
Friday, September 25, 2015

Five On Friday

The staaaate is aliiiive with cooler temperatuuuures! 

Don't know why I'm singing The Sound of Music... I've never even seen that movie.  

Anywho, I absolutely could not be more ready for these cooler temps.  It's going to be glorious this weekend!  Never mind that it's supposed to rain.    

O N E  

So I have to share this darling faux fur vest that I just got for Olivia. 

Now.  Fur has never really been my style (especially real fur – that’ll never happen), but with all of this boho chic fashion trending for fall, I’m starting to change my tune a little… change is good, though, right?   

Babies outgrow stuff so quickly that I usually don’t buy too many impractical pieces (like this one) for my kids, but the color is so versatile that she’ll be able to wear it with many different outfits.  Plus, with my Cartwheel App I got an additional 25% off, bringing the price down to just $12.  Score.  Now to find her some tiny little boots! 

Have I ever mentioned that I love having a girl? 

T W O 

Speaking of Target (hello, lover!), they have some fabulous selections for women for fall right now, and although I saw about eight things that I absolutely needed, I contained myself and I only bought one top.  It was also 25% off with my Cartwheel App so… no big deal, right?

T H R E E  

Check out this precious University of Georgia dress that B found for Olivia.  Oh, it is just so sweet!  But – warning – it runs extremely small.  Olivia is 18 months (holy moly, actually 19 months today!), but she’s big for her age, so she is currently in 2T clothes.  We ordered a 2T in this dress and it was teeny tiny.  We exchanged it for a 3T and it fits just right, but probably not with much growing room.  I believe that she could easily wear a 4T in this dress right now.  It’s crazy small.  I’m hoping that this year she can rock it as a dress, then next year as a tunic, and the following year (if it’s not too small altogether by then) a shirt!  Gotta get our money’s worth! 

F O U R  

I don’t know if Bath & Body Works just started carrying this scent or if I’m just late to the game, but their Limoncello line is incredible! 

Last week I popped in to grab a dozen couple of their three-wick candles that were on sale and I stumbled upon this.

The soap and hand lotion is infused with olive oil, y’all.  And I don’t know about you guys, but in the winter, my hands look awful from aaaall the hand washing.  I’m hoping that this stuff will help combat my winter dryness. 

And ohhhh the candle!!  It smells like heaven.  Go get one and save it for spring (since you’re all currently burning pumpkin ones).  That is all.

F I V E 

I posted a picture of my Erin Condren Life Planner on Instagram last week, and Erin Condren commented on it and said that they shared it on their Life Planner Wall of Fame here and here.  Maybe they do this for everyone who posts pictures of theirs on social media, I don’t know, but I still thought it was so cool!

Have a fabulous weekend and enjoy this gorgeous fall weather (assuming you’re experiencing it, too)!

Linking up with A Liz Adventures for Five On Friday and A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. So I need that soap and lotion - love that smell! Hope you have a great weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. I am with you on wanting cooler temps! Loving that fur vest, as well! I've been thinking about making a target run today!
    Linds @ Not A Mom

    1. I can't wait until it's cold enough for her to wear it! I heart Target!

  3. We may need that vest too! I have one from last year and I hope it fits this year! I love a big hairy vest!

  4. Oh my goodness, that vest for Olivia is so stinkin' cute! I also love that shirt that you bought for yourself. I may also have to get one of those. I'm all about comfort and that shirt would be perfect! Congrats on having your photo on the Wall of Fame! How exciting!

    I hope you're having a wonderful weekend, girl!

    1. Yes, I wore that shirt for the first time this week and it was soooo comfy. Nice and loose! Perfect for the in between seasons weather we've been having.

  5. Target and the cartwheel app have been good to you! Great finds! I know, having a little girl must be so much fun. There are just so many outfits to choose from. I love the faux fur. She's going to look like such a little trendsetter.

    1. Hehe, I know, I can't wait to dress her in it! Come on, cold weather!

  6. That is so awesome they reposted your picture!! And holy fur precious! I think they are beyond the cutest things on little kids.

  7. That vest is so cute! It really is fun dressing girls! XOXO
    I had no idea about the Limoncello line. Ummm. Must buy!

    1. Yes, definitely go grab some! I'm already almost halfway through my soap bottle. I love it!


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