
Wednesday, April 3, 2024

A Year of Gratitude - March 2024 Snapshot

I mentioned at the beginning of the year that my word for 2024 is GRATITUDE.  To help myself keep the focus on this word, I started keeping a gratitude journal on January 1, and I’ve been writing at least 3-4 things I’m grateful for every single day.  Some days I’ve felt so overwhelmed with gratitude that I haven’t been able to pick just 3-4, so I’ve listed even more. 

To hold myself accountable, and to keep this word at the forefront of my mind all year, I thought I might share a little snapshot of the musings from my gratitude journal each month here on the blog.  I’ll only be pulling one item from my gratitude journal per day to share here as I don’t want to go overboard, and also because some of the things I write are things that I’d like to keep private.  :o) 

Some of the things will be really big things like good health and good relationships, some things may be humorous, and some things will be the little things that most of the time go unnoticed.  Overall, though, the purpose of this whole exercise (and my choosing of this word this year) is to remember that even on the very worst of days, there is ALWAYS something for which to be grateful.


March started out a bit rough for me, but thankfully, it ended great.  My intense face/jaw/neck/shoulder pain was present for much of the month, and if you’ve ever been one to experience chronic pain with no relief, it’s no fun.  I also started taking a daytime dose of the vertigo meds and they’re making me feel like a shell of a person at times, so there’s that, but I’m hanging in there!

My anxiety also ran high in March, so that made for a bad combination and a couple more vertigo spells.  Thankfully, they were brief, and thankfully, I wasn’t driving when they happened.  This vertigo and dizziness situation is really wearing me down, though, so I’m not going to pretend that everything is just sunshine and roses over here.  Unfortunately, I believe it’s just my cross to bear right now, so I’m doing what I need to do to carry it… and that has involved a whole lot of God… the silver lining to all of this – an even more intimate relationship with God than I’ve ever had before. 

As I said, though, March wasn’t all bad.  We had some fun times with friends, I was able to stand with my friend, Heather, as she converted to Catholicism, and we celebrated Easter with all of our family, so despite the chronic pain and anxiety, there were plenty of good times. 

With that said, here are a few of those good things that came out of March.

In March I was grateful for…


  1. An answered prayer for a close friend who has been walking the road of infertility and loss.
  2. Waking up with no pain in my face, head, jaw, neck, shoulders… first day in a while!
  3. An excellent sermon that gave me peace about some things… and a nice, long walk on the River Walk with my lovies.  Outdoor time is always a blessing!
  4. A slow cooker that did all of the work for me for dinner. 
  5. For a movie date with my Momma, for reclining chairs, and for an empty theater… we had the whole place to ourselves aside from two other ladies!  I love being able to spend time with my Momma! 
  6. Feeling generally good today… confident, lots of energy, and not a lot of pain!
  7. A compassionate doctor who listens to me and isn’t giving up on treating my vertigo since all of the other doctors have bailed.  For a wonderful therapist who helps me see things from different perspectives and has so much wisdom and compassion for me.  For abundant sunshine, an open sunroof, and the windows down!
  8. A productive day.
  9. Another successful Mother/Son dance that I co-chaired last night!  For a great team that helped pull it altogether.  For great conversations there.  For friendships old and new and connections that stand the test of time.
  10. Kind words and a fun Facebook post that my BFF tagged me in on Facebook.  I know you’re reading this, Jeannine, and I knew you’d love that book as much as I did!  Love you!
  11. Extra daylight in the evening… even though getting up in the morning is killing me softly.
  12. A fun lunch with Greg and Donnie… I don’t miss my corporate job, but I sure do miss some of the people!  I’m so grateful to have stayed close with so many of them all these years later.  I can hardly believe it’ll be seven years in November!
  13. Inspiration to post on social media after feeling like my creativity had been sapped for a while.  And that I was sitting down (and not driving) when a vertigo spell struck again.  Sigh.
  14. The kindness of others, and for so many people who love on our little family the way they do. 
  15. A safe drive home from school in the storms.  For no place to be tonight.  For God’s never-ending grace after a very tough day.  And for the ability to put on PJs at 3:30.  Lol.
  16. That Jacob woke up fever-free this morning after coming home from school with fever yesterday.  Unfortunately, it came back before bedtime, but it was much lower, and he never felt too terrible.
  17. For no pain all day yesterday – no neck tension, no face tension, no head or shoulder tension.  It was crazy to feel no pain/tension for a whole day!
  18. That this medication I’m taking for my vertigo also seems to be helping with my anxiety… the only problem is that it’s making me feel a little bit too calm AKA exhausted and unmotivated.  But it is nice to get a break from the tension and anxiety that I experience most days.
  19. That Jacob was finally feeling well enough to go to back to school today… and that Olivia hasn’t gotten what he had… yet.  Haha.
  20. That my Mama Cass celebrated her 95th birthday today!  I am just so grateful to have had 42 years with her (and counting) and that my kids have had the chance to get to know her and spend so much time with her throughout the years.  I know it’s rare for someone to have the opportunity to get to know their great-grandparents, and I pray that she stays healthy and sharp for many more years so we can continue making memories with her.  I want to be just like her when I grow up!
  21. The fact that both kids talk to me and tell me about things that happen at school, whether they’re happy or sad or frustrating.  I’m grateful that they trust me and know that I’m a place of comfort for them, and that they can come to me any time about anything.  I hope we all stay close like this forever… I know a lot of kids tend to put up walls the older they get, and I pray our kids never do.
  22. A good book that I couldn’t put down.  I loooove when I love a book so much that I’ll do anything to just keep reading one more chapter!
  23. That Jacob found the confidence to get up and do something so hard that he always said he’d never do – a piano recital – and for all of the people who believed in him.  He was one of only ten kids out of sixty-two who were chosen, and I’m so grateful that all of the teachers at his music school encouraged him (without pushing) to step outside of his comfort zone and do something different.  And I was especially grateful that he NAILED it.  You couldn’t even tell he was nervous!  (Well, I could, but I’m his mom.  I don’t think anybody else would have been able to tell, though.)  I’m so dang proud of him!!!!
  24. A beautiful day of family and fun celebrating Easter with Brian’s family, celebrating my mother-in-law for her birthday, watching the kids run around and do their annual Easter egg hunt, and celebrating my Mama Cass’s 95th birthday at Sunday dinner.
  25. That Olivia got sick on a day when Brian was working from home, so I didn’t have to cancel all of my appointments.  And that whatever it was, was mild… we think it was just a big allergy flare.
  26. That Olivia was totally fine and was able to go back to school today… pretty sure it was just her alleriges!  And for a great night out with my lovely ladies!
  27. That the kids are officially out for spriiiing breeeeaaaak and for excitement for all of the upcoming fun – sleepovers, Easter, and DISNEY WORLD!
  28. A great conversation with Mr. Steve at Jacob’s music school.  I’m always humbled and grateful when other people speak highly of our kiddos.
  29. That God sent His one and only Son to die for us so that we may have eternal life, and for the humbling experience that is Stations of the Cross.
  30. For the most beautiful Easter Vigil and for the honor to stand next to my friend Heather as she was baptized and confirmed into the Catholic faith. 
  31. That Jesus Christ is risen today!!!!  Alleluia!!!!


I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my month! 

Happy Monday, y’all!  What is something you’re grateful for today?


  1. A wonderful month of gratitude!

  2. I'm grateful that the dog I'm watching is cute even though I had to wake up early for her.

    1. Haha, yes, if they wake you up early, they better be cute!! ;o)

  3. I know you are so ready to be done with the vertigo, but you have such a good attitude about using it to draw closer to God. Hope you're having fun at DW!

    1. Thank you. It has definitely brought me closer to God and I'm grateful for that. I know for some people, trials and tough times separate them from God, but thankfully, those times always draw me nearer to Him.


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