
Monday, June 27, 2016

Blazing Hot Weekend

This weekend was another relaxed and laid back weekend.  Friday evening B had a tennis match so I stayed home with the kiddos.  It would have been nice to go watch him play, but it was 99 degrees outside (literally) so we decided to forego the match for the air conditioning and a little bit of baking.  We made Mel's Blueberry Lemon Sour Cream Muffins to have for breakfast Saturday and Sunday and they definitely didn’t disappoint!

B picked up some Bojangles on the way home and I put the kiddos down for bed so we were able to eat our chicken and biscuits in peace, just the two of us.  After dinner we kicked back on the couch and watched Age of Adeline.  That movie was fantastic, you guys!  Fantastic.  If you haven’t seen it do yourself a favor and check it out. 

Saturday morning we made some eggs and bacon to go along with our muffins and then we hung out around the house.  The babies watched some cartoons, B did some bill paying and catching up on some household stuff, and I worked on cleaning out some more of the files in my office.  It was too hot to go anywhere or spend any time outside, so we didn’t even leave until it was time to go to church.

We went to church at 5:30 and then had dinner with my parents at our favorite BBQ place, and on the way home we stopped by DQ to let the kids get some mini Blizzards for dessert.

While walking through the parking lot of the BBQ place, Olivia bent down and picked up a pebble from the ground.  She and Jacob love rocks and they are constantly picking them up and bringing them home to add to their collection so when my mom told me, “I just want you to know that Olivia picked up a pebble and she wants to bring it in the car” I didn’t think anything of it.

Well thank goodness she had told us because on the short drive to DQ Brian heard Olivia say, “The rock is in my nose.”  When I realized what was going on I whipped around in my seat and she was sticking her little finger up her nose and then she said it again.  “The rock is in my nose.”  I told B to floor it and get us parked ASAP.  When we pulled in, B and I both jumped out and ran over to her.  B reached her before I did and he looked up in there and said, “No, there’s no rock in there.”  So I pushed him out of the way and tilted her head back to look. 

Oh, there was a rock in there.  It was way in there. 

So far that you could barely see it, let alone tell that it was a rock.

I look at B and said, "Well, it looks like we'll be spending our Saturday evening in the ER.” 

Fortunately I was wrong.  I pinched her good nostril closed with my finger and then I told her to blow as hard as she could.  However, her first instinct was to suck so I started screaming, “Noooo!”  Then I told her to blow like she was blowing her nose.  She did it and the pebble came down just enough for me to peel her nostril back and pull it out.  Lawd have mercy, I think I grew 20 grey hairs during the five minute ordeal.  A) Thank goodness my mom had told me that she had the rock, and B) thank goodness Brian had heard her say that she put it in her nose.  Who knows what would have happened if neither of those things had occurred.  As my mom said when I immediately called her to tell her what had happened, “All’s well that ends well.”

We went ahead with the Blizzard buying and then headed home to eat them.  Then B and I put the babies down for bed and watched one of our old favorite movies, This is 40.  That movie just cracks me up.  I heart Paul Rudd so much.

Sunday we hung around the house in the morning and then we had Five Guys for lunch.  After lunch, we ran to Lowe’s where we finally bought some paint for Jacob’s big boy room.  You may remember this post that I did forever ago… yep, we’re finally just now getting started.

After Lowe’s we took the kids to one of our favorite playgrounds only to find that they had redone the whole thing.  It’s now more little kid friendly and there’s a whole lot more to do, so we were all excited.  We let the kids play for a few minutes and then we walked over to the baseball fields to watch our nephew play in his All Stars game.  It was blazing hot again so we sweated and bought some Kona Ices to keep cool.  We didn’t get to stay for the whole game because we had to leave to get home for Olivia’s nap, but we did get to stay for about half of the game and we got to see our nephew hit two triples so that was cool.  They ended up winning the game, so now they get to go to the finals this week.  Exciting!

We ended Sunday with spaghetti and bread and salad and wine and good music at my parents’ house.  My parents had gotten the kids their very own dry erase boards with sets of markers and they were so excited.  Maybe a little too excited...

As we were all sitting around the dinner table, the kids took off to draw on their boards and a few minutes later I heard my brother say, "Ummmm, your kids look like Jackson Pollock paintings."  I ran into the living room and this is what I saw:

OMG.  It was everywhere.  Olivia had even "painted" her toenails with the markers.  Sigh... never a dull moment!  But hey, it opened up the opportunity to snap some crazy pics to show her future husband!  She even compared her body art to her uncle's.  Hehe.

It was a great weekend!  And it also felt long for some reason which never happens!

Happy work week, everybody!

*Linking up with B Loved Boston for Weekending.


  1. Olivia sure knows how to add a little extra excitement to your weekend! Oh my goodness - so glad you didn't have to make a trip to the ER.

  2. I've seen Age of Adeline a few times and love blake lively in it!! I could go for some flavored ice right about now LOL! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Hahahaha! The rock in the nose story is something you'll be able to tell forever! I have a similar story ha! It was nap time in kindergarten and I found a bead on the floor. I put it up my nose and then took it out and gave it to the girl whose mat was beside mine. She put it up her nose (we were all about sharing ha!) and couldn't get it out. She had to go to the school nurse who had to call her mom to take her to the ER. I remember she got to tell us the story the next day at school haha! At least Olivia did it with you around instead of waiting until she was at school and you had to receive a call about it :) Have a great Monday!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  4. What a fun weekend! Definitely want to try those muffins! Kona ice is a great way to cool
    Down on a hot day!

  5. Oh my gosh thank goodness you didn't have to spend Saturday night in the ER!! Kids I tell ya!! The rest of your weekend sounds so nice! Yay for Jacob's big boy room getting started, I cannot wait to see it!

  6. What a weekend you had! First up, thank goodness about the pebble. Oh man. Happy you were able to get it out! It reminds me of the time when we thought Henry swallowed dice...yeah, a call to poison control, a CAT scan and throwing away of all dice over here. We never found them, so yeah... But when Jon asked me yesterday if we had any dice for Monopoly, it brought me back the "dice incident." Seriously. We don't have any dice. Never a dull moment, right?! Oh the joys of being a parent!

    Guuuurl, we randomly watched, This is 40 again this weekend, too! Crazy! Such a good movie. As for the Age of Adeline, we loved it, as well! It was a great movie. I really like Blake Lively's acting skills!

    Have a great week, girlfriend!!!

    1. OMG I would have been FREAKING OUT. Especially since y'all never found it!! Olivia likes to put things in her mouth, too, so I'm surprised we've never had our own dice incident. Lol.

  7. Oh that is so funny that they drew on themselves. I totally would have peed my pants laughing. I love that Olivia was comparing her art to her Uncle's art. Just think you have really cute story to tell. I hope it all washed off ok. My friend's little girl is always saying bad words and I always laugh. So she does it more. They are totally not inviting me over anymore. haha jk

  8. So glad you were able to get the rock out of her nose, geez, how scary!!
    I love the Age of Adaline, such a good movie and Blake Lively can do no wrong in my book! #girlcrush ;)
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  9. Bahaha! Oh my goodness friend. I think I grew 10 gray hairs just reading that. SO scary. I am so glad you were able to get it out unassisted. And then the markers too. Hey, at least she is having a memorable summer :). Happy Monday. Don't get into too much trouble today ;).

  10. Oh my goodness, I was nervous just reading the pebble incident. Ugh! I'm terrified for the amount of those issues we have in our future, hahaha. Looks like a great weekend though, and that new playground looks so cool.

  11. That is so funny seeing the marker incident. I bet we have more of that in the future. I am so glad the pebble incident worked out ok. I would have been scared too. Looks like it was a fun weekend even though it was HOT.

  12. Thank goodness you go the pebble out! PHEW! The marker pictures made me laugh. She likes to explore, huh?!?

    1. Yes, girl. And that is putting it lightly! She is going to be the one to give me a heart attack at a young age. Lol.

  13. OMG i'm dying laughing at the markers ALL over the kids! That will be mine soon I'm sure. We are getting some seriously HOT weather around here too. It's brutal.

    1. Girl, they are so crazy!! Never a dull moment, that's for sure.


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