
Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Our Week - The One with Summer, Week 2 (Unpacking and Lots of Family Time)

We were at the beach for the entire second week of summer break, and I’ll be recapping that soon, but in the meantime, here’s a recap of the weekend after we got back.  It was a BUSY one.

Saturday, June 10

Saturday was our travel day back from the beach.  We left early in the morning and made it home by lunchtime.  On the way in, we had to swing by the library to pick up some book holds that had become available while we were gone.  Saturday was the last day to pick them up, so we got back in town just in time.  After that, we swung by Chick-Fil-A to pick up lunch and take it home since we had no groceries there, and then we ate really quickly before unpacking the car.

Mid-afternoon, my parents stopped by to say hi, and then I spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking, doing laundry, and getting organized for the week ahead.  I also got in a quick mixed cardio workout.

Once all of that was done, I spent a couple of hours in my office getting caught up on emails, blog stuff, and everything else that had been neglected while I was gone.  I turned on The Wedding Planner while I worked for some happy background noise.  ;o)  Spoiler alert, I had so much to do that I didn’t get anywhere near caught up. 

Normally, we would have gone to 5:30 Mass with my extended family Saturday evening, but our favorite friar, Father Manny, who moved away from our church last summer was in town for the weekend, and he was doing 10:30 Mass on Sunday morning, and I didn’t want to miss that.  So instead of going to Mass with my fam, we skipped and then met them at the local pizza place near our church after they got out of Mass. 

We were able to tell everyone about our trip and get caught up on what was going on with everyone else, and it was nice to be able to see everyone after being away all week.

After dinner, we headed home and got the kids in the bed, and then B and I watched the second to last episode of Ted Lasso, season three. 


Sunday, June 11

Sunday morning, I wasn’t sleeping well, so I got out of bed at 7:30 which is early for me on a weekend.  (I usually sleep until 8-8:30.)  I got in a yoga workout before everyone else got up, and then we all had breakfast together, got ready for church, and then headed to 10:30 Mass.

Our beloved Father Manny was the celebrant for Mass, and it seriously made my entire day/week/month/year.  He is one of my favorite people ever, and everyone at our church misses him (and our other friars) so very much.  It just hasn’t been the same since they left.  We found out he was doing this Mass several weeks ago and I have been counting down the days until it was here!

Father Manny gives the best homilies of all time – he is the GOAT – and his homily on Sunday did not disappoint.  He started the homily talking about The Little Mermaid (he’s a Grand Millennial like me – we’re almost the same age – so he grew up on that movie like I did) and then he tied it all in seamlessly with the Gospel for the week.  I was riveted, and the kids were too, and it was just such a great message.

The rest of the Mass was wonderful, and I didn’t want it to end.  Afterward, we were able to spend a few minutes chatting with him and catching up.  He and I are always going back-and-forth about music and movies from the 90’s because we have very similar tastes, and he told me he thought of me as soon as he started talking about The Little Mermaid at the beginning of his homily. 

After Mass, we headed home and changed clothes, and I had just enough time to tidy up our bedroom, put away some laundry, and make a meal plan and grocery list before we had to go to my MIL and step-FIL’s house for lunch.

Over there, we had lunch and celebrated my nephew’s 18th birthday.  Y’all, I cannot believe he is 18.  It seems like just yesterday that I was holding him right after he was born.  Brian and I weren’t married yet back then, but we were already dating.

After being at their house, we headed home, and I had grand plans to spend more time getting caught up on blog stuff, but my tummy felt soooo yucky (all of the vacation eating had finally caught up with me), so I lay down for an hour.

I started to feel a bit better after taking some Tums and laying down for a bit, so I ended up having about 45 minutes to get a few things done in my office before it was time to head to my parents’ house for dinner.  I still wasn’t feeling great, so I ended up not getting very much done, but it is what it is!  Sometimes you just have to slow down.

At Momma and Daddy’s, my brother and his roommate, my Mama Cass, and my Uncle Billy all joined us, and Momma had made her famous spaghetti.  After dinner, my Momma surprised my Daddy with some matching shirts to commemorate their 50th anniversary together.  They started dating in 1973, so they’ve officially been together 50 years this year.  They didn’t get married until 1980, so this is just their dating anniversary, not their marriage anniversary.

My Dad cracked up and rolled his eyes at the shirts and my Momma thought it was hilarious.  She made him put his on so they could take some pictures, and I snapped a few of them outside.  Aren’t they the cutest?! 

After that, my brother and his roommate and the kids all went out on the back porch to nerd out about Pokemon, while the rest of the adults hung back inside chatting about lots of other stuff. 

We finally headed home just before 9, got the kids in the bed, and then B and I watched the series finale of Ted Lasso.  It was soooo good, y’all.  I’m so sad it’s over.  I just love that show – and Jason Sudeikis – SO much.

Happy Wednesday, y’all!


  1. Your parents are just the cutest...what a fun idea for the shirts. Father Manny sounds amazing!

  2. Your parents are so CUTE! Getting home from vacation can be rough! HA

  3. Aw, those shirts are adorable!!

  4. Your parents are so cute together and I love those tees! How fun!!



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