
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Currently… February 2023

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It’s time for my quarterly “currently” post, so it’s time for some randomness!

I’m currently…

Making: Lots of plans to get ahead on the blog.  This time of year, I always try to crank out a few posts for spring and summer so I don’t get behind when April gets here.  April and May are always insane around here, and then, even though June and July are pretty low-key, I like to spend as much time with the kiddos as I can so I’m not working in my office constantly when they’re home.  Last year, I really didn’t have much of an opportunity to get ahead, so this year, I’m starting extra early.  Fingers crossed it goes well! 

Cooking: Lots of soft foods this month since my braces were put on February 1.  I’ve eaten more pasta this month than I have in a long, long time and I’m not mad about it.  My teeth, gums, lips, and jaw are finally starting to improve, so I’m hoping that I can get back to my salads and veggies and crunchier fruits soon.

Drinking: Same as always… tons of water, at least one cup of hot cinnamon tea every single day, and beer/wine/vodka/whiskey/whatever tickles my fancy on the weekend.  I donated blood last week, so I increased my water intake for a few days because it makes donating go smoothly and helps with recovery, so I’ve been feeling like I’m going to float away.  90 oz. of water is a lot of water to have in one day.

Eating: A bunch of soft foods and soups this month.  Again, I got braces on February 1, and my mouth has been killing me since then.  Things have subsided quite a bit now that I’m almost two weeks into it, but man, that first week was roooough, mostly because of the sores inside my lips where the brackets rubbed on them.  I’m obviously restricted from eating a variety of foods now that these are on, so no more chips, chewy breads, nuts, and sticky stuff. 

Reading: Right now, I’m finally working my way through It Starts with Us by Colleen Hoover.  I read It Ends with Us last year, and I’ve had this sequel sitting on my nightstand for months, but I rarely have time to read in November and December, so it’s been nice to pick this one up.  I’m trying to utilize my car line time for reading more often this year, so I’m hoping I’ll be able to read a bit more this year than I did last year.  So far, I’m liking the book.  I liked the first one, and I feel like this one has been a solid follow-up so far.  As with all Colleen Hoover books, it’s a pretty easy read, too. 

Wanting: To have these braces off already.  Hahahaha.  I’ve always had a ton of trouble with my jaw/mouth/neck/head/ears, and these braces are compounding the issues by a thousand.  Since my jaw is getting moved around with the braces, I’ve started having issues with popping and more pain than ever and it is NOT fun.  I sure hope it’s not going to be like this the whole time, because if it is, it’s going to be a very long two years.     

Looking: At potential birthday gifts for Olivia.  Her birthday is next week and there’s not one particular thing that she’s just dying to have, so it’s been a challenge this year.  Plus, she has too much stuff anyway.  Haha.

Playing: Lots of good music – Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Dave Matthews Band, and all the 90’s music per usual.  I don’t listen to the radio much (other than The Elvis Duran Morning Show), but we just got a new radio station in town that plays mostly 90’s hip hop and it is SO GOOD.  I’ve been listening to that a lot in the car, and I’ve heard so many songs recently that I had completely forgotten about.  It has been SO FUN to take that step back in time and hear some songs that I haven’t heard in 25 years.

Wasting: Orthodontic wax.  I guess technically I’m not wasting it since I’m using it, but my goodness, I have been plowing through some wax.  Just not-so-patiently waiting for this spot on my lower lip to toughen up. 

Buying: Not much of anything other than necessities.  With the cost of groceries skyrocketing, the kids’ tuition going up next school year due to the new lunch program they’re implementing, and me getting braces, we’re going to be broke.  I kid, we’re not going to be broke, but we are seriously watching money way closer as of late, and therefore, we haven’t been spending much money on anything frivolous.  I have been buying birthday presents for Brian and Olivia, though, as both of their birthdays are at the end of this month, but that’s always in the budget since it’s considered a yearly expense.

Sewing: Uhhhh… nothing.

Wishing: That I could start taking piano lessons.  Jacob has picked up piano so easily and he is enjoying it so much that he has inspired me, and I want to learn, too.  I never played an instrument as a kid aside from tinkering with our keyboard that we had when I was a teenager, but in recent years I’ve thought it would be cool to learn to read music and play properly.  Now that Jacob is playing and I’ve been able to see how much he enjoys it, I’m dyyyying to take lessons.  My therapist told me that playing piano would be great for my anxiety, too, so it would not only be enjoyable, but therapeutic, too.  Piano lessons, unfortunately, cost money, though, so it would have to be worked into our budget.  (Refer to my “Buying” category above for the reasons why.  Haha.)

Loving: The extra daylight at the end of each day.  I’m so ready to get back to my evening walks and runs, so I’m ecstatic that the days are getting longer to allow that.  I’ve been doing my stair stepper most of the winter in lieu of the walks and runs, but I’d much rather be outside in the fresh air. 

Hoping: That I can get my braces off early for good behavior.  The orthodontist doesn’t seem to think that’s going to happen, though.  He said while my teeth will straighten very quickly, my bite is going to take a very long time to follow suit because it’s so bad.  On a scale of 1-10 he said it is a 9 which is baaaad.  Had it been a 10, they would have had to break my jaw to correct the situation.  Woof.  But anyway, I’m going to follow all of the rules religiously and pray that my mouth cooperates so I can get these things off as soon as possible.  Even a couple of months early would be nice.

Marveling: At all of the beautiful sunrises we’ve been privileged to see these last couple of weeks.  While I hate getting up early and driving to school in the dark, I do love this time of year when we’re able to see the sun rise as we drive to school.  It has been quite rainy and dreary lately, but on the mornings when it’s not, we have seen some stunning sunrises.  God is truly an incredible artist.

Needing: Taylor Swift tickets.  Yes, this was my answer for this prompt in my last currently post, and no, I still don’t have them.  Sigh.  It’s only a couple of months away, though, and it’ll be here before we know it!  I’m still pissed at Ticketmaster for botching this whole thing. 

Smelling: Vanilla and lime in my diffuser!  As you all know, I stopped burning candles years ago, and all I use now are my beloved Young Living essential oils, and y’all, this vanilla and lime combo is pure heaven.  The lime is refreshing and so energizing, and the vanilla complements it so well because it adds just a touch of sweetness to the aroma to warm it up a bit.  It’s perfect for spring! 

Wearing: Lots of sweaters and jeans and leggings.  These jeans are my absolute favorite right now, with these coming in a close second, and I also can’t stop wearing my beloved Faux Leather Leggings.  They are the absolute GOAT.

Praying: For lots of families who have lost loved ones recently.  We know so. many. people. who have lost loved ones just in the last couple of weeks (six, I think?), so there are many on my prayer list right now.

Noticing: Just how little sunshine we’ve had since the beginning of the year.  Most days have been very dreary, and sometimes rainy, so I’m soaking up every single rare moment of sunshine! 

Knowing: That these next few months are going to fly by, and before we know it, the kids will be out of school for summer.  We have so much going on between now and then, and I’m trying to stay on top of everything so I don’t get frazzled.  May is always insaaaane, so it’s time to start preparing. 

Thinking: That I’m a little sad that Jacob isn’t playing baseball this spring, but I’m mostly just relieved.  Baseball is a seven day per week time commitment in the spring, so that was always a huge part of our craziness, and I’m hoping that since he’s not playing this year that May-cember won’t be quite as obnoxious as it usually is.  Haha.

Opening: My tube of toothpaste, like, five times a day.  Food gets stuck in my braces every time I eat, so I am brushing my teeth constantly.  It’s so gross.

Giggling: At all of the TikToks my brother sends me on a daily basis now.  He is forever sending funny videos of dogs and babies, plus lots of recipes, and I do love a good dog video.  Do not send me cat videos, though.  Cat videos do nothing for me.  Haha.   

And that’s what I’ve been up to recently!

Happy Thursday!


  1. I'm sorry you have to have the braces for so long! Hopefully it'll go by fast. Dave wouldn't let us buy Superbowl win shirts because they cost too much and we have been spending too much lately!

  2. Whew, I'm glad you didn't have to get your jaw broken to correct your bite. That sounds horrible. I know what you mean about tightening up on the finances. Having 2 in college plus the grocery prices is no joke!

  3. So sorry about the braces! It does get better!!

  4. In the meantime; budget wise there are lots of free YouTube videos on piano playing that I have heard are really great-- and if you find some money in the budget but not enough for actual lessons there are many homeschooling lessons that teach too. Once you get the basics down it's all about diligently practicing. I shoot for drinking 90 ounces each day and it is A LOT.... and I often fall like 15 ounces short of that.

    1. I'll have to see if I can find any. I have looked around a little on YouTube and all of them seemed pretty tough, so I just need to keep looking to find the right ones! And yes, 90 oz. a day is a LOT.

  5. You have me wanting to try vanilla and lime in my diffuser now! I believe I have both of those scents. Colleen Hoover is one of my favorite authors right now and I want to read her new book Heart Bones!


  6. Girl, tell me how you're planning ahead for spring/summer blog posts - I'd love to do that. I just know I'll fall apart! Also, I'm the same with piano - I've ALWAYS wanted to learn. For a while there, I was keeping up with the kids and I was actually learning some songs, chords...etc. But then life...sigh... Also, yes...groceries and the cost of EVERYTHING! We're going to 30A over spring break, but cancelled our big up north summer vacation which kills me because northern Michigan is so lovely in the summer - we're still going up there, but just had to change things up...we kind of had to pick one or the other because everything is so dang expensive.

  7. Braces sound TERRIBLE!!!! I am so sorry you have to deal with it for 2 years. And I feel you on the grocery prices--I feel like I buy nothing and spend over $150 at the grocery store each visit.

  8. I'm so sorry about all the pain with the braces. I hope that thing start to get better fast. And oh. my. gosh. Grocery prices. We are really trying to curb our spending too. I didn't even go to JoAnn's last month and haven't been this month. I also didn't go to Target last month, and only went this month for presents for my nephew.


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