
Thursday, July 28, 2016

Confessions {7.28.2016}

It's Thursday which means it's time for another round of confessions!  I haven't been doing this enough lately and it always feels good to get everything off my chest.

I confess...

… that I don’t like bath time.  There, I said it.  It hurts my back, my clothes get soaked, the kids get water everywhere, and I get tired of hearing, “stoooop spwashing me, JAY-COB” and, “Oliviaaaa just got water in my eeeeyes!”

… that I can’t stand Instagram now.  Ever since they changed to the new algorithm I barely even check it anymore.  One of my favorite things to do in the evenings used to be scrolling through my feed… I hardly ever missed any posts back then.  Now it’s all so jumbled that it has completely lost its appeal.  I still try to check the pages for the ladies who I’ve been closest with on a daily basis, but some days I even forget to do that.  I feel very disconnected with my blogger friends now and it makes me sad.

… that I totally found a knockoff of this shirt at – wait for it – Sears and it was only $15.  Good thing I didn’t buy the one from the NSale.  And good thing I went into Sears.  I don’t think I’ve been in there in two years!

… that I wish that I had bought this one.  I guess it’s not too late, but I just don’t wanna spend that much on one sweater.

… that I haven’t swept, mopped, or cleaned a toilet in our house in over a month, so I’m going to be spending the rest of my lunch breaks for the week and a few hours this weekend getting on that.  #Ew #SendWine #AndAHousekeeper

… that I cannot stand when people don’t RSVP to parties and events.  We invited all 17 kids in Jacob’s class to the trampoline park for his party this past weekend and do you know how many of those kids’ parents RSVPed?  Three.  THREE.  Out of 17!!  When the lady at the trampoline park called me last week to get the final tally for the party I had to tell her that I had no earthly idea how many people were coming.  And when I told her that, she told me that it happens to pretty much every party they book because nobody has the etiquette to RSVP anymore.  So please, people, if you get an invitation to an event, please RSVP.  It only takes a second.  And it’s totally OK if you’re not going to come… at least tell me you’re not going to come!

… that I am now back in my own SUV again and I’m not loving it.  If you remember, mine had been recalled due to the airbags not being safe, and I was in a rental for 73 days (literally) while they waited for the part to come in.  Well, after driving a massive Toyota Sequoia for 73 days, I now feel like I’m driving a clown car.  And it also feels like my car is going to fall apart when I go 70 on the highway.  And I miss the back-up camera.  And I miss the blue tooth for my phone.  I’m wishing for something fancier and slightly bigger now... but I can’t say that I didn’t see this coming!  

Happy almost weekend!

*Linking up with Sparkles and Lattes and Dispositive Motion for Confessional Thursday and Home of Malones for Thoughts for Thursday.

*This post may contain affiliate links.


  1. Girl, don't get me started on RSVP's. That is one of the first things that I do. Whether it is a yes or no, you best believe I'm RSVPing right away. It is called common courtesy. It drives me up the wall with how rude people are when it comes to that. Ugh.

    Clearly it bothers me! hahaha!

  2. I hate bath time too! Seriously it's the worst. Which is why my kids skip bath night on more than one occasion! The whole RSVP thing kills me too. I've been guilty in the past but recently I've really tried to step it up. Nothing worse than trying to plan a party and not knowing how many are coming!! Also.. Instagram. Seriously. What happened? I get on and see posts from 18 hours ago. No thank you!

  3. Don't get me started on RSVPing either! I don't understand how people just dont do it. So rude and inconsiderate. That's what I am dreading when we have E's party, especially since it may be at our house.

    1. Yes, girl! Good luck! You'll probably be like me and end up with tons of food leftover because you have no clue how much to get!

  4. I am so with you on Instagram. It just annoys me now. I wish I wanted to scroll my feed, I just don't. I also hate bath time. Kids being able to shower independently was like the best day of my life! I still have to wash Em's hair but freedom from that should be coming soon. I also am LONG overdue to mop my kitchen :(. Like eeeewwwww.

    Happy Friday Eve!

  5. I totally feel you about IG - I barely check it anymore either. And seriously, what happened to RSVP etiquette!?! I invited 22 kids from Brayden's class and while alot did come (maybe half) the other half never even replied. I know it was just at our house, but still!!

    That polka dot sweater is so you but I agree, $44 on 1 sweater is just a no, LOL

  6. I'm not a fan of bath time either but thankfully my husband has taken that over. OMG, huge pet peeve here is not RSVPing either! We have I's first birthday coming up and I am still waiting to hear back from a bunch of people. I just don't understand why it's so hard to send a text or email! I'm not even asking you to call me. And if you can't make it totally fine but just say so. Beautifully Candid

  7. I totally agree with you on the lack of RSVPs! It makes it so difficult to plan parties!

  8. I am with you on the RSVPs! Which reminds me I need to do that for a wedding soon!

  9. Haha the bath time comments are so cute, but I feel like it is me saying that. Haha. My girls splash me so much that I am soaking and I have to tell them to stop it. I feel the same way about IG. I want to have a housekeeper too. I struggle to keep up with the chores too. The rsvp thing kills me too. Or they say yes and don't show (more so for weddings). Do you think you will get a new car?

  10. I don't like bath time either! I always try to get my husband to do it lol. And I'm with you on the RSVPs! I didn't have that many people not RSVP for my daughter's party but it is ridiculous how people don't honor the date anymore. Or even RSVP in general! So rude.

  11. Ha, yes baths are a lot of work for sure. And, I totally love the back up cam on my car. It would be so hard to having one and then not because you get so used to it. That's so sad about the RSVP. So annoying! Yay that tomorrow is FRIDAY!

  12. Yes to bath time!!! I love that Mila loves it so much, but I’m not a fan of the back pain and soaked clothes! IG annoys me lately too. I don’t like that the posts aren’t in chronological order any more and I’m also irritated with some shops I follow that post 15 photos in a row and totally clog my feed. I’ve unfollowed a few lately! I actually have the short sleeved version of that Pleione top and I LOVE it - I definitely need to check out the knockoff!!

  13. Does your car have an aux port? If it does, you can get a cord that makes it just like bluetooth!

  14. Yes, yes, YES to the Instagram confession! I hate it so much that they changed it! Definitely wouldn't mind them changing it back to what it was.

  15. Gosh, I dread bath time too... my older one is bathing herself now and I couldn't be happier. And I'm totally with you on the RSVPs.

  16. I feel you on the Instagram sentiment! Also, I drive an older model Cayenne, and while it's a tank and easily speeds on the freeway, it has zero bells and whistles (blue tooth, back-up camera, etc). I love driving new rentals that have the spiffy upgrades!

  17. Your first confession? YES!!! Liam literally flooded the bathroom last night and that was after my husband was at the office until 8 PM. I was so over it!
    The new IG completely sucks. It frustrates me so much! I tried to turn on post notification for some of my favorites but unless I hit that notification as soon as it pops up, it gets replaced by the next one.
    After 11 years of parenting, I've completely given up on receiving RSVP's. I just think of it as a huge surprise. Who is going to show up?!? Haha!
    Sorry you're disliking your car so much. It's always tough when you turn a rental in, because they ALWAYS give you a luxury model!

    1. Oh no!! Sounds like you need a break, momma!

      And yes, IG is KILLING ME. I feel completely out of touch with everyone and I miss following along so much. I guess I should try to turn on post notifications for some like you did. Although, that sounds frustrating that it gets replaced by new ones so you still miss out. Sigh...


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