
Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Our Week - The One with the Strawberry Patch Field Trip and Field Day

Last week was a busy one, and I’m recapping the details on the blog today!

Monday, April 25

I had a lot on the agenda Monday, so I dropped the kids at school and hit the ground running.  First up, was the last home and school association meeting of the school year… I can’t believe that our kids are in their last three weeks of school already!

After the meeting, we had to photograph all of the auction baskets for the fundraiser, so I pulled out all of the bar cart items that we’d hauled in before the meeting, and I got everything arranged nicely for the picture.  Then we boxed it all back up and moved it into one of the offices in the school for safekeeping until the event.

After that was done, I headed to a local coffee shop to pick up a gift card for my friend’s birthday, and then I went to Publix to pick up groceries for the next two weeks and took them home.

I had just enough time to get everything put away and get the outdoor plants watered before heading out again, this time to my neck physical therapy appointment.  My PT is going well so far, and it seems to be helping, but I’ll sure be glad when I’m done with these weekly appointments.  It’s just too much this time of year when we already have so much going on!

Once that was done, I finally had a couple of hours at home to eat a quick lunch with B (he worked from home on Monday because he’d had to go in the office the previous Friday), and get a few things done – some laundry, some blog work, some tidying, etc.

After school, Jacob and I dropped Olivia at dance, and then he and I headed to the library to surprise my friend, Jeannine, for her fortieth birthday, but she had taken the day off.  Great for her, but a bummer for us.  Haha.

We stopped by a local boot repair shop to pick up some shoe paint for Olivia’s dance recital after that, and then I took Jacob home, stayed for about 30 minutes to tackle the dishes and lunches for the next day, and then I headed back to dance to pick up Olivia along with her dance recital tickets. 

We got home a little after 6 and made a quick breakfast for dinner, and then I prepped for Olivia’s field trip on Tuesday and did a quick stair stepper workout.

We ended the evening with a few minutes of American Idol, and then after the kids went to bed, B and I started the new season of Better Call Saul.  The kids like to draw while we watch TV, and Olivia drew the cutest little characters on Monday night.  A few of them are from the book she's currently reading, and a few of them are people she knows in real life.

Tuesday, April 26

Tuesday was Olivia’s field trip to the strawberry patch, so I had dedicated the entire day to that as it was an all-day trip.  After I dropped the kids, I had just enough time to grab some gas, and then go back to the school to meet up with the other moms who were going on the trip.

The bus pulled up promptly at 8:30 AM, and we helped get the kids loaded, and then we followed behind in our own vehicles.  I ended up riding with four of the other moms (a couple of whom are also teachers at the school), and I was soooo grateful to not have to drive!  Driving is near the top of my list of anxiety triggers, and the drive was really long, so I was thankful that I didn’t have to start the day out with that.

The other ladies and I chatted all the way there to pass the time, and the drive was easy and uneventful, just the way I like it.  We arrived at the orchard mid-morning and the next few hours were spent with my girl and her classmates.

We went to Lane Orchards, which is a big farm/orchard/market right smack in the middle of the state of Georgia, and they’re very well known for their peaches and pecans.  They’ve been growing and distributing them for over 100 years!   

They have a big strawberry patch, so we all picked strawberries, the kids played on the playground, we ate our sack lunches we’d brought along, the kids played on the playground some more, and then everyone enjoyed ice cream from the market… including a strawberry option that’s full of their delicious strawberries.

The weather was perfect, although, a bit windy, and it was just the best day!  This trip was supposed to have been taken back in April 2020 when Olivia was in kindergarten, but obviously, it was canceled because of Covid.  The strawberry patch field trip is big the trip that the kindergarteners take every year, and it’s always been the favorite… the one that all of the parents love to attend.  When Olivia’s was canceled, I was devastated knowing that I wouldn’t be able to experience that with my last little baby, so I was THRILLED when Olivia’s teacher told us they’d be able to go as second graders this year to make up for the one we’d missed.

The kids all rode back home on the bus (and many of them fell asleep from what I heard), and the moms and I all rode back together as well.  It was another easy, uneventful ride home, and we all arrived back at the school just as the car line was starting to form.  We unloaded our stuff, helped the kiddos get off the bus, and then I jumped in the car line to swing around and grab both kids.  Olivia could have come with me, but she opted to go back to the classroom with her friends until pick up time.  She didn’t want to have to sit in the car for 30 more minutes while we waited for Jacob, and I don’t blame her!  Haha. 

When she was younger, I always dreaded going to events at her school because she was always devastated when the event was over, and I had to leave her there.  It seriously broke my heart on so many occasions, having to go back to work knowing she was crying in the classroom because she wanted to come with me.  I’m so glad she’s finally outgrown that stage!

Once the kiddos were in the car, we headed home to get homework done and then Olivia and I left Jacob at home with Brian to go to dance.  After I dropped her, I swung by the library again to surprise my friend, Jeannine, for her birthday (a day late – ha!), and she was there this time!! 

After chatting with her for a few minutes, I headed back to Olivia’s dance studio, she got changed out of her dance clothes, and then we headed straight to the ball field where Jacob’s game had already started.  We only missed about five minutes and we ended up getting there right as he was getting up to bat.  Whew!

His team ended up winning AGAIN, 16-7, to remain undefeated, and Jacob played a good game.  He got one good hit, but he was thrown out a first just a split second before he got there.  Then he was walked twice, and he scored a run. 

Since his game was early on Tuesday, we didn’t eat dinner before, so B picked up Chick-Fil-A on the way home, and we all ate a quick, late dinner before the kids got showered and got into bed.  Olivia was exhausted, and she passed out before I left the room.  It had been a big day for her!

After Jacob was in bed, B and I headed downstairs to watch This is Us, and then I went straight to sleep afterward.  I think I was just as exhausted as Olivia was!

Wednesday, April 27

Wednesday was a day to get caught up.  I spent the entire morning working on blog posts, and then I had an appointment just before lunch.  When I got back home, I had a quick lunch at my desk while I caught up on emails and blog reading, and before I knew it, it was time to pick up the kids.

We had nowhere to be Wednesday evening and it was a beautiful day, so after the kids got their homework done, they played basketball, and then after dinner, we all headed outside together to play basketball and hang out some more. 

When the kiddos headed inside to get showered and ready for bed, I went on a quick two-mile solo walk, and it felt so great.  The weather was just PERFECT.  I love this time of year when the sun sets later but it’s still cool and dry… during the summer it’s so sweltering here that you can’t even enjoy your time outside after the sun sets because it’s still so hot and humid even at night.

When I got back home, we watched American Idol, and then after the kids went to bed, B and I started an episode of Inventing Anna, but it was a long one, so we cut it short to go to bed.

Thursday, April 28

Thursday was my only day the entire week that we had absolutely nothing going on, so I spent the entire day working on blog stuff, prepping for various upcoming events, and catching up on life stuff. 

We had another afternoon and evening at home playing basketball, cooking and eating dinner, and going for a walk around the neighborhood together, and then I walked an additional two miles while the kids got ready for bed.  We squeezed in some American Idol before the kids went to bed, and then B and I watched the rest of Inventing Anna and the rest of a Better Call Saul episode that we’d started previously.

Friday, April 29

Friday was field day at the kids’ school, and I’d signed up to volunteer, so I dropped them off and then headed to the football field.  Everything was already set up, so all we had to do was choose a station to help out with.  I chose the parachute because it was always my favorite as a kid, and it was such a fun day hanging out with all of the kiddos. 

I was able to scoot away from the parachute for a bit and walk over to where Jacob was playing kickball, and I was also able to spend some time with Olivia while she did a couple of the other activities. 

After all of the activities were done, the kids were able to get icies and then they dismissed at noon.  We all headed home and had lunch with Brian since he was working from home, and then we spent the afternoon hanging out, playing video games, and playing outside because it was another gorgeous day.

When B got off of work, we decided to go out for Mexican for dinner, and we ended up at the open-air place about five minutes down the road from our house.  The weather was lovely, the food was delicious, and the margs were even better, and it was a nice treat since we usually stay in on Fridays now.

When we got back home, we spent a few minutes outside, and then it was inside for showers followed by a few acts on American Idol before sending the kids to bed.  I also squeezed in the shortest stair stepper workout ever, but something is better than nothing, right?

After the kids hit the hay, B and I watched A Million Little Things and an episode of the second half of the last season of Ozark.  Why oh why are they now releasing seasons in two parts?  So dumb.  I’m just ready to get this one over with because I’m not a fan.  I know I’m in the minority, but it just doesn’t do anything for me.  I liked the show in the beginning, but then it got way too over-the-top for me, so I don’t pay much attention to it when it’s on anymore.

Saturday, April 30

Saturday, we had concession duty at the ball field and Jacob had a game, so we had to be up bright and early.  Originally, I was going to do concession alone, and B was going to stay home with the kids, but after a few messages went out Friday evening, we were worried we were going to be understaffed, so Brian decided to come along to help me.  That concession stand gets B-U-S-Y and we need at least 4-5 people in there for things to run somewhat smoothly.  Only three of us were scheduled to work, two of whom weren’t sure if they could make it, and I didn’t want to be stuck in there alone.

Unfortunately, the kids aren’t allowed in there for safety reasons, so they had to keep themselves entertained outside while we worked.  They packed up a bunch of stuff to keep themselves entertained, so they were ready.

We arrived at 10 AM, and we were soooo grateful to see that a few parents from another team were also scheduled to work with us, so we ended up having six of us in there for our shift.  It was so dang busy all morning, and even with six people we were all running around like chickens with our heads cut off.  I ran the register as I always do… I worked concession and box office at the movie theater for years and I also worked at a bank for several years, so I’m totally comfortable handling money and taking credit cards and stuff like that.

B and I each took a ten-minute break to gulp down some lunch, and B also got the kids set up with some hot dogs and chicken fingers from the concession stand.  My parents stopped by to pick up their barbecue from the fundraiser we’d had, and they spent some time throwing the football with the kids while Brian and I finished our shift at 1:30.  Jacob had a game at 2, so we stuck around for that, and my parents and father-in-law joined us for that. 

The game went well… Jacob was walked three times and he scored a run, and our boys won AGAIN!  Still undefeated with only a few games to go!

We got home around 4, and the kids were sweaty and exhausted, so rather than try to get everyone showered and ready for church in less than an hour, I just decided to go to 5:30 Mass by myself.  I met my Momma and Mama Cass there, and the three of us sat together.

It was announced during Mass Saturday evening that our group of friars who have been here for the last four years are leaving our Parish to go somewhere else and we’ll be getting a new group of priests.  I was DEVASTATED to hear that as this group has been my all-time favorite ever.  There was a collective audible gasp when it was announced and there were lots of tears, so I think most people feel the same way. 

We typically get a new group every few years, so it was expected that it would happen sometime in the next couple of years, but I thought for sure we’d have at least one more year with them.  I’m so very sad that we won’t.  I feel like we were robbed of our time together with them, too, since the pandemic was such a huge part of their time here.  It’s times like these that I’m especially grateful for social media so we can stay in touch with them on their next journey.  But needless to say, that bummed me out a bit for the rest of the weekend.

I stopped by our favorite pub to pick up takeout on the way home, and then I broke the news to the kids over dinner.  They were both really sad, too.  The friars play big roles in their daily lives since they’re at school there, so they’ll have lots of changes coming their way in the new school year. 

After dinner, we watched the first episode of The Book of Bobafett with the kids (B watched the whole season already and deemed it kid-safe), and then we watched a few more acts on American Idol.  After the kids were in bed, B and I watched another episode of The Flight Attendant and another episode of Ozark.

Sunday, May 1

Sunday morning, we had cinnamon rolls for breakfast followed by an hour or so of laziness, and then I had to get rolling and do all of my Saturday chores that had been neglected since we had been at the ball field the previous day.  We all did laundry, we got the house tidied, and we got some stuff prepped for the week ahead.  I also got my Saturday cardio workout in a day late.

After a quick lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches, we all went outside.  I watered the plants, and we were all excited to see that a couple of sunflowers have sprouted.  Brian worked on cutting the brush back from the perimeter of our fence, and the kids helped him haul off all of the pieces and toss them over the fence. 

We all came inside late in the afternoon, and I got ready for the day while the kids played some video games.  I got a few things done in my office, and then we headed to my parents’ house for dinner. 

My momma made her white chicken chili which is one of my favorite meals of all-time, and she also made an ice cream dessert that is another favorite.  I need to get the recipe and share it with all of y’all sometime because it is soooo good. 

We were home by 8:30 to get the kiddos in the bed, and then B and I watched another episode of The Flight Attendant before heading to bed ourselves.

Happy Tuesday, y’all! 


  1. The school year is wrapping up and you are busy because of it! Sounds like you're having fun though!

  2. I just live 10 minutes away from Lane's. They also have wonderful peaches in the summer.

    1. Oh that's so neat! And yes, their peaches are the best! We always have them at our local Publix stores all summer long. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment! It's always nice meeting fellow Georgians. :o)

  3. Oh those strawberries look delicious. You guys get your strawberries so nice and early. We'll have to wait until June and I can't wait! It sounds like Jacob's team is rocking it, as is Jacob! It seems so unreal that the school year is coming to an end - that was a fast one! Also, I'm so sorry to hears about your friars leaving. What a bummer!

    1. Yes, our strawberry season is always really early - April and May mostly! And thank you. We are so bummed that they're leaving. We just didn't get enough time with them.


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