
Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Show & Tell Tuesday

Hey everybody, look at me… I made it back for another post!  Brian is still in NYC and I’m still jealous a single momma, but luckily I prepared this post in advance... good thing, since I crashed shortly after the kiddos went to bed last night! 

I’m linking up with Momfessionals for Show & Tell Tuesday, and today’s topic is, “The Five People You’d Invite to a Dinner Party at Your House.”   

To be honest, I really didn’t have to think very hard about this one! 

O N E – Dave Matthews 

Well this one is a no-brainer!  I’ve been listening to Dave Matthews Band since I was twelve years old – ever since I got their “Under the Table and Dreaming” album through BMG.  (Someone please tell me that you remember BMG where you could get twelve CDs for the price of one and they would just mail them to your house?!  Meeeemorieeees!)  From the first time I listened, I was hooked, and they have been my favorite ever since.  I’ve seen them in concert nineteen times since 2002 and I never tire of it.  I will die if they ever stop touring.  Which, one day, I’m well aware that they will.  And I’m already preparing myself for that day.   

Dave Matthews is definitely one of a kind.  His facial expressions alone are reason enough for me to want to meet him.  But also, he plays a ton of different musical instruments, he writes painfully beautiful song lyrics, he’s extremely charismatic, and yet he also seems to have a little bit of a dark, brooding side… he seems like he is somewhat of a tortured soul, and I think that’s part of what makes him so interesting.  OH – and he can scat for pete’s sake!  Who doesn't love that?!  I would love to have a chance to pick his brain and find out what goes on in that head of his.  And I would love it even more if he would sing to me.  Or write a song for me.  Or let me have his babies.  I’M KIDDING.  I think… ;o)

T W O – Justin Timberlake 

I have to say, if JT and Dave Matthews were in opposite rooms from each other and I could only choose one door to open, it would be a tough, tough decision… I’m not gonna lie.  This boy does it all and I’ve seen it up close and personal at two of his concerts.  He’s amazing – he can sing, he can dance, he can play every instrument known to man, and best of all – he’s H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S!  I just don’t think that anyone could disagree with that whether they like him or not…  I mean, have you SEEN him on Saturday Night Live?!  #BringItOnInToOmeletteville  


I loved NSYNC, but I always thought JT was kind of goofy looking back in those days, but I’m here to tell ya – in 2006, he definitely brought sexy back and he’s been carrying it around with him ever since.  I love love LOVE him and he seems incredibly down to earth.  You don’t ever hear people saying that he was a diva or a disappointment in real life like you hear about other celebrities.  So JT, if you’re reading this, feel free to contact me any time.  You can bring Jessica and the baby, too!

T H R E E – Jimmy Fallon 

Well obviously I love him, too!  Plus, he and JT are friends, so if they both came to my dinner party, it would probably be too much comedy to handle.  I just know that they would have the rest of us rolling on the floor with laughter.  Have y’all seen Jimmy and JT do their History of Rap performances?!  AH-mazing.  AAAAND to top it all off, Jimmy does a mean Dave Matthews impression.  And he sings and plays instruments, too!  What more could I need?!  Those three would have a blast together!

F O U R – Courteney Cox & Matthew Perry 

I’m just going to consider them a package deal because, come on guys, it’s Monica and Chandler!  Those two will forever be my favorite TV couple, and my favorite TV actors in general.  There will never be another show as good as Friends… I’ve probably seen every single episode at least twenty times.  Crazy, I know, but I grew up with them, and Friends was always something I turned on when I was sad or mad or stressed because I knew that it would always put me in a better mood.  It was comfortable, it was familiar, and it never failed to make me laugh.  The name for that show could not be more fitting, and these two will forever feel like family to me.

F I V E – Pope Francis 

Last, but definitely not least, I would invite Pope Francis… he has to be one of the most inspiring people alive right now.  I love how he embraces all walks of life – all people, all races, all religions, and that his main message is empathy.   

I think that Time Magazine summed it up best last year when they included him in their 100 Most Influential People article, “Pope Francis reminds us in ways that words alone cannot that no matter our station in life, we are bound by moral obligations to one another. His example challenges us to live out those obligations through work — to alleviate poverty, reduce inequality and promote peace; to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, care for the sick and open new doors of opportunity and visions of possibility for everyone. His message of love and inclusion, his regard for “the least of these,” distills the essence of Jesus’ teachings and is a tonic for a cynical age. May we heed his humble example.”    

We could all learn a lot from this man, and I would love for him to come to my dinner party and teach me his ways.  Plus, I would also love to see him cut up with Jimmy and JT.  ;o)

So, to sum things up – I like people who make music, I like people who make me laugh, and I like people who are pro world peace.  What more could a person want?


  1. JT is incredibly talented there's no denying that!

    Love that you have Courtney and Matthew together. They were such an amazing TV couple. Friends is such a classic!!

  2. I would love to have a dinner with Justin Timberlake and Jimmy Fallon! How much fun would they be?!? Especially together. And Pope Francis is a great one too! Love how he seems more open in his views!

    1. Yes, I love how Pope Francis is more open with his views as well. He seems like a pretty cool guy!

  3. JT and Jimmy Fallon would be awesome guests for dinner!! Imagine all the laughter! =)

    1. Yes, they crack me up every time they're together on TV... they should have their own show together!

  4. Oh my gosh JT and Jimmy fallon at dinner would be amazing!!! The jokes and the singing!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

    1. Yep, Jimmy should totally hire JT to be his co-host for The Tonight Show. :o)

  5. Honestly with JT and Jimmy who else do we need?! They could entertain me for hours on end. Love Monica & Chandler too!

    1. Yep, now I'm sad that I don't actually get to host this party. Lol.

  6. Pope Francis is such a unique choice and such a great one! He is so interesting, thoughtful, and compassionate. I think more of the world could benefit from following in his example!

  7. Chandler and Monica would be perfect!! What a fun dinner that would be!

    1. Yep, I should have mentioned that they should come in character. It would be a hoot!

  8. Oh my goodness, I want Chandler and Monica at my dinner!! Great list!

    - Seri

    1. Well if I ever get in touch with them, I'll invite you to mine. ;o)


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