
Friday, July 29, 2016

Five on Friday - Randoms

Hello and happy Friday!  This week has felt long and I’m ready for the weekend.  B and I have a date night planned Saturday and I could not be more excited!  It’s been two months since our last one, so we’re long overdue. 

I tried to come up with a theme for today’s five, but everything that kept popping in my head to discuss was totally random, so be prepared for this to be all over the map today!

O N E – Back to School

Jacob starts Kindergarten in just a little over a week, so we have been busy making sure that we have everything we need for the big day.  Uniforms?  Check.  School supplies?  Check.  Backpack?  Check. 

One thing I didn’t have to buy for him this year was a backpack because he will be able to use the same one from last year.  I had never purchased a Pottery Barn backpack until last year right before he started K4.  Now I totally see why everyone loves them.  They are so durable.  He used this one for an entire year – and we’re talking slinging it around, dropping it on the ground, and stuffing so full I thought that I thought the zipper would burst, and it still looks brand new. 

Since they are so amazing, I decided to go ahead and get one for Olivia as well.  I was so torn between this one and this one but I ultimately went with the darker one because I think it will hide dirt better.  They have so many cute patterns that it was really hard to decide.  I almost got this one simply because it matched her first birthday party colors as well as her bedroom, and because - gold - but I decided that it was way too light as well… it would probably be filthy within weeks!  I’m hoping to get a good 3 or 4 years out of this one, so hopefully I made the right decision. 

But anyway, if you’re in the market for one, now is the time to buy!  PB is running a sale for 20% off your entire back to school order plus free shipping on backpacks.  They don’t run sales very often so get on over there if you need one.  #NotSponsored #JustLoveTheProduct

T W O – Christmas Shopping

I bought a few Christmas gifts this past week!  While I do think it’s ridiculous that stores like Hobby Lobby already have Christmas decorations out, I don’t think it’s ever too early to start shopping for gifts.  We always have a ton of people to buy for so it makes it easier on me (and our wallet) if I start early and spread out the time it takes and the spending over a few months.  That way I’m not scrambling around at the last minute and stressing out.  Aaaand we’re not paying a massive credit card bill all at once. 

In Olivia’s end of the year assessment, her teacher mentioned that she can play independently with Play-Doh and Play-Doh tools for hours.  Well, we had no idea how much she loved it because we haven’t had Play-Doh in the house since J was tiny.  Soooo, I snagged this set on Amazon along with this tool set, and I also got her a princess puzzle that I saw when I was at TJ Maxx.  Girl loves some princesses and she loves a good puzzle.  And Momma loves that some Christmas gifts have already been purchased.
T H R E E – New Signature

I finally got around to updating my signature for the ol’ blog the other day.  The one I’ve been using since the beginning was something that I threw together super quick and it wasn’t really even consistent with the brand, so I spiced it up just a little.  Remember that sweet new font I told you about last week?  I put it to good use.  A little over the top?  Maybe.  But that’s how I roll.  ;o)

F O U R – Favorite View

Jacob has been enamored with all of his new toys that he received for his birthday, so each evening this week he has been wanting to play with something new.  Wednesday evening when we got home from school, I poured a glass of wine, turned on Michael Buble, lit my favorite summer candle, and started cooking.  At one point I glanced over and Jacob was sitting at the table happily playing with his new kinetic sand set, and I thought, this is it.  Simple every day moments like this one are what life is all about.

F I V E – Jacob’s Big Boy Room

Oh, the struggle.  You may remember that I purchased some superhero letters for Jacob’s room to hang over his bed.  Well, I mounted them to a large board that I had painted white, and hubs and I hung it over his bed a couple of weeks ago.  Every day I have been walking in his room and thinking that a) something just didn’t look right about it… it looks kind of awkward, and b) that the board is really heavy and that it seems really irresponsible to hang something so heavy over Jacob’s precious head while he’s sleeping (even though we took extra precautions when securing it to the wall). 

So, what did I do?  Went to Hobby Lobby, of course!

I fell in love with a pair of red and blue wooden stars and I am going to hang them over the bed along with a smaller name board.  Now that I have finally figured out the game plan, I’m hoping to get it all done this upcoming week so I can share it with all of you soon.

Well friends, I’m out!  Enjoy the weekend! 

*Linking up with A Liz Adventures and Carolina Charm for Five on Friday, A Little Bit of Everything for Friday Favorites,  September Farm and The Farmer's Wife for Oh Hey, Friday, Meet @ the Barre for Friday Favorites, Cup of Tea for High Five for Friday, and Our Pretty Little Girls for Rewind Friday!

*This post may contain affiliate links.


  1. Cash still loves play-doh! He'll play with it for as long as I let him.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Love the backpack!! I should go look for cam! Thanks for the suggestion! Yay for playdoh! We love it too. :) have a great weekend.

  3. PBK has the cutest patterns for girls backpacks!! Boys too but it's just not the same :) My MIL bought each kid the rolling backpack because I wanted them to have it for travel/vacations. Now they each can have their own bag with their own crap in it, LOL

    You're so right about the everyday simple moments, that is what it's truly about!! I always think that to myself too.

    So are you still using the superhero letters or something totally different? I can't wait to see his room!!!

  4. Thanks for the heads up on the play-dough... though we have a love/hate relationship with it around here since whenever we get it out, I'm finding little balls and pieces all. over. the. house. for. days. Good luck with the new bedroom letters :)

  5. Happy Friday! Enjoy date night! I love that you caught that sweet little simple moment. That is what it's all about :) Beautifully Candid

  6. Back to school is one of my favorite times of year! Love the new signature! Cheers to a fabulous weekend! Laura

  7. School starts in a week?! That seems early!

  8. It's never too early to start thinking about x-mas gifts!! Hope you guys have a great date night!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  9. I found your blog through H54F link-up and am so excited to read more from you! Good luck with back to school planning!

  10. I am on the hunt for Aubrey- she starts kindergarten in almost a month- I need to look at PBK! Super cute!

  11. I started Christmas shopping already too, just a few things I tucked away from the big July sales but it does feel good to know you can spread out the cost!

  12. I literally just mentioned to my husband yesterday that we needed to start Christmas shopping already. I can't believe we are even talking about Christmas...this year is just going by so fast!
    Hope y'all have a great weekend!
    xo, Lily
    Beauty With Lily

  13. Love the new signature! I need to work on adding one:) have a great weekend! gg

    1. I'd like to revamp my entire page sometime soon, but I just haven't had time! #momlife

  14. I really want a pre-k backpack for the girls now. They are soooo cute. Thanks for the recommendation. Love your new signature. Those are definitely the days when you can relax, cook, drink wine and the kids are being good. Have a great weekend!

  15. Um, is it wrong that I want the gold and pink backpack for myself?! So cute. Love the one you chose too. And, what a sweet moment you captured while making dinner the other night. It's those moments that make it all...isn't it? Happy weekend Lindsay!

  16. I love the signature and your house is SO pretty!

  17. I LOVE the backpack!! I think you definitely made the right choice! :) Have fun on date night!

    1. Thanks, girl! We just got it in the mail and I love it even more in person!

  18. beautiful view, your house is gorgeous
    kindergarten already?????? school here doesn't start til Sept
    and Christmas shopping?! girl I need to take some notes

  19. We love our Pottery Barn backpacks too!!! And that olive/flower combo is SO perfect! Makes me want to buy a whole new one for Arden ;)

  20. I totally just bought a Christmas present an hour ago. When you find Legos on clearance you don't think, you buy them! Love your new signature too. Hope your weekend was awesome!

  21. I need to order a backpack tonight and these were on my list. I just can't decide what print! I'm glad everyone loves them so much!

  22. That backpack is adorable!!!! You are smart to start your shopping early. I never really think to do it until November. I should really give it a try!

    Visiting from H54F. Ashley @

    1. Yes you should!! It's so much less stressful! Especially when you have a lot of people to buy for. Thanks for stopping by!


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