
Monday, March 18, 2024

Currently… March 2024

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It’s time for my quarterly “currently” post, so it’s time for some randomness!


I’m currently…

Making: Plans for Easter and our Disney trip!  Spring break is the week after Easter this year, so we leave for Disney World the day after Easter.  That means I’ll have to have all of my ducks in a row before Easter since we’ll be doing all of the church and family things that day.  So, I’ve been busy buying things for Easter baskets, our Easter egg hunt, and our Disney trip + I’ve been planning outfits and a loose itinerary for Disney.  Whew.

Cooking: Same ol’, same ol’… lots of easy dishes – chicken tacos, sausage peppers and onions tacos, beef and parmesan pasta, sheet pan sausage and veggies, various baked chicken recipes with veggies, and all of my other usual staples. 

Drinking: Lots of water every day (I aim for 60-90 oz. per day), and two cups of hot cinnamon sunset tea each day.  I drink mine straight – it has no need for milk or sugar – and it’s black tea so it has loads of health benefits.  Then, on weekends, I typically have an alcoholic beverage.  Usually beer or a cocktail on Friday and Saturday, and always wine at Sunday dinner.  :o) 

Eating: See above for what I’m cooking.  Haha.  For breakfast I eat an egg with a sprinkle of cheese every single day, and for lunch I’ve been trying to squeeze in extra protein and veggies by eating leftovers from whatever I cook.  I’ve also started making omelets for lunch – 2 eggs, spinach, cheese, and a dash of pink Himalayan sea salt and pepper.  And I still eat an apple every single day. 

Reading: I’m currently reading The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel at the recommendation of a friend, and I’m enjoying it so far.  In addition to that, I’m still working my way through The Bible and The Bible Recap, and I’m reading my daily devotional… by far, the best daily devotional I’ve ever owned. 

Wanting: The weather to stay warm.  For some reason this winter I had a very low tolerance for the cold.  I’m always cold, but I have felt chilled to the bone pretty much since November and I’m soooo tired of it.  It’s an odd kind of cold this year, too, and the only way I know to describe it is that it feels like there’s ice water running through my veins sometimes… kind of like when they put an IV in your arm and you first feel the liquid start to flow through your veins.  It’s weird, I know.  And I think that might be why I’ve started having issues with Reynaud’s Phenomenon this past year, too.  I’ve never experienced that in my whole life until April last year, and I’ve noticed that 99% of the time it happens, it’s when I’m freezing cold.  I’m a moderate weather girl, and my ideal weather is warm/cool depending on if we’re rolling into spring or fall, and I don’t like extreme temps.  However, when choosing between extreme heat and extreme cold, I’ve always been one to choose extreme cold… until this winter.  All of a sudden, lately, I’ve been thinking I would choose 95 degrees over 45.  I’m sure I won’t be saying that in July and August, though!  Haha.     

Looking: Forward to our Disney World trip!  Although, I won’t be able to ride everything because of my vertigo/dizziness/boat-rocking, I’m still going to be the happiest girl just to be there.  AND, I get to celebrate my 42nd birthday in Magic Kingdom this year!  AND we’re having Be Our Guest for my birthday dinner!!!!  The last time we went to Disney and my birthday fell during the trip, we made the mistake of going to Animal Kingdom on my birthday, and that’s my least favorite of the parks, so I had wished that we had planned better and chosen a different one for my birthday.  (You can see all of our trips here if you missed them.)  This year, we had the forethought to make sure we were in MK, and I’m so excited about that!

Playing: At the time that I’m typing this, Justin Timberlake’s new album hasn’t yet dropped, but by the time you’re reading this, it will have been out for a few days, so you can bet that’s what I’m playing right now as your eyes scroll through this post.  ;o)

Wasting: Time texting with friends, scrolling through social media, and generally procrastinating this week.  (And I am, by nature, NEVER the procrastinating type.)  The weather has been lovely, and I’ve had crazy spring fever, so I don’t feel like working on blog stuff or housework or house projects right now.  I’m also exhausted from this time change, so I think I’ve honestly wasted a lot of time staring off into space this past week.  There were a couple of days that I legit considered curling up in my bed and taking a nap, but I resisted.  And I’ve also been close to falling asleep in the car line every afternoon since we sprung forward, too.  It’s been hard to focus on work, and even reading my book, because I feel so dang tired. 

Buying: Everything for Easter and our Disney World trip.  I’m almost done shopping for Easter baskets for the kids, but I still need to buy items to stuff eggs for our Easter egg hunt that we do every year.  I’m also buying everything we need for Disney.  We don’t really need much this time around, but we did buy a couple of new tops for Olivia, and I bought this one for myself, too, because I absolutely could not resist it.  I mean!!  I also needed new shoes, so I grabbed some new Nikes… my go-to.  Oh, and a new swimsuit for our pool day!

Sewing: This prompt will forever go unused, so I’m removing it from the next post.  Haha.

Wishing: That my body would hurry up and adapt to the time change.  Springing forward is a huge struggle for me each year, and it takes me weeks to fully adjust.  My internal body clock runs like a top, so when the time moves, it takes my body a long time to catch up.  I feel like I do my best sleeping early in the morning before my alarm starts to go off, so now that we’re waking up an hour earlier, I feel like I’m losing the best part of my sleep, hence, the reason I have been exhausted for the last week.

Loving: That I can go on walks and runs after dinner now… that’s the only good thing about springing forward.  ;o) 

Hoping: That everything goes well on our trip to Disney World, and that my vertigo doesn’t end up rearing its ugly head.  While I’m going to be careful choosing which attractions to ride, I’m hoping I can at least ride a few.  I’m just hoping that none of them trigger any dizziness or vertigo.   

Marveling: At the fact that I’m going to be 42 in just a few short weeks.  I have no idea how that happened.  Haha.  I still feel 25 most days, so it’s hard to believe I’m going to be FORTY-TWO.  Aging has never bothered me, and I truly believe that you’re only as old as you feel, so hopefully I’ll continue to feel 25 for a while longer.  :o)  I’m also grateful for each year that passes by because that’s another year that I’m here!

Needing: To finish getting organized for Easter and our Disney trip, to start packing, to get way ahead on the blog, and make sure everything is good to go before our trip!  I have been blogging about a week ahead these last couple of months which has been so nice, but I know I’m going to lose my lead while we’re gone for spring break!

Smelling: Lime and peppermint in my diffuser in an attempt to wake myself up!  It’s my favorite scent for spring and summer, and it does give off all the energizing vibes! 

Wearing: All kinds of stuff… the weather can’t make up its mind if it wants to be rainy and warm, rainy and cold, sunny and cold, or sunny and warm, so I’ve had all kinds of outfits going on these last few weeks.  One thing I’ve been wearing no matter what the weather has been is these jeans.  They are the best of the best!  I’m also starting to bring back my beloved Target tanks that I lived in last summer.    

Praying: For many things as usual… for my cousin and Jacob’s teacher who are both battling cancer, for a dear friend who has struggled with infertility and loss this past year and is trying to get pregnant again, for a couple of different family members who are struggling with Alzheimer’s and Dementia, for Maui who was diagnosed with kidney disease a few months ago, and for a couple of other friends who are struggling with their mental health.  I’m also still praying really hard that one day this vertigo and dizziness will resolve… I don’t even care if anyone finds the real reason it happened… I just want it to go away.  As grateful as I am that it’s no longer interfering with most of my daily activities, the lingering dizziness and boat-rocking is still taking its toll on me.  I don’t mention it much anymore to anyone because I know everyone is tired of hearing about it, but unfortunately, it’s still very much present (there hasn’t been a single day since July 11, 2023 that I haven’t had it… most people just don’t realize that because I’ve gotten good at living with it/hiding it) and it’s getting really freaking old.  In addition to all of this, though, I’m constantly thanking God for my many blessings, the health of our immediate family, and my growing relationship with Him.  There’s always good to be found in the struggle.

Noticing: That summer break is right around the corner!!  We are coming down the home stretch – the kids just entered the fourth quarter of school this week – and it’s blowing my mind.  Every year flies by even faster than the previous year and it makes me so sad that time seems to be passing so quickly.  After this year, Jacob will only have five years left at his current school and then he’ll be going to college.  WHAT?!  Oh my word.

Knowing: That I really need to stop putting off cleaning out the rest of the house.  I always feel like I go into the new year absolutely ITCHING to get started, but then I lose steam.  Well, I lost steam much earlier this year, so I haven’t cleaned out half of the stuff I need to, so I’m hoping to muster the motivation soon.  Otherwise, I’m going to have a bunch of big X’s on my March goals list.  Haha.

Thinking: That 2024 is off to a much better start than 2023, and I’m hoping and praying that it stays this way.  Last year was one of the tougher ones for me, and I’m still hopeful that 2024 is going to continue to be better. 

Opening: Target packages!  I placed an order for some refills that we needed (mascara, snacks that the kids love, etc.) and I also ordered a couple more basic tanks that I love so much because they have them in an whole new array of colors for summer!  I also ordered some goodies to put in the kids’ Easter baskets, and I ordered a new swimsuit for myself (as mentioned above) so I can retire another one of my old ones this year.  Some of mine are literally 20 years old. 

Giggling: At memes, always and forever.    

Happy Monday, y’all!


  1. I’m s excited for your Disney trip. I’ll pray for no vertigo. I’m going to be 53 in 2 weeks and still feel 25 most days too. But aging is started to rear it’s ugly head. Ugh.

    1. That's awesome that you still feel that good! I hope I still do, too, when I'm 53! Also, you do not look REMOTELY 53. That still blows my mind.

  2. I'm jealous you get to go to Disney. I hope it goes well! I'm often tired in the afternoons too. The time change has made it harder to wake up in the mornings!

  3. I love that y'all are going to Disney!! I can't wait to follow along! I am so ready for the weather to stay warm. We are under another freeze warning tonight! UGH!

  4. Our spring break is the week of Easter too. Your Disney trip is going to be so fun!

  5. Disney is always fun just to be there. Thank you for sharing your devotional. I bought it last month and I am loving it.

    1. Oh I'm so glad you love it. I think it has been the #1 purchase that I've shared this last month. I'm so glad to know it was worth the purchase!

  6. What a blast to go to celebrate your birthday at Disney! The time change, along with the crazy pollen/allergies, makes me feel like taking a nap every day around 2pm! Hope your week is off to a good start!

    1. YES! My allergies have been nuts lately, too. Everything is blooming and it's just awful around here.

  7. Oh that Disney trip is coming up fast! EEK! That is so exciting.


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