
Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Currently… May 2023

It’s time for my quarterly “currently” post, so it’s time for some randomness!

I’m currently…

Making: Plans and arrangements for all of the things we have coming up… Jacob’s end-of-year golf party, both kids’ special events that they won in the school auction, Olivia’s dance recital, end-of-the-year class parties, our beach trip, and general summertime plans for camps and lunches and activities.  May is just nuts, y’all.  Nuts.

Cooking: Lots of quick and easy meals.  May is crazy around here, so I’m trying to keep the cooking to a minimum until I have more time when the kids get out of school for summer break.  Turkey and cheese biscuit sliders are a family favorite, and they only take about 20 minutes to make, so we’ve been having those a lot.  I also do sausage, peppers, and onions tacos a lot as those are quick and easy, and we also loooove breakfast for dinner.  We do that at least once every other week, sometimes every week.

Drinking: A ton of water.  As I type this particular section, I’m getting ready to donate blood in a couple of hours, so I’ve been hydrating.  In addition to that, I’m still drinking at least one cup of hot cinnamon tea every morning, and I’m drinking some form of adult beverage on the weekends.

Eating: Lots of healthy lunches and easy dinners.  I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot of Chick-Fil-A in the near future, though, because we have many upcoming events and I won’t have much time to cook.  Haha. 

Reading: I just finished The Girl He Used to Know by Tracey Garvis Graves.  I really liked it a lot, and I was absolutely riveted for the last few chapters of the book.  I ended up reading way longer than I should have on Sunday because I couldn’t put it down.  I had to know what happened.

Wanting: To go see another Taylor Swift Eras Tour show.  It obviously won’t happen, but a girl can dream!     

Looking: Forward to the Ed Sheeran concert at the end of this month!  I am just so dang excited, y’all.  We’ve seen him live twice, and he is just incredible.  He’s one of my all-time favorite artists.

Playing: The new Ed Sheeran album on repeat.  My gosh, I love him so much.  I’ve been a huge fan since his first album came out – back when nobody else even knew who he was – and I’m so glad he’s still making music all these years later.  He is just the most down-to-earth and kind human, and I love to see good guys find success.  This new album is incredible, and I’m sure I’ll be listening to it on repeat for a while.

Wasting: Nothing that I can think of.  I thought I was going to be wasting groceries after accidentally leaving some deli meats and cheeses in the car for an hour and a half last week, but I decided to hold onto them, and so far, they’re holding up!  We’re just smelling them before each use to make sure that they haven’t started to go bad, but fortunately, at this point, we’ve consumed most of the stuff that was left in the car, and I think we’ll be able to get through it all without having to throw anything out.  I’m still kicking myself for that, though. 

Buying: Mother’s Day gifts, things for Olivia’s upcoming dance recital, and all the things we need for the beach! 

Sewing: Nothing, but I guess there is the potential to have to sew some elastic onto one of Olivia’s recital costume headpieces soon.  Hopefully I can do it.  Haha.

Wishing: That I can get past the difficulty that I’ve reached in my self-taught piano lessons.  I reached a wall in my piano book and I’m struggling, and I’m not sure I’m going to be able to go much further on my own without some sort of professional assistance.  Granted, I also haven’t been spending much time practicing lately either because it’s just been too busy, but learning to play piano and learning to read music is much harder than I thought it would be.

Loving: The weather that we’ve been having lately.  It feels like we’ve had an extra long spring this year.  Some years, we seem to go from cold winter weather straight to hot summer weather, but this year, we’ve had months of warm/cool weather and it has been glorious.  Last week was particularly fantastic with gorgeous sunny skies, warm but not hot temps, and barely any humidity all week.  It was amazing.  I wish we could have weather like that all the time… especially the low humidity.  Humidity is the worst, and it’s really awful here in Georgia for the majority of the year. 

Hoping: That we have good weather for the beach, and I’m also hoping that the big giant mass of seaweed that’s expected to hit Florida doesn’t hit before our trip.  Have y’all heard that story?  Apparently, there’s a massive 5,000-mile-long belt of seaweed heading for Florida, and they’re expecting it to hit sometime in June.  They’re saying it’s going to clog the oceans and litter the beaches, and that it’s going to have a horrible odor.  That is not going to make for a great trip if we’re overrun with seaweed, so hopefully we can get in and get out before the majority of it hits.  EEK.

Marveling: At the fact that the school year is almost over already.  I swear, each and every year goes by faster than the last.  It truly feels like I was just planning the Reindeer Run that happened at the school back at the beginning of December.  How oh how is it May already?!

Needing: To learn all of the lyrics to the new Ed Sheeran album before we see him in concert in a few weeks.  I like to be able to sing along! 

Smelling: Vanilla and lime in my diffuser!  It’s forever my favorite spring and summer combo.  

Wearing: Aaaallll the tanks and cutoff jean shorts.  I swear, I’m going to live in that combo all summer.  I loaded up on these $6 Target tanks, and you will be seeing them on repeat for the next four months.

Praying: For the world in general.  Things have been so heavy these last couple of months with school shootings and mall shootings and so many other violent acts in the world, and it just makes me so sad that we have to continue raising our kids in a world like this.   

Noticing: How very much less busy our spring has been without baseball.  Man, baseball used to keep us busy seven days a week during practice season, and then 2-3 days during game season, and it’s amazing how much spare time we’ve had this year without it.  Jacob replaced baseball last summer with golf and piano lessons, and those two activities are so chill compared to baseball.  May is still insane, don’t get me wrong, but it’s been much more manageable this year than in year’s past.  I haven’t found myself hyperventilating from anxiety on multiple occasions this year like I did last year.  Haha.

Knowing: That I’m going to blink and Jacob is going to be graduating from high school.  I’ve been seeing everyone’s senior year festivities in my Facebook feed for the last few weeks and I just know that’s going to be us before we know it.  My nephew is one of those who is graduating from high school this year, and I remember when he was a baby like it was just yesterday.  *Tear* 

Thinking: That this was a great school year for all of us and I’m kind of sad to see it go.  Jacob has thrived in middle school, and he’s added a couple of new buddies to his short list of friends.  He tried a new sport – golf – for the first time and took up a new hobby – piano lessons – and he excelled at both.  He has also overcome some of the anxiety that he’s had in previous years, and he made excellent grades on top of all of that.  Olivia has rocked third grade, she has had the best teacher we could have ever asked for, she made excellent grades all year, and she has continued to be in the Challenge Program (gifted program) at school.  She has grown even closer to her core group of friends, and she’s enjoyed taking five different dance classes while juggling all of the other school stuff.  Meanwhile, I served on the Home and School Advisory Board, I co-chaired several different events at the school, I served as Olivia’s class parent again, and I got to volunteer more than ever at their school, making a few new friends in the process.  It’s been a very satisfying school year for all of us and we’re very grateful!  We all feel very fulfilled. 

Opening: Not much of anything right now, but pretty soon I’ll be opening various packages that arrive in the mail for Olivia’s recital and for our beach trip.

Giggling: At memes on Instagram.  Always memes.  Haha.   

And that’s what I’ve been up to recently!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. May is so busy. I haven't been home one evening in the past two weeks!

  2. I love Ed Sheeran. Have you seen the documentary on Disney Plus? I haven't because we've been busy, but maybe tonight. :)
    We live just 3 miles from that outlet mall where the shooting occurred over the weekend. We were right across the street at the time at another shopping center. This has weighed on me all week, and I'm so ready for the end of the school year. I hate this for our kids.
    Enjoy all of the end of year crazy. It passes so quickly.

  3. SUPER jealous you're going to see Ed Sheeran!


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