
Monday, October 19, 2015

A Perfect Weekend

A not-so-happy Monday to you today.  I’m coming to you live from Sickville.  Last night my throat started feeling questionable, and this morning I woke up with the full-blown crud – sore throat, stuffy nose, and a cough… the works.  I’m so glad it held out long enough for me to get through the weekend, though, because we sure did have a great one! 

Friday evening, Jacob’s school had their fall carnival so we spent the evening in a sea of blow-up slides and bouncy houses, loud music, and food trucks.  Olivia was terribly cranky because she wasn’t big enough to partake in the bouncing festivities, so Brian and I spent the evening handing her back and forth and trying to keep her entertained while Jacob bounced and slid to his little heart’s content.  He was so crushed when it was time to go that he had a full-fledged meltdown right there in the parking lot. 

Saturday morning we were lazy.  I neglected my list of things to do in favor of some much needed couch time with the littles while Brian was at tennis.  The three of us snuggled in our Halloween PJs and watched The Polar Express per Jacob’s request.  I may have listened to a smidge of Christmas music earlier this week, so who am I to deny him of his Christmas movie?

Saturday afternoon, I got the garage cleaned out while the babies napped, and then we all got ready and went to church.  Church, as always, was an adventure with the two babies, but once we popped Olivia’s paci in, it wasn’t near as bad.  We hate having to go that route since we’re trying to wean her off of it, but desperate times, right? 

After church, we picked up our favorite pizza, poured some wine (and milk for the kiddos) and watched our Dawgs beat Missouri in a "battle of the field goals."  #MostOverusedPhraseOfTheEntireWeekend  #ImTalkingToYouBrentMusburger   

At least we won, though. 

Sunday morning was another lazy morning.  The babies wanted to read all of their fall and Halloween books and I happily obliged.  I love that they want to be festive for the holidays and I sure hope that they always do.  That’s one thing that I will never outgrow.

We finally abandoned the couch around 11 and got ready to head out to enjoy the gorgeous weather.  It was our first truly cool day (aside from the disastrous torrential rainy weekend that we had a couple of weeks ago), so it was perfect for busting out the sweaters and scarves.  And y’all, may I please say that I’m enjoying the mess out of twinning with my baby girl?  I’ve dreamed of this my entire life and it’s finally happening.  I know she’ll probably die of embarrassment if I suggest doing this when she’s a little older, so I’m just going to enjoy it as much as I can while she’ll still let me.

For lunch, we took the kids for Chinese for the first time.  Olivia scarfed down her sweet and sour chicken and fried rice (in her sunglasses, of course), but Jacob wasn’t impressed.  He ate a few bites and declared that he was done.  He did enjoy finding a piece of paper in his fortune cookie, and he loved the fan that they gave him afterward, but as we were leaving, when I asked him if he enjoyed trying something new, without hesitation he replied very matter-of-factly, “No.”   


Playground time was next and we stayed longer than usual because the weather was absolutely gorgeous.  I don’t think that any of us wanted to go inside.

After naptime, we headed to my parents’ house for dinner, and my grandmother joined us again.  She keeps an envelope full of stickers in her purse so she can give some to the kids every time they see her.  They were both covered!  The kids just adore her and I am so thankful that they get to spend so much time with her.

This weekend was the perfect mix of relaxation, fall activities, and getting stuff done, and I’m already ready for the next one!  Hopefully my crud will be gone before then, and hopefully I won’t have passed it on to someone else by then.  Have a great week, everyone!
Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun weekend, and yes, if you had to get sick, I guess Monday is better than the weekend! Hope you are better soon friend!

    The pics of the kids in their halloween jammies are adorable and I'm glad you guys got some cool weather! And that pic of the kids with your Grandma looking for stickers is priceless!


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