
Friday, October 16, 2015

Five On Friday

First of all, thank you so much for the sweet emails and comments on my post about miscarriage yesterday.  This is exactly why I love blogging… I just started seven months ago and I’ve already made some amazing friends in this community.  I’m thankful for every single one of you. 

Now, down to business.  This is probably going to be the most random Five On Friday yet… I’m all over the map today! 

O N E  

Jacob has taken an interest in cooking.  He’s always loved to bake with me, but recently he has also started asking to watch me prepare dinner.  He loves to open and close the spices and help me pour in the ingredients, and I love the extra time I get to spend with him.  I have a love-hate relationship with cooking… I love providing for my family, but I hate that it takes up time that I could be spending with them.  Cooking with Jacob allows me to do both at once.  :o)   

Brian snapped this pic of us this past week while we were doing our thang.  (Please excuse my messy pony, workout clothes, and roots that are screaming for highlights… I’m getting my hair did next week.  #MomLife) 

T W O  

Well, Olivia has officially jumped on board the Frozen train.  Unbelievable given that she’s only 19 months old. 

Jacob has loved it for a good year or so now, and he used to request “The Frozen Song” over and over and over in the car, but lately it has taken a back seat to “The Boys Round Here” by Blake Shelton.  I swear, I can't make this stuff up. 

Anyhoo, just when Brian and I thought that we were finally going to get a break from letting the storms rage oooon, Olivia has now made it her priority to hear it every single time we get in the car.  

From the moment the doors close, she starts.  “Fro-sin?  Fro-sin?”  And she says it repeatedly until we start the song.  Once it plays in its entirety we hear, “Fro-sin?  Fro-sin?”  

We are seriously never going to get away from it. 

Luckily, we’ve always played the Pentatonix version of it for them, so it’s a little more tolerable.   

Looks like nothing else is ever going to top the list of most played songs in my iTunes library.

T H R E E 

Speaking of Frozen, Olivia has also taken a liking to Anna in addition to loving the song.  Therefore, we decided to let her be Anna for Halloween.  I usually love for our Halloween costumes to have a theme, but this year, Jacob begged to be Spiderman, and since we already did the superhero theme last year, we didn’t want to do it again.  

I found this Spiderman costume on Amazon for Jacob, and this Anna costume at Target for Olivia.  They’re both going to be adorable, but my Type A sure is dying a little inside since their costumes are not going to coordinate.  Guess I just need to Let It Goooo!

F O U R   

I’m sure that I’ve mentioned before that my daddy is an artist… he sure was blessed with a gift.  He is incredibly talented.   

This past weekend, he entered a couple of paintings at the Georgia National Fair, and he won first place for one of them!  I’m so proud of him, and I'm glad that he got the recognition that he very much deserves.

F I V E 

Finally, in last week’s Five On Friday post, I had several questions about my nail polish color in my last picture so I thought I would share it with all of you.  The brand is N.Y.C. and the shade is Park Ave.  It is easily my all-time favorite fall nail polish color.  The polish is not a high end brand, but with two coats plus a gel setter topcoat, it holds up surprisingly better than some of my Essie polishes.  You can find it here.

Happy weekend, y'all!

Linking up with A Liz Adventures for Five On Friday and A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites.


  1. Wow, your dad's artwork is awesome!!! So cool! It is amazing how popular Frozen is with kids'd think there would be a new thing by now! Such a cute picture if you two cooking is definitely more fun with others!

  2. OMG I feel ya on the costumes not coordinating! I had to let that go last year so this year it's a little easier on me, ha ha.

    Brayden use to love helping me cook but that got away somehow, I need to incorporate that again because it really is good bonding time (even if dinner takes 3x as long to make lol)

    And that is so awesome for your Dad!!

    Have a great weekend! We've been sick as heck this week which is why I've been MIA :)

  3. Congrats to your dad, that is awesome! And so sweet that Jacob wants to cook with you! I need a new nail polish so I'll have to try this. I find that cheap nail polish often works better than Essie too!

  4. Congrats to your Dad; that is so awesome and he should be really proud!! Also, love that Jacob likes cooking with you. I'm really hoping as Ben gets older he wants to help me out too. I think it'll be a fun and valuable thing to do together. Also, Ben has that Batman shirt (baby size) and it's my husband's favorite tshirt on Ben! Haha. Have a great weekend!

  5. So sweet that Jacob is loving helping you cook! They will look darling in their halloween costumes!

  6. I always find that essie polishes just dont hold up well - but there is a color i have by the same brand that is amazing I need to check that one out! I love the outfits you picked for the kids!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston


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