
Friday, December 17, 2021

Five on Friday - Delivery Driver Goodies, New Christmas Music, and a Christmas Puzzle

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Can y’all believe there’s only ONE WEEK until Christmas Eve?!  This year has flown by, and I’m not quite ready for the Christmas season to leave us just yet.  I always start celebrating all things Christmas on November 1, but even though we start early, it just still doesn’t feel like enough time.  So many festive things to do, and so little time!

Today, I’m sharing a few favorites from the week!  Let’s get started.

O N E – Delivery Driver Goodies

We put a basket on our front porch on December 1 and filled it with snacks, drinks, and goodies for all of our delivery drivers, and it’s been making me so happy to see that they’ve been helping themselves to all of the snacks and drinks!  We order so. much. stuff. online so we receive loads of deliveries throughout the year, and this was the least we could do to pay them back for all of their hard work.

I’ve been restocking the basket every evening with various chips, crackers, bars, candies, and drinks, and we plan on leaving it out until Christmas.  This is the first year we’ve done this, and we’ll most definitely be making this a tradition going forward.  We are so very grateful for all of the USPS, UPS, and FedEx drivers who get our mail and packages to us daily! 

T W O – New Pentatonix Christmas Album

I’ve been obsessed with Pentatonix ever since they won The Sing-off back in 2011.  Do y’all remember that show?  It was hosted by Nick Lachey and it always premiered during the Christmas season and it was SO GOOD, but they canceled after just a few seasons.

Well, ever since Pentatonix won, they’ve released numerous albums (mostly Christmas ones), and I buy every single one right when it comes out.  They dropped a new one this October, and I downloaded it a couple of weeks ago, and like every single one of their other albums, this one does not disappoint. 

As always, it consists primarily of traditional Christmas songs performed acapella, and as always, they also threw in a few other songs that aren’t traditionally Christmas songs, but they totally work with the rest of the album.  They always do at least one song on each album that makes me cry, and this album is no exception.  As a matter of fact, this time they have three. 

If you haven’t checked it out yet, most definitely do so, and be sure to listen to The Prayer, Evergreen, and My Heart with You.  All the tears.  So so very beautiful.


T H R E E – New Brett Eldredge Christmas Album

Brett Eldredge also just released a new Christmas album and it’s every bit as good as his first album, too.  In case you’re not familiar with him, he’s a country singer, but he does his Christmas albums in the style of the old-school big band/jazzy sound, and it is SO GOOD.  His voice is like velvet.  If you’re looking for a new traditional sounding Christmas album, look no further…


F O U R – New Straight No Chaser Christmas Album

Yes, another Christmas album… can you tell I love Christmas music?  Haha.  Straight No Chaser – the original acapella Christmas singing group – also released a new Christmas album.  Apparently, it was released in 2020 and I somehow missed it, but I jumped on it the second I saw it this year. 

Straight No Chaser is another acapella singing group and they’ve been around since 1998, although, we didn’t start listening to them until 2008 when their first Christmas album was released.  They are SO FANTASTIC, and they do lots of traditional sounding songs as well as some originals, and they’re always a favorite. 

So, we’ve been listening to their newest holiday album on repeat, along with the new single they just dropped called Christmas Like.  And yes, yes, it is based on the song Fancy Like by Walker Hayes.  Our kids went crazy when they heard it for the first time!


F I V E – Christmas Puzzle

We started putting together this 1,000-piece Christmas puzzle during Thanksgiving break.  We got about halfway through that week and it’s been mostly abandoned since we all went back to work and school.  We’ve finally had a chance to work on it some this week again, and we’re getting really close to completing it!


This one is really tough since there’s so much going on, and to make it even more challenging, all of the pieces are similar in shape!  It’s been so hard!  I just love the Christmasy scene, though… it gives me all the warm and fuzzies.  Total New York City at Christmastime vibes!  This particular puzzle is currently unavailable right now, but this one is similar and it’s still available.  It would be a fun project for the whole family to work on together during Christmas break! 


Friday Funnies

On the Blog This Week

 Christmas Home Tour 2021

Our Week – The One with All the Christmas Prep


Happy Friday, y’all!

*Linking up with 
A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. Happy Friday babe! I loved the sing off and I’m crazy about Pentatonix! I will check that out. I hope you have a super sweet and festive weekend and I hope that everybody is healthy!

  2. I always wondered if the drivers actually take snacks from baskets like that and that is awesome that they have been! We find puzzles easier with a lot going on because you can figure out where a piece goes, rather than a whole bunch of one color. We're actually working on one from the same brand too, I love their designs!

  3. I love the idea of the delivery driver snacks! We've done lottery tickets for them, our mail carriers, and garbage men. I love Pentatonix too! The boys do too, and can't believe they make all those sounds. I hope you have a good weekend and everyone is feeling better soon!

  4. I have been meaning to do a delivery driver basket like that. Such a good idea! Hope you all are feeling better and have an amazing weekend!

  5. Love your delivery basket and that the drivers have been using it! That's wonderful.

    1. We are definitely going to make this an annual thing! I plan to leave the basket out for the entire month of December every year going forward!

  6. Ahhh big Brett Eldredge fan! I got his album before Christmas too, on vinyl and played it on repeat. Just so good!


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