
Monday, September 14, 2015

Lazy Weekend

Well, we survived the first couple of days without Brian, and I'm exhausted.  Hats off to all of the single mommas out there!  Whew! 

And since my time is even more limited than usual this week, I’ll be keeping this post short and sweet because when you’re working full time and trying to keep two tiny humans alive for the remainder of the time – blogging?  #AintNobodyGotTimeFoDat 
Today I'm linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.

This weekend we were lazy… very, very lazy.  We spent a lot of time at home, playing with the kids, and taking it easy.  We watched ten tons of college football, we went to a neighborhood block party, and we ate a lot of take-out. 

Brian had to work early Saturday morning, but he was back home by the time the kids and I were eating breakfast, and he surprised me with a Pumpkin Spice Latte for no reason at all.  It really made my whole day. 

I did manage to get a couple of small projects done around the house – I painted and hung a cute little spoon and fork over the sink in the kitchen and I finally got Jacob’s closet cleaned out and ready for the cooler weather.   

Brian left for NYC Sunday morning, so the kids and I met two of my friends and their babies at the park for a Sunday afternoon play date.  The weather was absolute perfection – sunny, not a cloud in the sky, and 75 degrees with a slight breeze.  I could have stayed out there All.  Day.  Long.  We had never been to this playground before, but we will definitely be going back… it has the most unique equipment that I’ve ever seen!  The kids had so much fun.

After our playdate, we had Sunday dinner at my parents’ house… it was nice to take a short break from single parenting for the day and turn them over to the grandparents while I indulged in a glass of wine.  Hehe.

Hopefully I’ll be back tomorrow to link up with Momfessionals for her Show and Tell Tuesday post.  I haven’t joined this link-up, but I really love tomorrow’s topic, so hopefully I’ll have time to share with you the five people who I would invite to a dinner party.  I’m sure those of you who know me can probably easily guess a couple of them…  


  1. Looks like a nice weekend! Love all the pics of the kids, they are so so cute!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! The pizza from the first picture making my mouth water. I am ready for lunch. Looks like you guys had a ton of fun at the park! And had a gorgeous day for it.

    1. Yes, it was a picture perfect day, weather-wise, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for another one this weekend. :o)


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