameDay.  I did a workout, got some laundry done, made a light lunch, and then after lunch, the kids played video games for a little while and I got some work done.

The Georgia game was on at 3:30, so we spent the whole afternoon and evening outside on the back porch watching the game while the kids played in the yard.  We had Papa John’s delivered so we didn’t have to leave to pick up dinner, and we ate that on the back porch as well. 

Right before our pizza arrived, Olivia ducked inside and came back out shouting, “I PULLED MY TOOTH!”  Yep, she just went in the bathroom, grabbed a tissue, and had pulled her own tooth.  She was thrilled and also very proud of herself as you can probably imagine, and I was just grateful that I didn’t have to do it.  Haha.

We had an easy game and we whooped the other team despite the fact that our QB1 was out with an injury, and it was a really fantastic offensive game!  I also loved that our student section – the fans who always paint “GO DAWGS” or something to that extent on their bodies for all the games – had also painted “NEVER FORGET” on their backs as a tribute to all of the lives lost in the September 11 attacks.

All day, I just couldn’t believe that 20 years have come and gone since the September 11 attacks.  I don’t think there has been a single 9/11 anniversary where I haven’t felt reflective and somber, and Saturday was no exception.  After the game was over, we all went inside, B sat down to watch another football game while the kids headed upstairs to watch a movie, and I sat down at my computer to write. 

I had been itching to write some thoughts about 9/11 all day as writing has always helped me process my emotions, and the minute I sat down, the words came easy, and my fingers flew over the keyboard so quickly that I had finished the entire post in a matter of minutes.  I found an old picture from our 2005 trip to New York City when we visited Ground Zero to add to my post, I hit publish, and then I joined B on the couch where we remained for the rest of the evening.  As time goes by, I don’t think that day (September 11, 2001) will ever get any less vivid in my mind.

After the kids went to bed, B and I watched a couple more episodes of Trying, and then we headed off to bed. 

Sunday, September 12

Sunday morning was virtual mass alongside a pan of cinnamon rolls, planning the week ahead in my planner, watering my plant babies, getting in another cardio workout, and then reading for a bit.  Then the kids and I ate lunch together as B headed off for his tennis match, and after lunch, we took Maui for a long walk around the neighborhood to get some exercise and get out of the house. 

All of us got showered for the day when we got back home, and then I headed to my office to get a few things done while the kids played video games.  B swung by the grocery store on the way home from tennis to pick up Hershey Pie ingredients for me, and then we he got home, I whipped up the pie in about 15 minutes.  It’s super easy, it’s delicious, and it’s one of our favorite desserts.  I posted the recipe here a few years ago in case you’d like to try it.

My Momma, Daddy, and Mama Cass all came over around 6 to have Sunday dinner on the back porch, and my Momma had made a delicious dinner of ranch chicken pasta, roasted honey vegetables, Caesar salad, and bread.  We had the Hershey Pie for dessert, and then my parents and the kiddos played Cornhole afterward.  I surely miss getting together at my parents’ house on Sundays and being “normal” but I’m definitely grateful that we’re all just able to get together in some capacity.

Happy Tuesday, y’all!




  1. Sounds like a good week. You have me curious about blog back end work! I haven't done much on mine in awhile.

  2. That sounds like a really full and productive week!

  3. That breakfast board is such a great idea! Definitely going to remember that for my next brunch get together! Sounds like all in all a great week. Hopefully this one will round out just as good!


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